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QoreStor 7.5.0 - User Guide

Introducing QoreStor Accessing QoreStor Configuring QoreStor settings
Licensing QoreStor Configuring SAML Configuring an SSL Certificate for your QoreStor System Configuring Active Directory settings Securing QoreStor server root logins Enabling FIPS 140-2 support Understanding system operation scheduling Configuring Secure Connect Enabling MultiConnect Bandwidth throttling Configuring and using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Configuring and using the Recycle Bin Configuring Cloud Reader Configuring RDA immutability
Managing containers Managing local storage Managing cloud storage Managing replications Managing users Monitoring the QoreStor system Managing QoreStor remotely Support, maintenance, and troubleshooting Security recommendations guide About us

Configuring additional storage

QoreStor allows for the configuration of additional storage enclosures in order to increase capacity.

Guidelines for configuring additional storage

Refer to the following important notes and guidelines for understanding storage expansion in QoreStor.

  • For Standard and Cloud-Optimizeed installation modes, QoreStor supports a maximum of 5 locations (1 internal plus 4 expansion). When installed in Large mode, QoreStor supports a maximum of 7 locations.
  • QoreStor can only add a mounted filesystem path. QoreStor will not create a filesystem if one is not present.
    • The mounted filesystem should be XFS type.
    • Mount path cannot be read-only.
    • The mount path should not be already configured enclosure path.
  • When adding storage, the filesystem service will be restarted.
  • Storage can be added without being licensed, but an appropriately sized license is required to make the storage usable by QoreStor.
    • Licenses can be added in multiples of Terabytes from 1 TB to the maximum capacity for your QoreStor installation mode.

Adding additional storage

Additional storage can be added through the QoreStor UI or via the system --storage command in the QoreStor CLI. Refer to the QoreStor Command Line Reference Guide for more information on the system --storage command.

IMPORTANT: Adding storage requires QoreStor services to be restarted. This will take the QoreStor server offline for several minutes.

To add storage

Before adding storage, ensure that the storage is mounted to the QoreStor server as an XFS filesystem. Refer to Guidelines for configuring additional storage for additional guidelines and requirements.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Local Storage to expand the menu, then click Storage Groups.
  2. Click Add Storage Location.
  3. Enter the mount path for the additional storage. Click Save.
  4. A warning will be displayed notifying you that a service restart may be required. Click Confirm to continue.

Managing cloud storage

QoreStor enables multiple options for extending your on-prem environment to the cloud. Following table shows supported storage capacities of Cloud Tier and Archive Tier across different QoreStorinstallation modes.

Table 7: Cloud Tier and Archive Tier capacity matrix

Maximum Allowed or Used Capacity
Install Mode Local storage or Object Direct storage Cloud Tier Archive Tier
Cloud optimized 43 TB 129 TB NA
Standard 150 TB 450 TB 1500 TB
Enterprise 360 TB 1080 TB 3600 TB
Enterprise-plus 512 TB 1536 TB 5120 TB

Please refer to the sections below for additional information.

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