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Recovery Manager for AD Forest Edition - Base de Conocimiento

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Error: "Failed to install backup agent" (4225765)

When trying to backup DCs from another domain, the backups fail with the error: ... "Details access is denied please specify the backup account" ... RMAD cannot communicate with the DCs ... From the RMAD server, using the credentials specified for the agent account, try and access the admin share on the DCs"

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 22/01/2025
NA rating | 2382 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to install the backup agent manually? (4375210)

Is there a way to install the backup agent manually? ... It is possible to install the backup agent manually in your DCs. ... You may try the following steps:<br><br>1- In your DC, run command prompt <strong>as administrator</strong>.<br>2- Copy the <strong>BackupAgent.msi</strong> file from your RMAD installation media to a folder in your DC like for example c:\temp<br>3- In CMD, set or change the directory to the folder in which you copied the file.<br>4- Run <strong>msiexec /i BackupAgent.msi /l*v BackupAgentInstall.log</strong>.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 22/01/2025
NA rating | 1777 vistas
Knowledge Article
List of AD DS and AD LDS object attributes that RMAD cannot restore. (4353446)

This article lists the AD DS and AD LDS object attributes that cannot be recovered by using the restore methods provided by Recovery Manager for Active Directory. ... The agent-based restore method does not support the recovery of the following attributes:

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 23/01/2025
NA rating | 10438 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to enable diagnostic logging in Recovery Manager for AD (Forest Edition) (4243284)

How to enable diagnostic logging in Recovery Manager for AD (Forest Edition) <div> ... <p><font face="Trebuchet MS" size="2">To enable diagnostic logging in the console follow the below steps:</font></p>

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 22/01/2025
NA rating | 4414 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to restore a single DC that was lost in an otherwise healthy forest (4373420)

Restoring a Single DC requires a few pre-configuration steps. ... The Recovery process will complete successfully without these, but the old Computer, Server and Connection Objects will still exist, AD may never clean these up and re-create them properly, so it would be better to delete these from the directory before you beginning.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition, Recovery Manager for...
Última actualización el: 21/01/2025
NA rating | 1876 vistas
Knowledge Article
Where to change RMAD credentials for service accounts (4225738)

How to modify the credentials used for RMAD processes in case the password was changed. ... RMAD functionality may be altered when the account username\password stored is changed. ... You will have to manually enter the credentials to restore normal operations.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 21/01/2025
NA rating | 4793 vistas
Knowledge Article
Cannot create a remote object - Access is denied (4240823)

When attempting to install the online restore agent during an agent-based restore, you receive the following error:<br>Cannot create a remote object - Access is denied.<br>The user is a domain administrator with all the required rights on the domain controller.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 15/01/2025
NA rating | 6155 vistas
Knowledge Article
What are the steps to configure a gMSA account for use as the backup agent access account, using the minimum permissions model? (4240373)

and add the gMSA account to this group directly</li><li>If using pre-installed agents, uninstall and reinstall the agents. ... This is required to populate the RMAD Backup Operators group SID locally on the DCs</li><li>Configure the collection properties to set the backup agent access account</li></ol>

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 16/01/2025
NA rating | 3234 vistas
Knowledge Article
RMAD supports Windows Server 2025 (4378077)

Other versions of RMAD are still not supported with windows server 2025.</p>

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 06/01/2025
NA rating | 554 vistas
Knowledge Article
Logs folder in DC is increasing the size (4378118)

Logs folder in DC is increasing the size. ... Size of logs folder on DC is several GB; the folder path is C:\ProgramData\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory in this folder. ... Can this be deleted?

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 10/01/2025
NA rating | 486 vistas
Knowledge Article
Backup integrity check failed (4376970)

Backups integrity checks process fails for backups configured in the Remote Storage tab when they are stored locally on the domain controllers. ... In the current product architecture, integrity check of backups is always performed on the Recovery Manager Console, even for backups created on a remote storage (in this case, the backup storage account is used).

