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Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - User Guide

Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows)
New in This Release Getting started with Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Desktop features specific to Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW drilldowns
About Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW drilldowns Buffer Pool Analysis drilldown Client Application Analysis drilldown Database Analysis drilldown Database Manager Summary drilldown Diagnostic Log drilldown FCM Analysis drilldown Tablespace Analysis drilldown Top SQL drilldown Operating System drilldown Workload Management Analysis drilldown
Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW alarms Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Options Tuning SQL statements in Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW
Spotlight Basics
Spotlight Connections Monitor Spotlight Connections Alarms Charts, Grids And Home Page Components View | Options Troubleshooting
Spotlight History Spotlight on Windows
Connect to Windows Systems Background Information Home Page Alarms Drilldowns View | Options Troubleshooting
Spotlight on Unix About us Third-party contributions Copyright

Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows)

Welcome to Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows). The help topics in this book cover features available in the interface when Spotlight is connected to a version 9 database.

Spotlight is a powerful database monitoring and diagnostic tool. Its unique user interface provides you with an intuitive, visual representation of the activity on the DB2 databases and database partitions that you choose to monitor. Graphical flows and line and fill graphs illustrate the activity on and between database components. Icons display the value of key statistics. Using the Spotlight browser, you can switch your monitoring focus between the various databases and partitions. Additionally, you can view activity at the DB2 instance level for any of these systems.  

The power of Spotlight lies in its ability to provide visual and audible warnings if the performance metrics exceed acceptable thresholds. The components and dataflows on the home page change color to show you the source of the problem.

A range of reports and graphs provide you with detailed information about a DB2 database, database partition, or the instance to which the database belongs. This information can be viewed on the screen or be printed.

You can set Spotlight options to warn you when a threshold is reached. You can define a number of thresholds so that warning messages are displayed well before the traffic levels into or out of databases become critical.

Spotlight uses a number of different techniques to warn you when your DB2 instance or a database is exceeding a threshold. For example, to issue a warning, you can configure Spotlight to change a color on the home page or drilldown, provide an audible signal, or perform an action, such as send an email message.


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New in This Release

Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW 6.9.3 is a maintenance release with fixed internal bugs. See New in This Release for more information.

Resolved Issues and Enhancements in 6.9.3

Resolved Issue or Enhancement Defect ID
Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit) is now supported Enhancement
IBM DB2 LUW 11.1 is now supported Enhancement
A popup message "unknown function('And')" on adding criteria in Client apps drill down and Tablespace drill down: Fixed SODL-240
Criteria Filter in ClientApplication drilldown: Fixed SODL-257
Spotlight on Unix: Issues with connection to AIX when AuthenticationTypes do not have "SSH_AUTH_TYPE_KEYBOARD" option: Fixed SODL-264
Criteria in Client applications drill down page were removed SODL-73
It is now possible to disable UNICODE support in ADO connection settings.ini file to override DB2_IMPLICIT_UNICODE=YES setting SODL-241

Getting started with Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW

Welcome to Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows). The help topics in this book cover features available in the interface when Spotlight is connected to a version 9 database.

Spotlight is a powerful database monitoring and diagnostic tool. Its unique user interface provides you with an intuitive, visual representation of the activity on the DB2 databases and database partitions that you choose to monitor. Graphical flows and line and fill graphs illustrate the activity on and between database components. Icons display the value of key statistics. Using the Spotlight browser, you can switch your monitoring focus between the various databases and partitions. Additionally, you can view activity at the DB2 instance level for any of these systems.  

The power of Spotlight lies in its ability to provide visual and audible warnings if the performance metrics exceed acceptable thresholds. The components and dataflows on the home page change color to show you the source of the problem.

A range of reports and graphs provide you with detailed information about a DB2 database, database partition, or the instance to which the database belongs. This information can be viewed on the screen or be printed.

You can set Spotlight options to warn you when a threshold is reached. You can define a number of thresholds so that warning messages are displayed well before the traffic levels into or out of databases become critical.

Spotlight uses a number of different techniques to warn you when your DB2 instance or a database is exceeding a threshold. For example, to issue a warning, you can configure Spotlight to change a color on the home page or drilldown, provide an audible signal, or perform an action, such as send an email message.


Related topics

Required authority or privileges to run Spotlight

Spotlight either calls DB2 snapshot APIs (for DB2 for LUW 8) or invokes IBM table functions (for DB2 for LUW 9) to collect the raw processing data that it then translates into meaningful performance information. To run Spotlight, you need any one of the following authorities on each DB2 instance you are monitoring:







  • SYSMON (or privileges equivalent to SYSMON authority)

Note: Spotlight on IBM® DB2® LUW installation does not create any database objects. Therefore, aside from the required user authority, Spotlight does not grant or require any additional privileges on objects.

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