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On Demand Migration Current - Active Directory - Directory Sync Advanced Mapping Guide

Boolean Constants

  • Purpose: Returns pure values for Boolean logic.

  • Syntax:



    Null (empty)

  • Example: You want to set the target DisplayName to the source value only if it is Null

  • if(T.DisplayName = Null, S.DisplayName, T.DisplayName)


  • Purpose: Branching logic flow statement, evaluates different statements based on a given conditions, evaluated in order.

  • Syntax: case(condition, value, condition, value, ...)

  • Example: You want to set the department attribute to a standard, but the source value does not match your new standard. Departments in the source may be "IT" and "FIN", but in the target they need to be "Info Tech" and "Finance". Use of the case statement below will set department to "Info Tech" when the source department equals "IT" and set the department to "Finance" when the source department equals "FIN".

    Target Attribute    : Department

    Value        : case(S.Department = "IT","Info Tech", S.Department = "FIN","Finance")

    Condition    : Null


  • Purpose: Returns a specified value if given condition is true, otherwise returns a different specified value.

  • Syntax:  if(condition, value1, value2)

    returns value1 when condition evaluates to True, otherwise returns value2

  • Example: You need to set your display name to include (MGR), but only if the title of the user contains (Manager). For non-managers, display name is simply first name and last name. The value expression below uses an If statement to check if the source attribute title contains the word "Manager".  If it contains "Manager", it will append " (MGR)" to the end of the first and last names.

    Target Attribute    : DisplayName

    Value        : if(contains(s.title, "Manager"), s.firstName+s.lastName + " (MGR)", s.firstName + s.lastName)    

    Condition    : Null

Text Operations

Text Operations are functions used to manipulate or build text values. In some cases, such as the contains() and empty() operations, the text operation can be used to check for the presence of a given value.

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