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Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - User Guide

Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows)
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Network Name (Path) Not Found

On connecting to a Windows 2000 machine, if Spotlight returns the following error:

Network name not found


Network path not found


Ensure the Remote Registry service is running on the Windows machine.

Spotlight on Windows will return this error if you attempt to connect to a Windows 2000 machine that has the Remote Registry service stopped.


Related Topics

Connecting As The Logged-in User

To connect to a Windows machine as a user who is already logged in, do NOT enter any user credentials (Domain, User or Password) in the Connection Properties window.


  • Spotlight on Windows requires Administrator access on all the Windows machines under diagnosis. If the current user is not an administrator on a machine, that Spotlight connection will fail.
  • Windows connections can only have one set of credentials in use at a time. If a user connects to a machine by using NO user name and password, and then disconnects and reconnects with an Administrator password, Windows returns an ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT error.

    For example, if you have mapped a drive to the machine \\serverA\share while logged in as serverA\administrator, you CANNOT map another drive to the same machine while logged in as serverA\user.

    You can, however, connect to the same machine with different credentials if you map to the machine via its IP address.

    In the example above, if serverA has the IP address, you CAN employ the net use command to connect to the machine \\\share as serverA\user.


Related Topics

WMI Connection Problems

If Spotlight on Windows is displaying a WMI access denied error, and the user specified in the connection profile is an administrator on that machine then it may be necessary to adjust your DCOM or Firewall settings.

Complete the following steps to ensure that your DCOM and Firewall settings are configured to allow WMI connections.

To test WMI is working on the Spotlight client:

  1. Click Start | Run.
  2. Enter WBEMTest to run the WMI Tester Utility.
  3. Click Connect | Connect.
  4. If an Access is denied error is displayed you do not have rights to make WMI connections. In this case, check (and adjust if necessary) your local DCOM setting (see below).

To check the DCOM access permissions for the monitored machine:

  1. Login to the monitored machine.
  2. Click Start | Run.
  3. Enter DCOMCnfg to run the DCOM configuration utility.
  4. Select Component Services.
  5. Click .
  6. Click COM Security.
  7. Under Access Permissions, click Edit Permission.

    Ensure Remote Access is set to Allow for the user specified in the connection profile (or the group containing this user).

  8. Under Launch and Activation Permissions, click Edit Permission.

    Ensure Remote Launch and Remote Activation are set to Allow for the user.

    For more information, seeSecuring a Remote WMI Connection on the MSDN site.

To check if Windows Firewall is active on the Spotlight client:

  1. Open the Control Panel | Windows Firewall.
  2. If Windows Firewall is on, see Connecting Through Windows Firewall on the MSDN site for information on how to configure the firewall to allow WMI connections.

For further information, see How to troubleshoot WMI-related issues in Windows XP SP2 on the Microsoft site. 


Related Topics

Issues Monitoring A Windows Machine

Spotlight is a powerful diagnostic and problem-resolution tool for Windows operating systems. Its unique user interface provides you with an intuitive, visual representation of the activity on the host machine.

For information on Spotlight on Windows, see these sections



Background Information

Introductory material to Spotlight on Windows.

Connect to a Windows System Create / Modify / Delete connections to Windows systems.
Home Page The Spotlight home page shows the flow of information and commands between various sub-components and the size and status of internal resources such as processes, disk files and memory structures.

Spotlight alerts you to problems with your system by issuing an alarm. You can configure Spotlight in the level of severity that constitutes an alarm, to disable an alarm, and the actions Spotlight takes on raising the alarm.

Drilldowns When you have isolated a problem, you can display a drilldown page, whose charts and tables provide a detailed breakdown of the underlying statistics.
View | Options Customize Spotlight.
Troubleshooting Solve problems using Spotlight.

For information on using Spotlight applications See

Spotlight Basics


Related Documents
Spotlight on DB2 - 6.9.3
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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