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On Demand Migration Current - Active Directory - Directory Sync For Multi-Geo Tenants Quick Start Guide


Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo addresses data residency requirements set by local laws and policies by allowing organizations to control where their data is stored.  Administrators can provision and store data at rest in either the central location or satellite locations, including end user’s Exchange Online Mailboxes, OneDrive for Business, Team and SharePoint Online data.

​The goal of this guide is to provide a step-by-step walk through of how-to setup Synchronization between your Multi-Geo Microsoft 365 tenants. To set up On Demand Migration Directory Synchronization between your tenants, source objects must be either matched to existing objects or created as new objects in the target environment. 


This guide covers the following topics:

  • What are the On Demand Migration Directory Sync requirements

  • How to Configure On Demand Migration Directory Sync

  • How to Perform Synchronization for Multi-Geo enabled objects

  • How to Validate Synchronization results

  • Frequently Asked Questions



  • Client is licensed for On Demand Migration Directory Sync


    Microsoft Entra ID Application Account

  • An account with Global Administrator Role is required to grant permissions and establish connection when adding a Cloud Environment.

    Microsoft Entra ID PowerShell Accounts

  • Two (2) PowerShell accounts are automatically created to read and update objects in the cloud.  To do this an OAuth token is used from the account used to add the Cloud Environment.

  • These PowerShell accounts do not require any Microsoft 365 licenses.

  • Exchange Administrator, Teams Administrator and User Administrator roles will be added for these PowerShell accounts.


This topic describes how to set up the On Demand Migration Directory Sync, setup the sync template and configure the Directory Sync workflow. 

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