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PST Folder Counter (4341152)

Sometimes you might need to count the number of items in a specific folder within a PST file or total the amount of items within a PST file; for example, if you want to count number of items within a PST file after the repair process without extracting the particular PST file again (to compare the current number of items with the number of items before repairing).

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 192 vistas
Knowledge Article
Enable/Disable user for migration (4272526)

This will cover how to enable or disable user(s) for migration. ... 1. Enable User: ... If a User needs to be enabled for migration, he needs to have a migration priority assigned. ... It can be done in FlightDeck Admin Console > Change Priority > Migration Priority

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 468 vistas
Knowledge Article
Office 365 Ingest Module Error: "The SMTP address has no mailbox associated with it" (4289688)

2016-03-24 14:09:28Z|INFO|P:4284|T:5|IngestWorker|Ingest worker finished</pre> <p> <br><strong>Solution</strong><br>The user may have a valid mailbox in Office 365, but there may be a problem with the email address linked to the user’s account in the PST Flight Deck database (see the screenshot above – field “Email”):</p>

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1479 vistas
Knowledge Article
PST files identified by the PST Flight Deck Agent do not update the "Last Accessed" date (4307246)

Frequently the “Last Modified Date” will reflect a more current and accurate date representing the point in time the file was last accessed.<br><strong>Details:</strong><br>It is important to note that the FD agent reports attributes and properties of a file and does not calculate these values independently.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 282 vistas
Knowledge Article
HowTp: Re-ingest files (4289121)

Sometimes files need to be Re-ingested after they were migrated and deleted, or some items may not be migrated successfully. ... Prerequisites –PST Flight Deck version 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 support this functionality.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 439 vistas
Knowledge Article
Invalid entry in User Grid" error occurs in PST Flight Deck Console (4334364)

In the Admin Console, the error occurs upon access of the Manage Users section, however selecting other areas of the console may be accessible.</p> <p><strong>Solution</strong></p> <ol><li>Log into the affected machine with the account experiencing the issue.</li><li>Close all current instances of FD Consoles presently running</li><li>Browse to the following path C:\Users\FDAdmin\AppData\Local\QUADROtech\FlightDeckSME\Layouts\Manage Users\Temp (where FDAdmin is the users account name). *</li><li>Delete

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 378 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to force the Migration Agent for Windows to poll the server out of schedule (4288961)

This process happens regularly through normal operations but in a production environment, those timelines may not be ideal for the limited access to a client that a technician may have. ... This article discusses methods that can be used to force a Migration Agent to check-in with the server out of schedule.</p> <h4><strong>Details</strong>:</h4> <p>In production systems, Agent polling intervals can be configured for a long duration between them, but when testing, troubleshooting, or performing any actions on a workstation, you may want to force an agent to poll outside of the configured polling interval.<br><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Migration Agent for Windows</span><br>The

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 538 vistas
Knowledge Article
HOWTO: Test that BITS uploads can occur (4267183)

This KB will go over how to test that BITS uploads can occur. ... If you are having widespread issues with uploading files or are just beginning your migration project, it is sometimes useful to confirm BITS configuration on the PST Flight Deck (Flight Deck) server is able to upload files.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 549 vistas
Knowledge Article
Understanding of "Disk space threshold" (4334342)

In Settings -> Environment -> Advanced, can be found “Upload Monitor” section which is showing “Disk space threshold” Disk space threshold: On – If the disk space is set to “Limited” or “Off”, you need to free up the space under set value (in this case 70%) to get the full speed of upload again.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 327 vistas
Knowledge Article
Recommended client anti-virus exclusions when performing PST file migrations (4341167)

Accomplishing this frequently requires the need to move a large volume of via a large number of files over a complicated, frequently dispersed geographically, and always active production network.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 368 vistas
Knowledge Article
The Id property must be set.:QUADROtech.FlightDeck.PostProcess.SerializedException: The Id proper (4307089)

The Id property must be set.:QUADROtech.FlightDeck.PostProcess.SerializedException: The Id proper <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>ISSUE</strong>:<br>Upon attempting to ingest into an Office 365 the following error is visible in the FlightDeck (FD) Admin Console:</p>

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 597 vistas
Knowledge Article
The snapshot was not finished in time X sec! Console output: Console error (4336881)

The snapshot was not finished in time X sec! ... |MonitorTask.ProcessFile =&gt; MonitorTask.DoPreCheck =&gt; PstSnapshotTask.Execute ... Detaching!</pre> <p> </p> ... <h4><strong>Solution</strong></h4> <p>When the client is creating a snapshot – this task is done by an external EXE process to Migration Agent itself (called PSTSnapshotTask.exe).

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 179 vistas
Knowledge Article
Force FileScanner to use a local config file (4306844)

Sometimes it might be necessary to force FileScanner to use a local config file; for example: if there is a need to get TRACE level logging from FileScanner (as the default logging level configured on the PST Flight Deck server is set to WARNING).

