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Stat 6.1 - User Guide

Introduction to Stat Connecting to Stat Change/Service Requests Stat Consoles Tasks and Time Entries Stat Projects Search Engines Reports and Graphs Personal Rules Object Tools and Wizards Change Management for PeopleSoft
Object Management (PeopleSoft) Object Archives (PeopleSoft) Object Migrations (PeopleSoft)
Change Management for Oracle Applications
Object Management (Oracle Applications) Patch Management Object Archives (Oracle Applications) Object Migrations (Oracle Applications)
Change Management for Generic Applications
Object Management (Generic Applications) Object Archives (Generic Applications) Object Migrations (Generic Applications)
Appendix: Troubleshooting Chart Appendix: Migration Options Appendix: User-Specific Parameters Appendix: Supported PeopleSoft Proprietary Objects Appendix: Stat Reports

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab is displayed only if a file attachment has been added to the CSR. Files attached to a CSR are saved in the Stat Repository and downloaded to the file download directory. For Windows 7/8 it is C:\ProgramData\Quest Software\Stat\temp. This is the difference between attaching a file to a CSR and creating a link to a file in the Description tab. Linked files are not saved in the Stat Repository or downloaded and therefore cannot be opened by users who do not have access to the linked directory.

Click the Attachments button in the top right corner of the CSR window.
Click the Browse button (...).
In the Attachments File Selection dialog box, locate and select the file you want to attach to the CSR. Then click Open.
Click Attach. Then click the Save button in the Stat toolbar.
Click the Save button in the Stat toolbar.

To open an attached file, double-click it or select it in the Attachments tab and click Open. Stat opens the file in whichever application you have configured your computer to use when opening files of the selected type. If your computer is not configured to open the selected file type, you are prompted to specify the program you want to use. Also, system administrators can restrict certain file types (such as executables) from being opened from the Attachments tab.

If you want to delete an attached file and have the user class right to do so, select it and click Delete.

Detail Logs Tab

The Detail Logs tab is divided into two sections. The left section displays a tree view of all the logs with each branch representing a predefined category. The right section displays details of the currently selected log, which you can modify as needed.

The left section allows you to navigate through logs and sort the results in a specific way. Each of the branches sorts the logs differently. To open a branch click the plus sign (+) located to the left of the branch or double-click on the branch itself.

The divider between the left and right sections can be moved to make one or the other side larger or smaller. Drag your cursor over the bar to get the <-> symbol. Click and drag/drop to resize.

The Dates branch sorts your logs by the date you created them. The Dates branch opens up to at least two new branches: All Dates and Today. The All Dates branch displays all the logs sorted by dates starting with the earliest. If the CSR is more than one day old, you see a branch for each day that has passed since the open date. These branches display only the logs created on their respective date.

The User branch sorts logs by user. The User branch opens to an All Users branch and separate branches for each user. The All Users branch sorts the logs alphabetically and by date. If you are looking for the logs of a specific user, you can open his or her respective branch from either the User or All Users branch. In this case the logs are sorted by date, starting with the earliest.

Logs also can be sorted by topic. Like the other two branches, the Topic branch opens to an All Topics branch and separate branches for each topic. The All Topics branch sorts logs by user, then topic, and lastly by date.

You can flag a log as confidential by selecting the Confidential check box. Confidential logs are not emailed to customers. These logs can be viewed and printed only by Stat users with proper authority. You can recognize that a log is confidential if the Confidential check box is selected and a yellow warning icon precedes the log.

If a CSR has many log entries, you can view them all at once by selecting the Summary branch. Log entries listed in the Summary branch are sortable by topic and specific time intervals (last 7, 14, 30, or 60 days). You can also remove system-generated entries and entries flagged Confidential from the list.

With proper security rights, you can modify the text and topic value of your own logs as well as logs written by other users after the logs have been saved. However, you cannot delete logs once they are saved, and you cannot modify system-generated logs.

Environment Refresh Tab

An environment refresh is the replacement of one environment (target) with the copy of another environment (source). The source environment can be either an existing environment, or it can be a backup of an environment (including the target). The Environment Refresh tab is where you document in Stat any environment refreshes that you have performed or are planning to perform. This tab is displayed based on a combination of service domain and CSR type. For more information, see Environment Refresh Events .

Change Management Tabs

Change Management tabs include the PeopleSoft tab, the Oracle App tab, and any generic application tab your system administrator has defined. Which of these three tabs is displayed on your CSRs depends on which module you are using and your current service domain. These tabs are the gateway to the change management and version control activities in Stat, such as associating objects to CSRs, archiving objects, and migrating objects across application environments.

Change management issues and instructions are discussed in greater detail in the three change management chapters.

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