To remove a configured ADS login group from the QoreStor system, complete the following steps.
- On the left navigation menu, click .
- On the Active Directory page, find the domain pane and click Remove Login Group.
- When prompted to confirm, click OK.
NOTE: Changes made to the login group take effect on the next log in attempt (unlike Windows ADS, no active checking is done on the group). |
QoreStor UI provides a way to disable "root" user login over SSH to the QoreStor server. This is provided in QoreStor UI for convenience to secure the system.
After you log in to the QoreStor UI, navigate to the System -> Configuration page. Check the status of the SSH service. If it is enabled, you can disable root login over SSH.
Warning: Ensure that there is an alternate way to re-enable root login (over SSH) in case the QoreStor UI is not accessible. This is required to ensure that the root is not permanently locked out of the server. Another way to access the QoreStor server in such condition could be to log in via the system console, or via SSH as a different user that has superuser privileges either by default, or with sudo. |
NOTE:When the status of 'root login over SSH' is shown as 'Unknown' it means the SSH access is either restricted (i.e. password authentication is prohibited) or QoreStor is not able to determine the status of the SSH server.
FIPS 140-2, when installed on systems running RHEL/Oracle Linux/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux 9.x, QoreStor can make use of FIPS-compliant implementations of cryptographic routines provided by the OS vendor.
NOTE: Currently, QoreStor running on RHEL/Oracle Linux/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux 8.x systems will not be impacted by turning on system-wide support for FIPS. Despite using techniques permitted by FIPS 140-2, QoreStor encryption does not employ FIPS-compliant implementations of those algorithms. |
Enabling support for FIPS 140-2:
To enable FIPS system-wide support, execute the following commands with the Superuser credentials:
fips-mode-setup --enable
update-crypto-policies --set FIPS
After a successful reboot, the QoreStor will automatically start using the FIPS-compliant implementations.
To check if the QoreStor is operating in FIPS mode, examine the /var/log/oca/ocafsd.log file and check for the following entry in the log:
NOTICE: FIPS status: enabled
Limitations with FIPS 140-2
CIFS, NFS, Object Containers, NDMP, and iSCSI protocols are not supported when the QoreStor is executing in a FIPS mode. Additionally, while cloud-tier and archive-tier support is available in FIPS mode, currently only Amazon-S3 and Azure are supported as cloud providers.
By scheduling system operations, you can optimize your system resources and achieve the best possible QoreStor performance. The most important thing to remember when scheduling critical QoreStor operations is that you want to ensure that you perform each of these operations at a time when it will not overlap or interfere with the running of any of the other key system operations.
You should carefully plan and schedule time periods in which to perform the following critical system operations:
- Data ingests (which are dependent upon your usage of your DMA(s))
- Replication
- System cleaner (space reclamation)

NOTE: Performing scheduled disk space reclamation operations are recommended as a method for recovering disk space from system containers in which files were deleted as a result of deduplication. |
In QoreStor, the main goal in planning and scheduling operations should be to run the Cleaner and Replication operations at times when they do not overlap or interfere with other important system operations. You want to make sure that by properly scheduling and planning, your system can perform each of these key operations independent of the other.
The best practice is to run these two operations during non-standard business hours, so that they do not conflict with any of your other backup or ingest operations.
NOTE: By default, QoreStor is configured to run Cleaner operations daily between 1:00 P.M and 6:00 P.M. |
The Cleaner schedule can be viewed and edited on the Cleaner page of the QoreStor GUI (Local Storage > Cleaner), or via the QoreStor command line interface, using the schedule command:
schedule --show --cleaner
The Replication schedule can be viewed and edited via the Replications page of the QoreStor GUI, or via the QoreStor command line interface using the schedule command:
schedule --show --replication [--name] <name>
NOTE: For more information on the schedule command, refer to the QoreStor Command Line Reference Guide. |