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1 - 20 of 106
Active Administrator - Active Administrator Remote Expert Assist
The Active Administrator Remote Expert Assist helps get your solution up and running quickly and properly to begin managing your Active Directory. Whether your team lacks ... Más información
Active Roles - Active Roles Custom Services Engagement
One Identity offers a range of on-site and remote implementation, configuration and end-user training services to help you extract the most value from your One Identity so... Más información
Active Roles - Active Roles Foundation Services Package
Establish and implement a strong Active Roles deployment in just two weeks with the Active Roles Foundation Services Package. Offered through One Identity Services (OIS), ... Más información
Archive Manager - Archive Manager Remote Expert Assist
The Archive Manager Remote Expert Assist helps get your solution up and running quickly and properly to begin archiving your email and messaging content. Whether your team... Más información
Archive Manager for Exchange - Metalogix Archive Manager for Email Prepaid Deployment Assurance (1 Day)
The Archive Manager Deployment Assurance Services Offering assists you with the installation, configuration, and implementation of the Archive Manager software within your... Más información
Archive Manager for Exchange - Metalogix Archive Manager for Email Prepaid Deployment Assurance (3-5 Days)
The Archive Manager Deployment Assurance Services Offering assists you with the installation, configuration, and implementation of the Archive Manager software within your... Más información
Archive Manager for Files - Metalogix Archive Manager for Files Prepaid Deployment Assurance (1 Day)
The Archive Manager Deployment Assurance Services Offering assists you with the installation, configuration, and implementation of the Archive Manager software within your... Más información
Archive Manager for Files - Metalogix Archive Manager for Files Prepaid Deployment Assurance (3-5 Days)
The Archive Manager Deployment Assurance Services Offering assists you with the installation, configuration, and implementation of the Archive Manager software within your... Más información
Change Auditor - Change Auditor Remote Expert Assist
The Change Auditor Remote Expert Assist helps get your solution up and running quickly and properly to begin auditing and monitoring your Microsoft applications. Whether y... Más información
Coexistence Manager for Notes - Coexistence Manager for Notes Professional Services Engagement
The Coexistence Manager for Notes Professional Service Engagements is tailored to help you reach your specific goals and get your solution up and running quickly and prope... Más información
Collaboration Services - Collaboration Services Professional Services Engagement
The Collaboration Services Professional Services Engagement is tailored to help you reach your specific goals and get your solution up and running quickly and properly. Wh... Más información
Content Matrix - Metalogix Content Matrix Prepaid Deployment Assurance (5 Days)
The Content Matrix Deployment Assurance Services Offering assists you with the installation, configuration, and implementation of the Content Matrix Software within your e... Más información
ControlPoint - Metalogix ControlPoint Deployment Assurance (5 Days)
The ControlPoint Deployment Assurance Services Offering assists you with the installation, configuration, and implementation of the Quest ControlPoint software within your... Más información
ControlPoint - Metalogix Sensitive Content Manager Prepaid Deployment Assurance (5 Days)
Description The Sensitive Content Manager Deployment Assurance Services Offering assists you with the installation, configuration, and implementation of the Sensitive Cont... Más información
Defender - Defender Custom Services Engagement
One Identity offers a range of on-site and remote implementation, configuration and end-user training services to help you extract the most value from your One Identity so... Más información
Diagnostic Manager - Metalogix Diagnostic Manager Prepaid Deployment Assurance (5 Days)
The Diagnostics Manager Deployment Assurance Services Offering assists you with the installation, configuration, and implementation of the Diagnostics Manager software wit... Más información
DR Series - DR Series Backup & Deduplication Appliance Onsite Implementation
The DR Series Backup and Deduplication Appliance Onsite Implementation Service helps get your appliance up and running quickly and properly in order to quickly backup your... Más información
DR Series - DR Series Backup & Deduplication Appliance RIS Essentials
The DR Series Backup and Deduplication Appliance Remote Implementation Service helps get your appliance up and running quickly and properly in order to quickly backup your... Más información
DR Series - DR Series Backup & Deduplication Appliance Migration Assist Service
The DR Appliance Migration Assist Service is designed to remotely assist you with migrating your current backup solution onto a new production DR Appliance. Refreshing you... Más información
Enterprise Reporter - Enterprise Reporter Remote Expert Assist
The Enterprise Reporter Remote Expert Assist helps get your solution up and running quickly and properly to begin utilizing reporting to stay ahead of potential security v... Más información

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