The PostTransferScript is run on the protected machine after transferring a snapshot.
# receiving parameter from transfer job param([object] $TransferPostscriptParameter) # building path to Agent's Common.Contracts.dll and loading this assembly $regLM = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine $regLM = $regLM.OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AppRecovery Agent 5') $regVal = $regLM.GetValue('InstallLocation') $regVal = $regVal + 'Common.Contracts.dll' [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($regVal) | out-null # Converting input parameter into specific object $TransferPostscriptParameterObject = $TransferPostscriptParameter -as [Replay.Common.Contracts.PowerShellExecution.TransferPostscriptParameter]; # Working with input object. All echo's are logged if($TransferPostscriptParameterObject -eq $null) { echo 'TransferPostscriptParameterObject parameter is null' } else { echo 'VolumeNames:' $TransferPostscriptParameterObject.VolumeNames echo 'ShadowCopyType:' $TransferPostscriptParameterObject.ShadowCopyType echo 'ForceBaseImage:' $TransferPostscriptParameterObject.ForceBaseImage echo 'IsLogTruncation:' $TransferPostscriptParameterObject.IsLogTruncation }
The PreExportScript is run on the Core before any export job.
# receiving parameter from export job param([object]$ExportJobRequest) # building path to Core's Common.Contracts.dll and loading this assembly $regLM = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine $regLM = $regLM.OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AppRecovery Core 5') $regVal = $regLM.GetValue('InstallLocation') $regVal = $regVal + 'CoreService\Common.Contracts.dll' [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($regVal) | out-null # Converting input parameter into specific object $ExportJobRequestObject = $ExportJobRequest -as [Replay.Core.Contracts.Export.ExportJobRequest] # Working with input object. All echo's are logged if($ExportJobRequestObject -eq $null) { echo 'ExportJobRequestObject parameter is null' } else { echo 'Location:' $ExportJobRequestObject.Location echo 'Priority:' $ExportJobRequestObject.Priority }
The PostExportScript is run on the Core after any export job.
NOTE: There are no input parameters for the PostExportScript when used to run once on the exported protected machine after initial startup. The regular protected machine should contain this script in the PowerShell script folder as PostExportScript.ps1. |
# receiving parameter from export job param([object]$ExportJobRequest) # building path to Core's Common.Contracts.dll and loading this assembly $regLM = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine $regLM = $regLM.OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AppRecovery Core 5') $regVal = $regLM.GetValue('InstallLocation') $regVal = $regVal + 'CoreService\Common.Contracts.dll' [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($regVal) | out-null $regVal2 = $regLM.GetValue('InstallLocation') $regVal2 = $regVal2 + 'CoreService\Common.Contracts.dll' # Converting input parameter into specific object $ExportJobRequestObject = $ExportJobRequest -as [Replay.Core.Contracts.Export.ExportJobRequest] # Working with input object. All echo's are logged if($ExportJobRequestObject -eq $null) { echo 'ExportJobRequestObject parameter is null' } else { echo 'VolumeImageIds:' $ExportJobRequestObject.VolumeImageIds echo 'RamInMegabytes:' $ExportJobRequestObject.RamInMegabytes }
The PreNightlyJobScript is run before every nightly job on Core side. It contains the parameter $JobClassName, which helps to handle those child jobs separately.
# receiving parameters from Nightlyjob param([System.String]$JobClassMethod , [object]$NightlyAttachabilityJobRequest, [object]$RollupJobRequest, [object]$Agents, [object]$ChecksumCheckJobRequest, [object]$TransferJobRequest, [int]$LatestEpochSeenByCore) # building path to Core's Common.Contracts.dll and loading this assembly $regLM = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine $regLM = $regLM.OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AppRecovery Core 5') $regVal = $regLM.GetValue('InstallLocation') $regVal = $regVal + 'CoreService\Common.Contracts.dll' [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($regVal) | out-null <# Nightlyjob has four child jobs: NightlyAttachability Job, Rollup Job, Checksum Check Job and Log Truncation Job. All of them are triggering the script, and $JobClassMethod (contains job name that calls the script) helps to handle those child jobs separately #> switch ($JobClassMethod) { # working with NightlyAttachability Job NightlyAttachabilityJob { $NightlyAttachabilityJobRequestObject = $NightlyAttachabilityJobRequest -as [Replay.Core.Contracts.Sql.NightlyAttachabilityJobRequest]; echo 'Nightly Attachability job results:'; if($NightlyAttachabilityJobRequestObject -eq $null) { echo 'NightlyAttachabilityJobRequestObject parameter is null'; } else { echo 'AgentIds:' $NightlyAttachabilityJobRequestObject.AgentIds; echo 'IsNightlyJob:' $NightlyAttachabilityJobRequestObject.IsNightlyJob; } break; } # working with Rollup Job RollupJob { $RollupJobRequestObject = $RollupJobRequest -as [Replay.Core.Contracts.Rollup.RollupJobRequest]; echo 'Rollup job results:'; if($RollupJobRequestObject -eq $null) { echo 'RollupJobRequestObject parameter is null'; } else { echo 'SimultaneousJobsCount:' $RollupJobRequestObject.SimultaneousJobsCount; echo 'AgentIds:' $RollupJobRequestObject.AgentIds; echo 'IsNightlyJob:' $RollupJobRequestObject.IsNightlyJob; } $AgentsCollection = $Agents -as "System.Collections.Generic.List``1[System.Guid]" if($AgentsCollection -eq $null) { echo 'AgentsCollection parameter is null'; } else { echo 'Agents GUIDs:' foreach ($a in $AgentsCollection) { echo $a } } break; } # working with Checksum Check Job ChecksumCheckJob { $ChecksumCheckJobRequestObject = $ChecksumCheckJobRequest -as [Replay.Core.Contracts.Exchange.ChecksumChecks.ChecksumCheckJobRequest]; echo 'Exchange checksumcheck job results:'; if($ChecksumCheckJobRequestObject -eq $null) { echo 'ChecksumCheckJobRequestObject parameter is null'; } else { echo 'RecoveryPointId:' $ChecksumCheckJobRequestObject.RecoveryPointId; echo 'AgentIds:' $ChecksumCheckJobRequestObject.AgentIds; echo 'IsNightlyJob:' $ChecksumCheckJobRequestObject.IsNightlyJob; } break; } # working with Log Truncation Job TransferJob { $TransferJobRequestObject = $TransferJobRequest -as [Replay.Core.Contracts.Transfer.TransferJobRequest]; echo 'Transfer job results:'; if($TransferJobRequestObject -eq $null) { echo 'TransferJobRequestObject parameter is null'; } else { echo 'TransferConfiguration:' $TransferJobRequestObject.TransferConfiguration; echo 'StorageConfiguration:' $TransferJobRequestObject.StorageConfiguration; } echo 'LatestEpochSeenByCore:' $LatestEpochSeenByCore; break; } }
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