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NetVault 13.0.2 - Administration Guide for Managed Service Providers

Introduction Getting started Configuring clients Managing catalog search Configuring storage devices
About storage devices SAN considerations Quest DR Series systems Quest QoreStor NetVault SmartDisk EMC Data Domain Systems Snapshot Array Manager Virtual Tape Libraries Virtual standalone drives Shared Virtual Tape Libraries Physical tape devices Storage tiers
Backing up data Managing policies Restoring data Managing NetVault dashboard Managing jobs Monitoring logs Managing storage devices
Role-based access to manage storage devices Monitoring device activity Managing disk-based storage devices in list view Managing disk-based storage devices in tree view Managing the Snapshot Array Manager Managing tape libraries in list view Managing tape libraries in tree view Managing tape drives in list view Managing tape drives in tree view Adding shared devices
Managing storage media Managing user and group accounts Managing Tenant Monitoring events and configuring notifications Reporting in NetVault Working with client clusters Configuring default settings for NetVault
About configuring default settings Configuring encryption settings Configuring plug-in options Configuring default settings for post-scripts Configuring default settings for Verify Plug-in Configuring Deployment Manager Settings Configuring Job Manager settings Configuring Logging Daemon settings Configuring Media Manager settings Configuring Network Manager settings Configuring Process Manager settings Configuring RAS device settings Configuring Schedule Manager settings Configuring Web Service settings Configuring Auditor Daemon settings Configuring firewall settings Configuring general settings Configuring security settings Synchronizing NetVault Time Configuring the reporting utility Configuring NetVault WebUI default settings Configuring NetVault to use a specific VSS provider Configuring default settings using Txtconfig
Diagnostic tracing Managing diagnostic data Using the deviceconfig utility NetVault processes Environment variables Network ports used by NetVault Troubleshooting
Common errors Safe Mode in NetVault

Configuring additional settings for Logging Daemon

On the NetVault Server Settings page, under Services, click Logging Daemon. In the Logging Daemon dialog box, configure the following settings.

Message Response Interval

This setting determines the amount of time the NetVault WebUI waits for the Logging Daemon to send all log messages before displaying a progress dialog box. The dialog box displays the number of log messages loaded against the total number of log messages. If the response is delayed, you can cancel the operation by clicking Cancel on the progress dialog box.

The default response time for the Logging Daemon is 256 milliseconds. To change default setting, type or select a new value. The minimum value can be 100 milliseconds.

If the NetVault WebUI receives all log messages within the specified interval, the progress dialog box is not displayed (for example, if there are only a few log messages, the dialog box is not displayed).

Outgoing message bundle size

To improve performance, the logging daemon sends messages in bundles. Each bundle contains 64 messages by default. To change the number of messages per bundle, type or select the bundle size in Outgoing Message Bundle Size.

Minimum time between progress updates

By default, the progress dialog box is refreshed every 256 milliseconds. To change the refresh rate, type or select the time interval.

Minimum warning level to send to system log

By default, NetVaults sends log messages with warning code 64 and above to the OS. You can view these messages from the Event Viewer (on Windows) or syslog (on Linux and UNIX).

To change the severity level of messages that NetVault sends to the OS, specify the warning level code in the Minimum warning level to send to system log box. The following list provides the warning codes and the corresponding severity level of the messages:

112: Severe errors
96: Severe errors and errors
80: Severe errors, errors and warnings
64: Severe errors, errors, warnings, and startup messages
48: Severe errors, errors, warnings, startup messages, and job messages
32: Severe errors, errors, warnings, startup messages, job messages, and informational messages
16: Severe errors, errors, warnings, startup messages, job messages, informational messages, and background messages
0: All messages
Click Apply to apply the new settings and close the dialog box.

Configuring Media Manager settings

This section includes the following topics:

About Media Manager

The Media Manager process (nvmedmgr) runs on the NetVault Server.

This process manages the Media Database, which contains information about the media contents and online backup savesets. The Media Manager also stores and manages the device configuration details. It manages the backup devices through the Device Manager processes. The Media Manager issues high-level instructions for loading and unloading media; the Device Manager processes carry out these instructions. The Media Manager controls the selection of device and media for a job according to the media requests submitted by the Job Manager.

You can modify the Media Manager settings from the Change Settings page.

Configuring general settings for Media Manager

On the NetVault Server Settings page, under Services, click Media Manager. In the Media Manager dialog box, under General Settings, configure the following settings.

Minimum life for imported backups

This setting specifies the minimum life for backups that are imported to the NetVault Database by scanning the backup media. This setting only applies to the backups that are not available in the NetVault Database.

When you import a backup, its data is temporarily stored in the NetVault Database for seven days. To change the default setting, type or select a new value. The minimum life setting is specified in number of days.

You can override the global setting by configuring the minimum life for imported backups at the time of scanning. For more information, see Scanning a disk-based storage device and Scanning tape media.

This setting does not affect the backups that have not reached their retirement age or generation count. For such backups, the backup life setting determines the retirement time.

