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SharePlex 9.2.8 - Reference Guide

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modify partition

Use the modify partition command to modify a row partition of a partition scheme in a horizontally partitioned replication configuration.

Reactivate the configuration file if the command affects a table that is already being replicated. SharePlex will only lock tables for which there are configuration changes.

For more information about how to configure horizontally partitioned replication, see the SharePlex Administration Guide.


Supported sources: Oracle
Supported targets: All
Authorization level: Operator (2)
Issues on: source system
Related commands: add partition, drop partition, drop partition scheme, view partitions


Basic command Remote options

modify partition in scheme_name


keyword = value

[and keyword = value]



keyword = value

[and keyword = value]


Not available

Syntax Description

Note: See add partition for additional descriptions of these options.

Syntax Component Description
scheme_name The name of the partition scheme. Do not modify this component, or the row partition will shift to a new partition scheme.
keyword Any of the following syntax components except scheme_name.

Column condition that defines a row partition. The condition and hash components are mutually exclusive.

hash Hash count that specifies the number of row partitions that SharePlex will create based on the rowid hash-based partition scheme. The hash and condition components are mutually exclusive.

The routing map for this partition.

tablename Fully qualified target table name.
name Short name of this partition.
description Description of this partition.


sp_ctrl> modify partition in scheme1 set condition = "C1 > 400" and route = sysc:q1@o.orasid where name = q1

sp_ctrl> modify partition in scheme1 set condition = "C1 > 400" where condition = "C1 > 300"

sp_ctrl> modify partition in scheme1 set hash = 5 where hash = 4


Use the orainfo command to view Oracle database information including the SID. The following is an example of the display:

sp_ctrl (mysysl11:2101)> orainfo

Oracle instance #1:

Oracle SID ora12

Oracle HOME /oracle/products/12

Oracle Version 12

Oracle instance #2:

Oracle SID ora12

Oracle HOME /oracle/products/12

Oracle Version 12


The following will be displayed if a database account was not created for SharePlex or the statusdb was deleted, or if the command is executed from a version of SharePlex that does not support it.

sp_ctrl (alvspxl11:2101)> orainfo


Oracle information not available


Supported sources: Oracle
Supported targets: Oracle
Authorization level: Viewer (3)
Issued for: source or target system
Related commands: none


Basic command Remote options

[ on host |

on host:portnumber |

on login/password@host |

on login/password@host:portnumber ]

Remote options

These options enable you to issue the command on a remote machine and to script commands that include a login name, password, port number, or combination of those items.

Option Description
on host

Execute the command on a remote system (one other than the one where the current sp_ctrl session is running). You are prompted for login credentials for the remote system. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA

on host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA:8304

on login/password@host

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, and host name must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA

on login/password@host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, host name, and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA:8304


Use the port command to connect from sp_ctrl to an instance of sp_cop that is running on a TCP/IP port number other than the default. The default port number for sp_cop is either 2100 (the default port when SharePlex was installed) or a user-defined port that was set with the SP_COP_TPORT and SP_COP_UPORT parameters.

All commands issued during the current session of sp_ctrl will affect the sp_cop running on the specified port until the sp_ctrl session is terminated. A new session of sp_ctrl connects to the default port number or the user-defined port, if one was defined for the instance of SharePlex.

When to use the port command

When you are running one instance of sp_cop, using the port command is unnecessary. On startup, sp_ctrl determines the port number by first checking for a user-defined port and, if none exists, defaulting to port 2100.

Use the port command when you are running multiple instances of sp_cop on dedicated ports (such as in consolidated replication) and default ports for them were not set with the SP_COP_TPORT and SP_COP_UPORT parameters. To issue commands for multiple sp_cop instances, open a session of sp_ctrl for each one, and use the port command to set a port for each session.

SharePlex notifies you as follows if the port command is required when you start sp_ctrl:

“Your tcp port is not set properly or 'sp_cop' is not running.”

The warning indicates that sp_cop is not running or that it is running on a different port than the default.

The port command cannot be issued from a remote machine, so there are no [on host] options.


Supported sources: Oracle
Supported targets: All
Authorization level: Viewer (3)
Issued for: source or target system
Related commands: host


Basic command Remote options
port number Not available

Syntax description

Component Description

The port number you want to use. There must be a space between port and the port number.


sp_ctrl> port 2200

purge config

Use the purge config command to remove the data from all queues associated with a configuration without removing the queues themselves or deactivating the configuration. Avoiding a deactivation avoids the need for SharePlex to recalculate the configuration data. This saves time when the tables are large and numerous, enabling replication can start sooner.

Issue the purge config command on the source system to affect the source system and all target systems in the configured routes. Should any SharePlex process stop prior to or during the purge config activity, the command also stops working. When the process starts again, the command resumes working. Thus, purge config works even when the network is temporarily unavailable — the command remains in the queues until the connection is restored.

Cautions for using the purge config command

  • Do not activate a configuration and then follow the activate config command with a purge config command. You might be purging more than just queued data, including the configuration information that controls replication, thus rendering the activation invalid.
  • When there are multiple active configurations on the same source system, use the purge config command only if there are named export queues that separate the replication streams for each one. Without named export queues, SharePlex funnels all replicated data through one export queue, and a purge config command for one configuration deletes the data for all of them. To create named queues, see Chapter 5 of the SharePlex Administrator’s Guide.


Supported sources: Oracle
Supported targets: All
Authorization level: Administrator (1)
Issued for: source system
Related commands: abort config, deactivate config


Basic command Remote options
purge config filename

[ on host |

on host:portnumber |

on login/password@host |

on login/password@host:portnumber ]

Syntax description

Component Description

The name of the configuration that you want to purge. Configuration names are case-sensitive.


sp_ctrl(sysA)> purge config sales

Remote options

These options enable you to issue the command on a remote machine and to script commands that include a login name, password, port number, or combination of those items.

Option Description
on host

Execute the command on a remote system (one other than the one where the current sp_ctrl session is running). You are prompted for login credentials for the remote system. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA

on host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA:8304

on login/password@host

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, and host name must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA

on login/password@host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, host name, and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA:8304

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