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QoreStor 7.5.0 - User Guide

Introducing QoreStor Accessing QoreStor Configuring QoreStor settings
Licensing QoreStor Configuring SAML Configuring an SSL Certificate for your QoreStor System Configuring Active Directory settings Securing QoreStor server root logins Enabling FIPS 140-2 support Understanding system operation scheduling Configuring Secure Connect Enabling MultiConnect Bandwidth throttling Configuring and using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Configuring and using the Recycle Bin Configuring Cloud Reader Configuring RDA immutability
Managing containers Managing local storage Managing cloud storage Managing replications Managing users Monitoring the QoreStor system Managing QoreStor remotely Support, maintenance, and troubleshooting Security recommendations guide About us

Adding a storage group

You can add a storage group to QoreStor through either the QoreStor GUI or the command line interface. In both cases, when creating a storage group you define the name and compression level.

Adding a storage group through the GUI

To add a storage group, complete the following steps.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Local Storage to expand the menu, then click Storage Groups.
  2. Click Add Storage Group. The Add a Storage Group pane is displayed.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the storage group.
  4. Select a Compression Type from the drop-down list:
    • Fast — Results in shorter backup time, but with less space savings.
    • Best — Provides the highest space savings, but with a longer backup time.
  5. Optionally, configure a Quota by entering an amount and setting the unit (GiB or TiB). If no value is set, the quota will be unlimited.

    NOTE: Quotas define the limit for limit for physical capacity usage. Once reached, data ingests are not allowed until space is recovered through savepoint expiration and cleaner operations.

  6. To apply encryption, select Encryption and enter the following:
    • Passphrase — the passphrase is user-defined and is used to generate a passphrase key that encrypts the file in which the content encryption keys are kept. The passphrase is a human readable key, which can be up to 255 bytes in length. It is mandatory to define a passphrase to enable encryption.

      NOTE: It is mandatory to define a passphrase to enable encryption. If the passphrase is compromised or lost, the administrator should change it immediately so that the content encryption keys do not become vulnerable.

    • Confirm Passphrase — re-enter the passphrase used above.
    • Encryption Mode — Select either static or internal.
      • static - A global mode of key management in which a fixed key is used to encrypt all data.
      • internal - A mode of key lifecycle management in which the keys are periodically generated and rotated. The minimum key rotation period before the content encryption key can be rotated and a new key is generated is 7 days. This rotation period is user-configurable and can be specified in days.

    NOTE: Refer to Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest for more information about encryption.

    NOTE: Due to export regulations, the encryption at rest feature is not available in certain markets, and, therefore, may not be available in your locale. For more information about recommended guidelines for encryption, see Understanding Encryption at Rest

    NOTE: After encryption is enabled, all of the data that is backed up is encrypted and is kept encrypted until it is expired and cleaned by the system cleaner. Note that encryption is an irreversible process.

  7. Click Add

Adding a storage group through the command line

To add a storage group, complete the following steps.

  1. Access the QoreStor CLI. Refer to Accessing the CLI commands for more information.
  2. Add a new storage group using the command
    storage_group --add --name <name> [--compression_mode <fast|best>] [--quota <Quota value in GiB or TiB>]

    Refer to the QoreStor Command LIne Reference Guide for more information

  3. To apply encryption to the data in this storage group, use the command:
    storage_group --encryption --name <name> [--set <ON | OFF>] [--mode <static|internal> <--interval <7 days to 70 years>]

    For more information, refer to the Storage Group commands section of the QoreStor Command Line Reference Guide.

    NOTE: Due to export regulations, the encryption at rest feature is not available in certain markets, and, therefore, may not be available in your locale. For more information about recommended guidelines for encryption, see Understanding Encryption at Rest

    NOTE: It is mandatory to define a passphrase to enable encryption. If the passphrase is compromised or lost, the administrator should change it immediately so that the content encryption keys do not become vulnerable.

    NOTE: After encryption is enabled, all of the data that is backed up is encrypted and is kept encrypted until it is expired and cleaned by the system cleaner. Note that encryption is an irreversible process.

