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QoreStor 7.5.0 - User Guide

Introducing QoreStor Accessing QoreStor Configuring QoreStor settings
Licensing QoreStor Configuring SAML Configuring an SSL Certificate for your QoreStor System Configuring Active Directory settings Securing QoreStor server root logins Enabling FIPS 140-2 support Understanding system operation scheduling Configuring Secure Connect Enabling MultiConnect Bandwidth throttling Configuring and using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Configuring and using the Recycle Bin Configuring Cloud Reader Configuring RDA immutability
Managing containers Managing local storage Managing cloud storage Managing replications Managing users Monitoring the QoreStor system Managing QoreStor remotely Support, maintenance, and troubleshooting Security recommendations guide About us

Adding replication relationships

When configuring replication for object containers, replication must be added from the source system. Also once replication is added for Object container, the replica container is not accessible. Once replication is deleted then the replica becomes accessible over S3 to the clients.

NOTE: For DR-to-QoreStor replication, configure replication from QoreStor.

NOTE: Starting from the QoreStor 7.4.1 version, the replication between object containers is not supported.

To add a new replication relationship, complete the following steps.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Replications.
  2. Click Add Replication.
  3. To define the Source Container, select the Local or Remote option.
    • If you select Local, select the local container from the drop-down list.
    • If you select Remote, configure the following settings:
      • Username—enter the username for the remote system.
      • Password—enter the password for the remote system.
      • Remote Machine—enter the domain name of the remote system.
      • Click Retrieve Containers.
      • Select Remote Container—Select the remote container from the drop-down list.
  4. For Encryption, select one of the following encryption options to encrypt the data as it is replicated: None, AES 128–bit, or AES 256–bit.
  5. Under Target Container, define the target replica container by configuring the following settings.
    • Username—enter the username for the remote system.

      NOTE: The credentials used need to be either the admin or administrator account.

    • Password—enter the password for the remote system.
    • Remote Machine—enter the domain name of the remote system.
    • Click Retrieve Remote Containers.
    • Select the remote container from the drop-down list.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Review the summary and click Finish.

NOTE: For information about starting and stopping replication, see the topic, Starting and stopping replication. For information about scheduling system operations such as replication, see Understanding system operation scheduling.

Configuring replication schedules

By default, replication of any newly written files in the replicated container will occur when QoreStor detects three (3) minutes of idle time. If you wish to constrain replication activities to a specific schedule, you can configure replication schedules on a weekly basis for individual replication-enabled source containers.

NOTE: It is recommended that you do not schedule the running of any Replication operations during the same time period when Cleaner or data ingest operations will be running. If you do not follow this recommendation, the time required to complete the system operations or system performance might be affected.

To configure replication schedules using the UI:

  1. On the left navigation menu, click Replications.

    The Replications page is displayed, listing all configured replication relationships.

  2. The configured replications are displayed.
  3. To configure or edit the replication schedule, click Details.
  4. Click Edit Schedule.
  5. For each day of the week, click the time selector field. Select the From and To times to configure a window during which replication can run. Click Set.
  6. Click Save Schedule.

To configure replication schedules, complete the following steps.

  1. Access the QoreStor command line interface.
  2. Use the QoreStor command line interface (CLI) to create and delete the replication schedule. The available commands are:
  schedule --add --day <Day of the Week> --start_time <HH:MM> --stop_time <HH:MM> --name --replication  

  schedule --delete --day <Day of the Week> --name --replication

For full details on running the cleaner schedule commands, help is available by entering:

  schedule --help

You can view replication details and status on the Replications page in the QoreStor GUI by selecting a replication and clicking to expand and view details.

Viewing replication information

In the QoreStor GUI, the Replication page displays current information about replication relationships for data containers in your QoreStor system.

To view replication information

  1. In the navigation menu, click Replications.
  2. The configured replications are displayed.

    Using the or toggle in the upper-right corner of the Replications pane, you may switch between tile and grid views.

  3. To view more detailed information and additional options, click the elipsis icon and click Details.
    • Tile view - the ellipsis icon is to the right of the source container. You may also click the Details button to the right of the configured replication.
    • Grid View - the ellipsis icon is in the Actions column.

    The information below is displayed:

    • Replication Source and Target Containers
    • Replication Source and Target Systems
    • Replication Schedule
    • A Summary showing:
      • Cloud Enabled status
      • Cloud Storage Group
      • Peer Status
      • Estimated time to sync
      • Last sync time
      • Schedule status.
    • Network Savings
    • Replication Throughput
    • Transfer
    • Network Throughput

    NOTE: These statistics refresh every 30 seconds.

Modifying replication relationships

You can modify the following replication settings: encryption and remote container’s IP address/host name settings. To modify settings for an existing replication relationship, complete the following steps.

Caution: You should exercise caution when configuring the direction of replication for source and target containers. For example, target containers can have their contents deleted if they contain existing data.

NOTE: Because you cannot modify an existing defined role (source or target replica) for a replication relationship, if necessary, you must delete the existing replication relationship, and then recreate a new relationship with the specific source and target roles that you want.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Replications.
  2. The configured replications are displayed.

    Using the or toggle in the upper-right corner of the Replications pane, you may switch between tile and grid views.

  3. To edit the replication, click the elipsis icon and click Edit.
    • Tile view - the ellipsis icon is to the right of the source container.
    • Grid View - the ellipsis icon is in the Actions column.
  4. Modify the settings/values for the Source, or Target containers as needed.
    1. For Remote System, modify the IP address/host name and user logon credentials of the source remote system as needed.
    2. Review the replication details, and then click Save.

      NOTE: Replication needs to be stopped before the encryption settings can be modified.

  5. Click Save.
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