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 02/01/2025
NA rating | 780 vistas
Knowledge Article
Question about Health Check in the Forest Console (4279857)

When User Authentication is checked when running a Health Check in the Forest Console are you able to choose where the user account is created? ... Currently it is not possible to choose the location for the creation of the account.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition, Recovery Manager for...
Última actualización el: 26/12/2024
NA rating | 466 vistas
Knowledge Article
How does DNS resolve hostnames during a forest down? (4252592)

In the case of a forest down, where all DNS servers are unreachable, how does the RMAD Forest Recovery console resolve hostnames? <p>Hostnames are cached at two points when configuring the project.</p>

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition, Recovery Manager for...
Última actualización el: 26/12/2024
NA rating | 1686 vistas
Knowledge Article
Read only Access to Recovery Manager for AD (4378036)

Can someone be granted read-only access to Recovery Manager AD (see everything but not actually run backup/restore)? ... Currently, we don't have role-based access in RMAD. ... We have an ER ID listed below for the same.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 21/12/2024
NA rating | 549 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to apply the license file to Recovery Manager for AD after the product is already installed (4273582)

The existing license may have expired or a larger license has been purchased and needs to be applied. ... Right-click on the top "Recovery Manager for Active Directory" node and select About ... Click the License tab

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 21/12/2024
NA rating | 1709 vistas
Knowledge Article
Does RMAD Enforce Backup Encryption? (4370298)

Does RMAD enforce backup encryption on every backup? ... RMAD does not enforce backup encryption. ... Instead, it allows you to make a decision if encryption is done or not for every backup taken by RMAD.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 16/12/2024
NA rating | 1211 vistas
Knowledge Article
Can RMAD create the certificate used for the Communication key? (4377949)

If you do not want to use a self-signed certificate because its venerable to hackers. ... Security concern, if the certificate is compromised, attackers could find a way to penetrate top security systems (Domain Controllers).

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 13/12/2024
NA rating | 499 vistas
Knowledge Article
Cannot use backups over 60 days old in FR console despite tombstone time being 180 days. (4252583)

Backups over the age of 60 days cannot be chosen or even seen in the Forest Recovery Console. ... <p>This was changed to cap the list and improve performance, it is not specifically tied to the tombstone lifetime.<br>In order to expand the time range, do the following:<br><br>Close any projects or Forest Recovery consoles.<br>Edit the following file:<br>\Program Files\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition\FRConsoleSettings.xml<br><br>Modify the following line:<br> &lt;MaximumBackupAgeInDays defaultValue=&quot;60&quot;&gt;60&lt;/MaximumBackupAgeInDays&gt;</p>

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition, Recovery Manager for...
Última actualización el: 11/12/2024
NA rating | 2331 vistas
Knowledge Article
Forest Recovery hangs at the "restart domain controller in normal mode" step (4225629)

The Forest Recovery hangs when the &quot;restart domain controller in normal mode&quot; step runs <p>Reviewing the FR logs, there is a &quot;The RPC Server is unavailable error&quot;. ... Using the Microsoft Portqry tool, confirm that you can query port 135 from the FR server to the DCs. Check to see if the DC has been rebooted successfully.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition, Recovery Manager for...
Última actualización el: 10/12/2024
NA rating | 1922 vistas
Knowledge Article
Does RMAD require .NET framework? (4377916)

Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.8 or higher is needed on the console system. ... Microsoft .NET 4.8 Requirement: Recovery Manager for Active Directory needs Microsoft .NET 4.8 as a requirement for install.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 10/12/2024
NA rating | 534 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to migrate the report database to another SQL server (4224872)

Highlight the Reports component, click the down arrow and select Entire feature will be unavailable ... Highlight the Reports component, click the down arrow and select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 02/12/2024
NA rating | 852 vistas
Knowledge Article
Configure Hybrid Connector service with RMAD-10.2.2 or later (4377837)

For Recovery Manager for Active Directory 10.2.2 and later versions, you will need to disable the Recovery Manager Portal (if previously enabled) and enable and configure the Hybrid Connector service in the Recovery Manager for Active Directory (RMAD) console.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 03/12/2024
NA rating | 598 vistas
Knowledge Article
Recovery Manager for AD Forest Edition (FE) 10.3.1 latest build (Full Hotfix Release) (4376001)

This solution contains the latest full build of RMAD FE 10.3.1 (currently Hotfix 3 ... Please review the problem descriptions included to ensure your issue criteria is met prior to installing this Full Maintenance Release.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD Forest Edition
Última actualización el: 29/11/2024
NA rating | 1001 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to backup and restore to Domain Controllers from an untrusted domain on the same network? (4247474)

How to backup and restore to Domain Controllers from an untrusted domain on the same network? ... A below mentioned error message might also be displayed when the backup fails. ... Failed to connect to backup agent: Cannot establish the connection to the backup agent using TCP port 3843

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 21/11/2024
NA rating | 1532 vistas
Knowledge Article
Unable to execute request 133. A communication error has occurred. The handle is invalid. (4220754)

In the Backup events the following even is shown: Unable to execute request (133). ... A communication error has occurred. ... The handle is invalid. ... This is most likely due to a RPC network error.

Producto(s): Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
Última actualización el: 25/11/2024
NA rating | 5218 vistas
Knowledge Article
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