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Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - User Guide

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Catalog Cache Overflows alarm

The Catalog Cache Overflows alarm becomes active when an insert fails because the cache is full. Catalog cache space becomes available again when table descriptor information that is not being used is purged from the cache.

Note: Once a transaction has a catalog cache overflow event, every ensuing attempt by the same transaction to insert table descriptor information into the cache will also result in an overflow. The transaction involved will continue, but its descriptor information will not be inserted.

This alarm has been predefined with a Low severity level. The underlying metric for this alarm can be adjusted to suit your environment by using the Metric Editor.

What you can do

  • Large overflows—The cache could be of inadequate size for the workload. Try enlarging the cache to improve performance.

  • Large transactions—If you have transactions that are compiling a large number of SQL statements that reference a lot of tables, views, and aliases in a single unit of work, try compiling fewer SQL statements in a single transaction. This may improve the performance of the cache without having to increase its size.

  • Binding packages—If you are binding packages that contain a large number of SQL statements that look up a lot of tables, views or aliases, try splitting your packages to include fewer SQL statements. This may improve the performance of the cache without having to increase its size.

Click the Catalog Cache component to open the Databases drilldown. This drilldown provides details about the database or partition you are monitoring. The Caching tab on the drilldown is in immediate focus to help you pinpoint problems related to catalog cache usage in the database or partition.


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DMS Container Percentage alarm

The DMS Container Percentage alarm becomes active when the percentage of utilized Database Managed Space (DMS) approaches the total amount of DMS storage in the DB2 instance.

The thresholds are predefined as follows:

  • Threshold 1—The zero to 69 percent range. The percentage of DMS space utilized is low. No alarms are raised.

  • Threshold 2—The 70 to 79 percent range. This raises the low (severity 4) alarm stating, The percentage of DMS space utilized is moderate.

  • Threshold 3—The 80 to 89 percent range. This raises the medium (severity 5) alarm stating, The percentage of DMS space utilized is high.

  • Threshold 4—The 90 to 100 percent range. This raises the high (severity 6) alarm stating, The percentage of DMS space utilized is very high.

The underlying metrics for this alarm can be adjusted to suit your environment by using the Metric Editor.

What you can do

Access the Tablespaces drilldown to acquire detailed information about tablespaces and their containers.

Related topics

DMS Utilization alarm

The DMS Utilization alarm becomes active when the percentage of utilized Database Managed Space (DMS) approaches the total amount of DMS storage in the DB2 instance.

The thresholds are predefined as follows:

  • Threshold 1—The zero to 69 percent range. The percentage of DMS space utilized is low. No alarms are raised.

  • Threshold 2—The 70 to 79 percent range. This raises the low (severity 4) alarm stating, The percentage of DMS space utilized is moderate.

  • Threshold 3—The 80 to 89 percent range. This raises the medium (severity 5) alarm stating, The percentage of DMS space utilized is high.

  • Threshold 4—The 90 to 100 percent range. This raises the high (severity 6) alarm stating, The percentage of DMS space utilized is very high.

The underlying metrics for this alarm can be adjusted to suit your environment by using the Metric Editor.

What you can do

Access the Tablespaces drilldown to acquire detailed information about tablespaces and their containers.

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Log Container Percentage alarm

The Log Container Percentage alarm becomes active when the percentage of log space currently used by the database is approaching the total amount of log space available for the database.

The underlying metrics for this alarm can be adjusted to suit your environment by using the Metric Editor.

What you can do

  • Access the Databases drilldown. The Log Status tab identifies the values of key log configuration parameters as well as the log transaction rate and the average amount of log space used per transaction.

  • Consider adjusting the LOGFILSZ , LOGPRIMARY , and LOGSECOND database configuration parameters.


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Spotlight on DB2 - 6.9.3
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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