You can install the Recovery Manager Portal on any domain-joined computer, including the one where Recovery Manager for Active Directory is installed. To install the Recovery Manager Portal, you can use a domain user account, MSA, or gMSA account that is a member of the local Administrators group on the target computer.
In case of MSA or gMSA account, Recovery Manager Portal supports only Windows authentication to access the SQL Server databases. If you specify MSA/gMSA when the SQL Server authentication option is selected on Specify SQL Server Access Account step of the setup wizard, the Recovery Manager Portal will not be installed because Recovery Manager for Active Directory cannot securely store encrypted access credentials for SQL Server in the gMSA / MSA part, so this scenario is not supported. In this case, you will not receive any errors. |
For more details about account requirements and limitations related to Recovery Manager Portal, see the Install or uninstall Recovery Manager Portal section in Permissions required to use Recovery Manager for Active Directory.
For details on how to create a gMSA account, see Using Managed Service Accounts.
Ensure the computer on which you plan to install the Recovery Manager Portal meets the system requirements in the Recovery Manager for Active Directory Release Notes.
Run the RecoveryManagerPortal.exe file supplied with the Recovery Manager for Active Directory installation package.
If you specify the MSA or gMSA account, add the $
character at the end of the account name (e.g. domain\computername$) and leave the Password field blank in the Access Web site using section of the installation wizard.
Follow the steps in the wizard to complete the portal installation.
Take note of the Web site and virtual directory you specify in the wizard, because they make up the URL at which users can access the Recovery Manager Portal, as follows: http://WebSite/VirtualDirectory
After you complete the Setup Wizard, finalize the installation by logging off and then logging back on to the Recovery Manager Computer.
Once you have installed the Recovery Manager Portal, you need to configure it for working with the Recovery Manager for Active Directory instances deployed in your environment. For details, see Configuring portal for working with Recovery Manager for Active Directory.
Before connecting to the Recovery Manager Portal for the first time, log out, and then log back on to the computer where you have installed the Recovery Manager Portal.
Start your Web browser, and then go to the following URL: http://WebSite/VirtualDirectory/
Substitute the Web site and virtual directory names specified during the Recovery Manager Portal installation for the "WebSite" and "VirtualDirectory" placeholders.
For example, if the Recovery Manager Portal site is installed on the computer named Comp to the virtual directory RecoveryManagerPortal in the default Web site, to access the Recovery Manager Portal, you need to go to http://Comp/RecoveryManagerPortal.
This section describes how to perform administrative tasks in the Recovery Manager Portal. To perform these tasks, you must access the Recovery Manager Portal using the account under which you installed the portal. For more information, see Assigning roles to portal users.
In this section:
To restore Active Directory data, the Recovery Manager Portal relies on unpacked backups created by the Recovery Manager for Active Directory instances deployed in your environment. For this reason, you need to configure the Recovery Manager for Active Directory instances to create unpacked backups for the domain controllers you want. Then, configure the Recovery Manager Portal to work with those instances.
Note that the Recovery Manager Portal can only work with Recovery Manager for Active Directory version 8.6 or higher, so make sure to install or upgrade to that Recovery Manager for Active Directory version.
To configure the Recovery Manager Portal for working with Recovery Manager for Active Directory, complete the following steps:
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