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Stat 6.3 - User Guide

Introduction to Stat Connecting to Stat Change/Service Requests Stat Consoles Tasks and Time Entries Stat Projects Search Engines Reports and Graphs Personal Rules Object Tools and Wizards Change Management for PeopleSoft
Object Management (PeopleSoft) Object Archives (PeopleSoft) Object Migrations (PeopleSoft)
Change Management for Oracle Applications
Object Management (Oracle Applications) Patch Management Object Archives (Oracle Applications) Object Migrations (Oracle Applications)
Change Management for Generic Applications
Object Management (Generic Applications) Object Archives (Generic Applications) Object Migrations (Generic Applications)
Appendix: Troubleshooting Chart Appendix: Migration Options Appendix: User-Specific Parameters Appendix: Supported PeopleSoft Proprietary Objects Appendix: Stat Reports

Main Console Window

By default, the console displays all the migration jobs that have been submitted to the Stat Central Agent within the last 7 days, but this time frame can be modified by system administrators.

Select the Show All Migrations option to view all the migrations run by all users.

From here you can print or export the list by pressing the appropriate button. You can also filter the list using SQL commands. For PeopleSoft users, you can check the lock status of staging databases.

The main console window displays the following information about a migration. Double-click a migration to see more detailed information, including log reports, approval statuses, and the migration status of individual objects.

Migr ID

The number that identifies the migration.


The current status of the migration. Options include:


PS Waiting for Lock (PeopleSoft only)

PS Lock Removed (PeopleSoft only)


OA Generation Error (Oracle Apps only)



In Process

PS Pending (PeopleSoft only)

PS in Process (PeopleSoft only)

Complete with Warning

Complete with Error

Waiting for Pre-Step

Waiting for Post-Step



(PeopleSoft) Indicates if the archive set was auto-migrated.

Schedule Date

If the migration was scheduled, the scheduled date and time

Start Date

Date and time the Stat Central Agent began migrating the archive set.

End Date

Date and time the Stat Central Agent completed migrating the archive set.


How long it took to complete the migration in hours, minutes, and seconds


The description of the migration, either the Stat-assigned default description or the description the user assigned.

Archive ID

CSR archive set number.

Target Environment

The environment the archive set was migrated to.


The release label assigned to the archive sets.


The change management module in which the migration took place. Options include PeopleSoft, Generic Applications, and Oracle Applications.

Migration Type

Indicates how the migration was initiated. Options include: CSR Migration (drag and drop), Rapid Recovery, Release Recovery, Mass Migration, Point-to-Point, Archive Sync, and Object Sync.

Stage Environment

(PeopleSoft) the environment in which the PeopleSoft objects in the archive set were staged.


(PeopleSoft) Indicates if the PeopleSoft objects in the archive set were copied to the Staging database.

PS Project

(PeopleSoft) The PeopleSoft project that the archive set is associated with. This field is blank if the archive set did not include any PeopleSoft proprietary objects or if only the file objects of the archive set were migrated.

Canceled By

If the migration was canceled, the user who canceled it.

Submit Date

The date and time the migration job was submitted to the Stat Central Agent.


The user who ran the migration.

Migration Details Window

The Migration Details window shows additional information about a migration, including the migration status of the individual objects, approval statuses, pre and post migration steps, and logs. To open the Migration Details window, do one of the following:

In the Migration Console, select a migration and click the Migration Details button or double-click a migration row.

The top portion of the Migration Details window displays much of the same general information as the main console window, but with additional information, such as:

Submit Date— The date and time the user ran the migration
Schedule Date — In the case of scheduled migrations, the date and time the migration was scheduled
Maintenance — For migrations to Oracle Apps environments, indicates whether Maintenance Mode was enabled or not.
Migration Exit Option — Indicates whether Stat is configured to stop the migration if any errors are encountered
Edition — For migrations to Oracle Apps R12.2 environments or higher, indicates the file system to which file objects were migrated. Options include Run, Patch, or Both.

The bottom portion of the Migration Details window displays the migration status of each object contained in the archive set, migration approval statuses, pre and post migration steps, and migration logs.

In the Migration Details window:

If you are a user with appropriate user rights, you can change the status of a migration that has not yet been processed from Submitted to Completed or Canceled and from Planned to Submitted or Canceled. If you change the status to Completed, however, the migration is assigned the status Completed with Errors since the Stat Central Agent had not yet migrated all the objects.
You can use the Pre and Post Migration Steps tab to run steps, view logs, or update migration step status.

Patch Application History

(Oracle Applications only) If patches have been applied to the selected environment, the Migration Details window features an additional Patch Application History tab, which is divided into two sections. The top section displays information concerning each patch that has been applied to the selected environment. When you select a patch, the bottom section of the window shows information about each object included in the patch file. From here you can also access information about patch application approvals and the driver files contained in the patch.

In the Patch Application History tab, all the patches applied to the selected environment appear in descending order with the most recently applied patch set appearing first.

The Patch Application History tab displays the following information:

Impacted Objects Tab

When you select a patch application in the top portion of the Patch Application History tab, the Impacted Objects tab lists all the objects (if any) that were modified during a patch application request. The information includes the class, type, name, navigation path, its pre- and post-patch version number, and application name.

If applicable, you can view the navigation paths that access an object (for example, the responsibilities and menus that access a form) by selecting the object and clicking Navigational Path. Stat displays the navigation paths in the View Navigation Path window. Only active navigation paths associated with one or more active users are included.

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