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지원 담당자와 채팅

SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE 3.8 - User Guide

Introduction Tutorials Preferences Editor Functions SQL Information and Functions Performance Monitor SQL Inspector SQL Collector for Monitor Server SQL Scanner Index Advisor SQL Optimizer
SQL Optimizer Overview Optimization Engine Common Coding Errors in SQL Statements What Function Should l Use to Retrieve the Run Time? Unsatisfactory Performance Results SQL Optimizer Functions SQL Editor Optimized SQL Activity Log
SQL Worksheet SQL Formatter Database Explorer Code Finder Object Extractor SQL Repository Index Impact Analyzer Index Usage Analyzer Configuration Analyzer Migration Analyzer Abstract Plan Manager User-Defined Temp Tables SQL History Legal Information

SQL Collector Functions

SQL Collector for Monitor Server > SQL Collector Functions

Below is a list of available functions within the SQL Collector.

Button or Menu Function

Collector & Right-click Menu


Add Collector

Collector & Right-click Menu


Modify Collector

Monitor Menu

image\B_Monitor.gif image\B_AbortMonitor.gif

Monitor/Abort Monitor

Right-click Menu

Add/Remove Bookmark

Right-click Menu

Ad-hoc Monitor

Right-click Menu

Delete (Collector)

Right-click Menu


Right-click Menu


Right-click Menu


image\B_FirstSQL.gif image\B_PreviousSQL.gif image\B_NextSQL.gif image\B_LastSQL.gif

First SQL / Previous SQL / Next SQL / Last SQL

SQL Menu

Find SQL

SQL Menu

Find Next SQL

Edit Menu


Send to SQL Optimizer

Edit Menu


Send to Index Advisor

Edit Menu


Copy to SQL Worksheet

File Menu

Save SQL to SQL Repository

View Menu


View Menu

Simple SQL

View Menu

Complex SQL

View Menu

Problematic SQL

View Menu

SQL without Plan

Report Menu

Monitored SQL


Related Topics

SQL Scanner

SQL Scanner Overview

SQL Scanner > SQL Scanner Overview

The SQL Scanner is a unique module which extracts SQL statements embedded in applications, database objects or files without any execution of programs. It retrieves and analyzes in batch the query plans for the extracted SQL to categorize the SQL statements according to the complexity of the query plan and suspect levels of performance problems. The SQL Scanner allows you to quickly review SQL in existing code and detect potential SQL performance problems. With this approach, the SQL Scanner allows you to be proactive in the detection of performance problems. The task of extracting, reviewing and analyzing many SQL statements is simplified and automated with the SQL Scanner.

Typically database applications contain thousands of SQL statements. Without the SQL Scanner, you have to extract and review each SQL statement manually. This a very tedious and time consuming task. Once these SQL statements have been extracted, you need to manually analyze each SQL statements query plan to see if the query plan represents a potential performance problem. The SQL Scanner does this task for you.

Once you have identified potentially problematic SQL statements you can send the SQL to the SQL Optimizer, Index Advisor, the SQL Worksheet, or save them to the SQL Repository.


Related Topics


SQL Scanner Window

SQL Scanner > SQL Scanner Window

The SQL Scanner window has 3 panes, a status bar and a toolbar. 

Job List Pane

The grid from the SQL Scanner window stores information on each individual Job in the Group. It displays the following: 

Column Heading Description

File / Database Object


Indicates if the job is selected

Type of job icon and text

image\I_DatabaseObject.gif[Database] [User] Object type -> Object type

image\I_Text-Binary.gif[Database] [User] Text/Binary -> Path/File Name

image\I_COBOL.gif[Database] [User] COBOL -> Path/COBOL File Name

image\I_AbstractPlan.gif[Database] [User] Group -> [Database] [User] APGroup -> Abstract Plan Group

image\I_Monitor.gif Collector -> Collector Name

image\I_Inspector_blue.gif Inspector -> Inspector Name


Displays the current Job status. This column is blank until the Job is scanned. After the Job is scanned it displays the number of SQL statements found.

Valid SQL

Displays the number of valid SQL statements found in the Job. Valid SQL statements are syntactically correct statements recognized by the SQL Scanner, and for which Adaptive Server can provide a query plan. Valid SQL statements are further classified as Simple, Complex and Problematic SQL statements.

Problematic SQL

Displays the number of Problematic SQL statements found.

If the Show Checked SQL figures on the SQL Scanner window option is selected within Preferences you will notice that there are two figures, first one indicates the number of Problematic SQL that have not been checked and the other (enclosed in brackets) is the number of Problematic SQL that have been checked. The total of these two figures represents the total number of Problematic SQL statements.

Complex SQL

Displays the number of Complex SQL statements found.

If the Show Checked SQL figures on the SQL Scanner window option is selected within Preferences you will notice that there are two figures, first one indicates the number of Complex SQL that have not been checked and the other (enclosed in brackets) is the number of Complex SQL that have been checked. The total of these two figures represents the total number of Complex SQL statements.

Simple SQL

Displays the number of Simple SQL statements found.

If the Show Checked SQL figures on the SQL Scanner window option is selected within Preferences you will notice that there are two figures, first one indicates the number of Simple SQL that have not been checked and the other (enclosed in brackets) is the number of Simple SQL that have been checked. The total of these two figures represents the total number of Simple SQL statements.

File Size

Displays the size of the Job in bytes.

Started At

Displays the date and time when the scanning the Job began.

Processing Time

Displays the total time taken to scan the Job. The time displays in the HH24:MI:SS format.

SQL Text Pane 

The left pane of the SQL Scanner window displays the scanned SQL statement for a particular scan Job. The SQL statement is formatted according to SQL Formatter’s indentation algorithm. If more than one SQL statement is found in a Job, there are multiple tabs at the bottom of this pane for selecting the SQL. The tabs are color-coded to the SQL type classification if the Use color tabs for SQL classification option is selected in the Preferences window. Problematic SQL is red. Complex SQL is purple. Simple SQL is green. Invalid SQL is blue. Checked SQL is grey.

SQL Information Pane

The SQL Information Pane provides detailed information about the SQL statement.

Status Bar

The Status Bar at the bottom of the SQL Scanner window contents the following information:

Item Description

Data Directory

Directory path where all the data files produced during scanning are saved. The data directory path can be changed in the Preferences window. While scanning, a progress bar displays to show scanning progress. The upper bar shows the current job progress, while the lower bar shows the total Job status.


Name of the currently opened Scanner Group.

Total Jobs

Total number of Jobs.


Total number of Jobs already scanned.


Total number of Jobs that have not been scanned.


Related Topics

관련 문서
SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE - 3.8
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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