Use barcodes as labels

You can configure NetVault to automatically label blank media during backups by setting the Automatically Label Blank Media option in the Target Set.

By default, NetVault assigns a system-generated string as the media label to blank media items. The string consists of the NetVault Server Name, the current date, and a seed number. To assign media barcodes as the default label for blank media during backups, select this check box.

Continuation Restore Request Priority Boost

A continuation restore request occurs when an active restore job requires additional media for completion.

By default, these requests are assigned a priority level of 5 so that they are not preempted by other media requests and the active job is completed without any interruption. To change the default setting, type or select a value from 1 through 100. 1 denotes highest priority, while 100 denotes lowest priority. A job with a priority level of zero (0) runs as a background task.

Continuation Backup Request Priority Boost

A continuation backup request occurs when an active backup job requires additional media for completion.

By default, these requests are assigned a priority level of 5 so that they are not preempted by other media requests and the active job is completed without any interruption. To change the default setting, type or select a value from 1 through 100. 1 denotes highest priority, while 100 denotes lowest priority. A job with a priority level of zero (0) runs as a background task.

Label Request Priority

NetVault assigns a priority level of 10 to bulk media labeling requests. To change the default priority setting, type or select a value from 1 through 100. 1 denotes highest priority, while 100 denotes lowest priority. A job with a priority level of zero runs as a background task.

Blank Request Priority

NetVault assigns a priority level of 10 to bulk media blanking requests. To change the default setting, type or select a value from 1 through 100. 1 denotes highest priority, while 100 denotes lowest priority. A job with a priority level of zero (0) runs as a background task.

Bulk Label Callback Timeout

The callback timeout for bulk media labeling controls how long NetVault waits for user inputs before ending these requests.

By default, NetVault waits for 120 seconds for user confirmation. If confirmation is not received within the specified interval, the request is not carried out. To change the default setting, type or select a new value. The timeout value is specified in number of seconds.

Bulk Blank Callback Timeout

The callback timeout for bulk media blanking controls how long NetVault waits for user inputs before ending these requests.

By default, NetVault waits for 120 seconds for user confirmation. If confirmation is not received within the specified interval, the request is not carried out. To change the default setting, type or select a new value. The timeout value is specified in number of seconds.

Minimum interval between reporting online capacity

This setting determines how frequently the online media status is updated on the NetVault WebUI.The default value is 10 minutes.

To change the default setting, type or select a new value. The update interval is specified in number of minutes.

Mark expired Read Only media as writable

This option prevents automatic reuse of retired read-only media.

When you select this check box, the read-only tag for a media item is automatically removed when the last saveset stored on it is expired, and the media item becomes available for re-use.

Existing read-only and expired media (all saveset are expired) prior to selecting this check box, will be writable when the next saveset is expired in the NetVault after selecting this check box.

Maximum characters in a media request diagnosis

By default, NetVault supports a maximum of 64,000 characters in the Diagnose Media Requests for Job dialog box. To change this setting, type or select a new value. The value is specified in thousands of characters.

Lesser number of characters may result in quicker output. However, the output may be truncated and you may not get the complete information. Therefore, you should not change the default value for this option.

Use Target media request timeout for Source media request

This option can be used to set timeout interval for source media requests. It applies to Plug-in for Consolidation, Plug-in for Data Copy, and Secondary Copy jobs.

When you select this check box, the timeout setting for the source media is automatically obtained from the Target Set defined for the job. If the required piece of media is not available within the specified interval, the job is aborted.

Force Process Media Request Queue Throttling

This setting allows NetVault to interrupt the continuous processing of media request queues in very busy systems to allow other processing to occur. It determines the minimum response time between two media requests. The default value is 5 seconds. The value must be specified in number of seconds.

Life Of Segments Table Scan Results For Duplication

When performing Phase 2 Data Copy and Duplication jobs, the Media Manager stores the results of the Segments table scan so that it does not have to scan the table each time a media request is serviced. This setting determines the amount of time the cached results are retained by NetVault.

The default value is 10 seconds. You can change it to any value between 10 and 1800 seconds.

Maximum number of sessions to retire at a time

By default, the Media Manager removes a maximum of 250 sessions per iteration. To change the default setting, type or select a new value.

Delete Unused Media Groups

This check box is selected by default.

When configuring the target media options for a backup job, the media group list only shows those groups that contain any media items. The Media Manager automatically removes unused media groups.

If you do not want to remove unused groups from the media group list, clear this check box.

Media Online Threshold (secs)

This setting allows you to select the time interval (in seconds) at which the NetVault media manger updates the device status in the database.

Type or select the value. The default value is 0 second.The range for this setting is 0-600 seconds.

If the value of this setting is set to low, the device status is updated frequently resulting in overhead on media manager. If the number of media devices attached are few, then a lower value is preferred.

However, if more number of media devices are added then, enter a high value for this parameter.

Click Apply to apply the new settings and close the dialog box.
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