The Quest KACE Systems Deployment Appliance (KACE SDA, formerly known as K2000) upgrade path from 3.3 GA to the current version.
If you are behind on updates, consider starting over on a new SDA on the latest version,
Please follow our normal recommended upgrade steps:
NOTE: RSAs follow the same upgrade path, we recommend not to upgrade the main SDA more than two versions above the RSA.
Example: If your KACE SDA is on version 6.0.x and the RSAs are on version 5.1.x, DO NOT Upgrade the KACE SDA to version 6.1, until all your RSAs are upgraded to version 6.0.x.
Upgrading the main KACE SDA more than two versions above the RSA and then trigger a Sync Task (Manual or Scheduled), may require you to sync all the data to the RSAs again.
Only sync data if the SDA and RSA are running the same version.
See these Knowledge Base articles for more details:
Follow the steps below to upgrade an SDA to the latest version (the path applies to both physical and virtual appliances).
Any SDA versions between the listed steps should be able to go to next version listed (All updates will be located under the UPDATES section). If you need an update that is not listed under the Software Downloads page on our portal, please contact support.
Note: Version 9.3 and higher will no longer support running on Dell Hardware. In order to upgrade to 9.3, a migration to VMWare/Hyper-V is required.
Tip: It is recommended to perform a graceful reboot from the WebUI (Settings-> Appliance Maintenance. Under Power Management click on "Reboot") for the SDA before applying an update/upgrade.
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