Purpose: The Suffix function will add the suffix text specified to the value specified ONLY if that value is NOT null or an empty string. This can be used to append to a DisplayName
Syntax: suffix(value, suffix)
Target Attribute : DisplayName
Value : suffix(S.DisplayName, "(MGR)")
Condition : Null
Purpose: The Right function will return characters from the end of the string.
Syntax: right(Source, Count)
Source - Value to operate on
Count - Number of characters from the end of the string to return. If Count is longer than the string, the entire string is returned.
Example: You want to return the last four characters from the source display name.
Target Attribute : DisplayName
Value : right(S.DisplayName, 4)
Condition : Null
Purpose: The Left function will return characters from the beginning of the string.
Syntax: left(Source, Count)
Source - Value to operate on
Count - Number of characters from the beginning of the string to return. If Count is longer than the string, the entire string is returned.
Example: You want to return the first four characters from the source display name.
Target Attribute : DisplayName
Value : left(S.DisplayName, 4)
Condition : Null
Purpose: The Substring function will return a subset of characters from a string.
Syntax: substring(Source, StartIndex, Length)
Source - (Required) Value to operate on
StartIndex - (Required) Zero based Start Index position (First character = 0)
Length - (Optional) Number of characters from Start Index to return. If StartIndex + Length extends beyond the string, Length is ignored, and the rest of the string is returned instead.
Example: You want to return the 4th through 9th characters from the source display name.
Target Attribute : DisplayName
Value : substring(S.DisplayName, 3, 5)
Condition : Null
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