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On Demand Migration Current - Active Directory - Directory Sync Advanced Mapping Guide


  • Purpose: This method is used to create list of values to write to a multi-target attribute.

  • Syntax: GetList(Value1, Value2,…)

  • Example: The following expression will directly populate ShowInAddressBook values with custom address book lists instead of using the target environment’s Exchange Default address list.

    Value: GetList("CN=Default Global Address List,CN=All Global Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=contoso,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com","CN=All Users,CN=All Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=contoso,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com")


  • Purpose: This method is used to update/replace an existing value in a multi-value attribute.

  • Syntax: UpdateList(S.ListAttribute, "Value To Replace", "Replacement Value")

  • Example 1:  The following expression will replace the “Test1” value in the source msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1 attribute with “Test-Replaced” and set it in the target.

    Source “msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1” = Test1, Test2, Test3

    Target Attribute : msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1

    Value: UpdateList(S.msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1, “Test1”, “Test-Replaced”)

  • Example 2:  The following expression will replace the “Test1” value in the source msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1 attribute with “Test-Replaced”, Remove “Test2”  and set it in the target.

    Source “msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1” = Test1, Test2, Test3

    Target Attribute : msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1

    Value: UpdateList(UpdateList(S.msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1, “Test1”, “Test-Replaced”),”Test2”,NULL)


  • Purpose: This method is used to convert multi-value attribute values into a string separated by a delimiter and set it on a single value attribute

  • Syntax: ToString(Delimiter, Value)

  • Example:  The following expression will convert source “msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1” attribute into a string, separated by “,” and set it on “CustomAttribute1” attribute

    Source “msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1” = Test1, Test2,Test3

    Target Attribute: customAttribute1

    Value: ToString(“,”,s. msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1)

Template and Stage Data Step Settings

These functions are used to gather or set values based on settings within the selected template and the Stage Data step of a workflow. Some functions will simply return a value and others will return a computed value based on which setting was selected. For example, Profile.TargetDomain returns a computed value which is a domain in the format of where getdn(CN) returns a complete value adding the source CN to the Target OU within the Stage Data setting. These functions all begin with uppercase letters to differentiate them from other functions.

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