Modifying a storage group

To modify a storage group via the user interface, complete the following steps

  1. In the navigation menu, click Local Storage to expand the menu, then click Storage Groups.
  2. Find the desired storage group from the displayed list. Click the (ellipsis icon) in the upper-right corner of the storage group's information pane.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. For Storage Optimization, select a Compression Type from the drop-down list as needed:
    • Fast— Results in shorter backup time, but with less space savings.
    • Best — Provides the highest space savings, but with a longer backup time.
    • Optionally, configure a Quota by entering an amount and setting the unit (GiB or TiB). If no value is set, the quota will be unlimited. If a quota is currently set, you may increase or decrease the quota value (provided the decreased quota is not less than the current used capacity on the storage group). Once a quota is set, it can be reset to the default value of unlimited.

      NOTE: Quotas define the limit for physical capacity usage. Once reached, data ingests are not allowed until space is recovered through savepoint expiration and cleaner operations.

  5. You can modify the following Encryption settings:

    NOTE: For more information about recommended guidelines for setting up encryption, see the topic, Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest.

    NOTE: Due to export regulations, the encryption at rest feature is not available in certain markets, and, therefore, may not be available in your locale.

    • Encryption—Next to Encryption, select or clear as needed.
    • Old Passphrase—Enter the current passphrase you want to change.
    • New Passphrase—Enter the new passphrase to be used to encrypt content encryption keys. (The passphrase string can take up to 255 characters. And, alphanumeric and special characters can be entered as part of the passphrase string.)
    • Confirm Passphrase—Re-enter the encryption passphrase.
    • Encryption Mode—Select the mode of key lifecycle management from one of the following options:
      • Static—A global, fixed key is used to encrypt all data.
      • Internal—Content encryption keys are generated and rotated on a specified period of days.

  6. Click Update.

To modify a storage group via the CLI, complete the following steps

  1. Access the QoreStor CLI. Refer to Accessing the CLI commands for more information.
  2. Modify your storage group using the commands below. Refer to the QoreStor Command Line Reference Guide for more information.
    storage_group --show [--name <name>] [--verbose]
    storage_group --update --name <name> [--compression_mode <fast|best>] [--quota <Quota value in GiB or TiB>]
    storage_group --encryption --name <name> [--set <ON | OFF>] [--mode <static|internal> <--interval <7 days to 70 years>]
    storage_group --setpassphrase --name <name>

Deleting a storage group

Before you can delete a storage group, you must first delete the containers in the storage group. See Deleting a container for more information.

Deleting a storage group from the GUI

To delete a storage group, complete the following steps.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Local Storage to expand the menu, then click Storage Groups.
  2. Find the desired storage group from the displayed list. Click the (ellipsis icon) in the upper-right corner of the storage group's information pane.
  3. Click Delete.

    NOTE: You cannot delete the DefaultGroup storage group.

  4. When prompted to confirm, click Delete.

Deleting a storage group from the CLI

    Access the QoreStor CLI. Refer to Accessing the CLI commands for more information.
  1. Delete your storage group using the command below. Refer to the QoreStor Command Line Reference Guide for more information.
    storage_group --delete --name <name>

Configuring a Performance Tier

Before configuring a performance tier, ensure that you have reviewed the requirements and limitations below.

  • Only one volume can be mapped to a performance tier.
  • Your performance tier volume must be mapped to high-performance storage.
  • Your performance tier volume must be mapped to an XFS file system.
  • An existing QoreStor repository may not be mapped to a performance tier.
  • Once a performance tier has been created, the storage path cannot be changed.
  • Only one performance tier can be added to QoreStor.
  • Currently, it is not possible to delete the performance tier.
  • The mount location for the high-performance storage must be added to your QoreStor system's file systems table (fstab) to mount the storage automatically when the server reboots.

    Add mount location to /etc/fastab using the noatime and drsync mount options

    echo '<storage path> /perf01 xfs defaults,noatime,dirsync 0 0' >> /etc/fstab
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