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In this What's New in 6.1 video, we will cover the enhancements related to configuration & security.
The new configuration and security enhancements, are:
The Systems Deployment Appliance has improved network configuration functionality.
First, the appliance now supports the use of a 10 gig network interface cards
Secondly, the SDA also now supports more than two interfaces, up to 8 of which can be aggregated together.Additionally, you can choose one connection as the web interface, and another as the deployment interface.
There is also a new brute force security setting which allows you to temporarily disable user accounts after a prescribed number of failed login attempts.
Finally, we've added the ability to initiate a KACE Support tether from within the appliance, in advance of submitting your support request.
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Recommended Content
KACE Systems Deployment Appliance
Configuration, Best Practices
Article History:
Created on: 11/11/2018 Last Update on: 5/7/2023
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