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 374 vistas
Knowledge Article
Adding images to the email communication (4306963)

The following article will explain how to add images to the messages sent from the PST Flight Deck server to your users. ... Some customers may find that the functionality included in the “Wysiwyg” email communication editor to include images into the body of an email produces unexpected results when viewing the message within Outlook.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 431 vistas
Knowledge Article
PST file fails migration. Error (401) Unauthorized logged (4307220)

PST file fails migration. ... In review of the reason why, you find that the failure was triggered by 401 Unauthorized errors.<br><strong>Details:</strong><br>In review of the FD Admin Console (FAC), system events similar to the following are logged:<br><img class="alignnone wp-image-1976" src="/kbarticleimages/QT/2017/12/LEKOIBH-300x83.png" alt=""></img><br>An excerpt of the worker log showing the resultant error can be seen below:</p>

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 589 vistas
Knowledge Article
Suspended file logs "Access is denied" text in Migration agent log file (4336930)

Suspended file logs &quot;Access is denied&quot; text in Migration agent log file <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue</strong><br>Sometimes User’s files are not uploading because one or more files are in status “Suspended” which hold others files from uploading.<br><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1955" src="/kbarticleimages/QT/2017/11/2016-05-24-13_08_09-suspended_.png" alt="" width="988" height="255"></img><br> <br>Migration Agent log file contains following error:</p>

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 359 vistas
Knowledge Article
ISSUE: PST Flight Deck monitoring service will not start when using HTTPS (4336863)

MonitoringAgentService</span> <span style="font-family: &#39;courier new&#39;, courier, monospace;">Level: ... Error</span> <span style="font-family: &#39;courier new&#39;, courier, monospace;">Description:</span> <span style="font-family: &#39;courier new&#39;, courier, monospace;">Service cannot be started.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 251 vistas
Knowledge Article
Minimum Component List for Windows Server 2008 (4293700)

The following is the output from the PowerShell command: ... Import-Module ServerManager ... Get-WindowsFeature | where-object {$_.Installed -eq $TRUE} ... [X] Configuration APIs ... Although additional components can be installed, changes or deviations from this list may result in PST Flight Deck not functioning correctly.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 186 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to determine the minimum component list for PST Flight Deck in Windows 2012 or higher (4306898)

How to determine the minimum component list for PST Flight Deck in Windows 2012 or higher <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Minimum Component List for Windows 2012</strong><br>The following is the output from the PowerShell command:</p>

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 258 vistas
Knowledge Article
Issue: Office 365 Ingest Module Error: “Unable to open Database file” (4288863)

<ol><li>Uploaded pst file with original size exist in upload location than the pst file needs to be reprocessed from Extraction Module in console.</li><li>The pst file is empty (0KB) then: <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"><li>Check the Cleanup folder and you might find there the “–PstFileEntryId_username_*” and “–PstFileEntryId_username_*”.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 421 vistas
Knowledge Article
HowTo: Give user full access to FlightDeck admin console (4294071)

Many functions/buttons are greyed out and cannot be use.<br>1. ... Service account under which the PST Flight Deck is install needs to be set as Console Master.<br>To do so:</p> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"><li>Got to Settings &gt; Environment</li><li>Press the “Add Console Root” button</li><li>Popup window will appear:</li></ol> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1632" src="/kbarticleimages/QT/2017/11/46.png" alt=""></img><br>d. Restart the PST Flight Deck console<br>e.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 344 vistas
Knowledge Article
HowTo: Manual matching of Mac users with AD accounts (4341146)

This mapping should be done automatically by FD. ... However, there are some situations, when this automatic process fails and must be done manually.<br><strong>Details<br></strong>There are few conditions when automatic mapping of Mac user and AD account fails:</p> <div>– Mac user is used on more than one Mac computer</div> <div>– There are more than one mailbox in the Mac Outlook profile</div>

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 179 vistas
Knowledge Article
HowTo: Updating the PST Flight Deck License file (4268076)

Sometime in PST migration projects, there is a need to update the license key within the product. ... This could be due to a transition from a demo setup into a full production migration, due to the project duration or scope superseding the time or features stipulated within the file, or for several other reasons.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 458 vistas
Knowledge Article
Issue: Content scanner produce Exceptions in ExtractionService.log (4306918)

This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint element matching this name could be found in the client element.! </span><span style="font-family: &#39;courier new&#39;, courier, monospace;font-size: 10pt;">EXCEPTION: System.InvalidOperationException: Could not find endpoint element with name &#39;ContentScannerSoap&#39; and contract &#39;ContentScanner.ContentScannerSoap&#39; in the ServiceModel client configuration section.

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 338 vistas
Knowledge Article
HowTo: See from which workstation pst files was uploaded (4294243)

HowTo: See from which workstation pst files was uploaded <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Overview</strong><br>It can be useful to identify which workstation uploaded file that was discovered on several workstations.</p>

Producto(s): PST Flight Deck
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 181 vistas
Knowledge Article
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