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SharePlex 9.2.8 - Reference Guide

About this guide Conventions used in this guide SharePlex commands SharePlex parameters General SharePlex utilities Database Setup utilities SharePlex environment variables

About this guide

This guide is a reference for the following:

  • SharePlex commands — an overview of the commands that control replication through sp_ctrl, an explanation of command authorization levels, and detailed documentation for each command.
  • SharePlex parameters — an overview of the SharePlex tuning parameters, how they are set and stored, and detailed documentation for parameters that can be changed by SharePlex users.
  • SharePlex utilities — the SharePlex utilities and their use.
  • SharePlex error messages — common error codes, their cause, and the suggested resolution.

Users of the SharePlex Reference Guide should have a thorough understanding of SharePlex before issuing commands, changing parameters or attempting to solve problems.

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Conventions used in this guide

Conventions used in this manual

The following typographic conventions are used in this guide.

  • Bold represents required components of a command or option that must be typed as shown.
  • Italics represent variables defined, named or entered by the user.
  • {Braces} enclose required arguments.
  • [Brackets] represent optional command components and may also be used in example command strings to emphasize required user defined variables in long strings.


    reconcile queue {queuename} for {datasource-datadest} [on host]

  • A vertical bar, or “pipe” character, ( | ) within brackets or braces indicates that you can use only one of the enclosed components.


    abort service {service | all}

Names of commands, programs, directories and files are expressed in Bold.

Other names are expressed in capital letters using the default font.


The sp_ctrl program is located in the bin directory.

Open the oramsglst file.

Find the value for ORACLE_HOME.

Click Apply.

System displays, such as prompts and command output, are expressed in a monofaced (fixed-space) font.



User is a viewer (level=3)

Windows menu items, dialog boxes, and options within dialog boxes are expressed in Bold.


From the File menu, select Print.

System names are expressed generically or fictitiously. When necessary, the source system (or primary system) is referred to as SysA. Target systems (or secondary systems) are referred to as SysB, SysC, SysD, and so forth.

SharePlex commands

The SharePlex commands configure, start, stop, control, and monitor the replication process. SharePlex commands are issued through the sp_ctrl interface.


SharePlex commands at a glance

This section provides an overview of all SharePlex commands, grouped according to the processes or functions they control.

For more information about SharePlex command authorization levels and security groups, see the SharePlex Administration Guide.

Configuration commands

The configuration commands control all aspects of managing SharePlex configuration files.

List of configuration commands
Command Auth. Level Supported targets Description
abort config 1 All Immediately terminates replication for the designated configuration file whether or not data has posted. Deactivates the configuration and deletes queues and processes.
activate config 1 All Begins replication of the data specified in a configuration.
copy config 2 All Duplicates a configuration to edit and save as a new file.
create config 2 All Creates a new configuration file in which you enter information about objects to be replicated.
deactivate config 1 All Gracefully terminates replication of the data specified in a configuration, allowing data in the queues to be posted to the target database before the queues are deleted.
edit config 2 All Modifies an existing configuration file using the default text editor.
list config 3 All Displays all of the configuration files on a source system, both active and inactive.
purge config 1 All Removes data from queues generated by an active configuration, but does not deactivate the configuration or remove the queues themselves.
remove config 2 All Deletes a configuration file from the system permanently.
rename config 2 All Assigns a different name to a configuration file.
  2 All Configures Post to support a target database. This is known as the target configuration.
verify config 3 All Verifies that the objects in a configuration are valid and that the configuration is structured properly to ensure successful activation and replication.
view config 3 All Displays the contents of a configuration file.

Connect commands

The connect commands control connections made to replication systems through the sp_ctrl interface.

List of connect commands
Command Auth. level Supported targets Description
connection 2


Specifies connection settings to connect to a source or target database.
exit 3 All Exits the sp_ctrl command-line session and disconnects the TCP/IP link. (Used interchangeably with quit.)
host 3 All sets a default machine for the current sp_ctrl connection.
port 3 All Sets a default sp_cop port number for the current sp_ctrl session.
quit 3 All

Exits the sp_ctrl command-line session and disconnects the TCP/IP link. (Used interchangeably with exit.)

Encryption commands

The encryption commands enable you to encrypt data that is being sent across the network.

List of encryption commands
Command Auth. level Supported targets Description
create encryption key 2


Creates an encryption key to encrypt data across the network.
reset encryption key 2 All Removes an encryption key.
set encryption key 2 All Sets an encryption key for an Export-Import pair.

Information commands

The information commands provide information about the replication environment. Use these commands when you are trying to resolve a replication problem or you want to view certain process conditions.

List of information commands
Command Auth. level Description

append status

3 Displays status and results of the append using and append commands.

copy status

3 Displays status and results of the copy using and copy commands.

compare status

3 Displays the status and results of the compare using and compare commands.


3 Displays detailed information about the state of SharePlex replication.

job status

3 Displays current status and history for append, compare, copy and repair commands.


3 Displays the Oracle database information.


3 Displays the state of the capture, export and post queues.

repair status

2 Disaplys the status and results of the repair and repair using commands.


3 Displays append, compare, copy and/or repair history for a table.


3 Displays the source and destination of the data being processed by each replication process on a system, and displays the status of each process.

show capture

3 Displays brief or detailed statistics for the Capture process for use in tuning and problem solving.

show config

3 Displays properties of the active configuration.

show export

3 Displays the number of messages sent to the target system(s).

show import

3 Displays the number of messages received from the source system(s).

show log

3 Displays the Even Log, Command Log, Verify Log, Trace Log, or a process log.

show post

3 Displays brief or detailed statistics for the Post process for use in tuning and problem solving.

show read

3 Displays brief or detailed statistics for the Read process for use in tuning and problem solving.

show sql

3 Displays the current or last SQL statement processed by the Post process.

show statusdb

3 Displays the Status Database, which contains records of important replication events.

show sync

3 Displays information about out-of-sync conditions.


3 Displays an overview of the state of SharePlex replication.

Maintenance commands

The maintenance commands control command displays and files.

List of maintenance commands
Command Auth. level Supported targets Description
clear history 2


Removes the job information and source logs for runs of the compare, compare using, repair, copy and append commands.
clear status 2 All Removes warning messages from the Status Database.
remove log 3 Oracle Removes old compare reports and logs from the system.
set log 3 All Sets the default values for the show log command.
truncate log 1 All Clears the records from the Event Log, with the exception of logged commands.

Parameter commands

The parameter commands control the environment parameters that define how Share- Plex operates.

List of parameter commands
Command Auth. level Supported targets Description
list param 3


Displays a list of SharePlex parameters withcurrent and default values and set-at points.
reset param 1 All Restores the value of a SharePlex parameter to the default setting.
set param 1 All Changes the value of a SharePlex parameter on a global basis or for a specified replication process.

Partitioning commands

The partitioning commands create, manage, and display the partition schemes and row partitions that are being used for horizontally partitioned replication.

List of partitioning commands
Command Auth. level Supported targets Description
add partition 2


Creates partition schemes and row partitions.
drop partition 2


Removes a row partition from a partition scheme.
drop partition scheme 2


Removes a partition scheme.
modify partition 2


Modifies a row partition of a partition scheme.
view partitions 3


Shows existing partition schemes and their row partition specifications.

Properties commands

The properties commands display information about a user’s authorization level, the local system, and the local SharePlex installation.

List of properties commands
Command Auth. level Supported targets Description
authlevel 3


Displays the SharePlex authorization level of a user who logs into sp_ctl.

hostinfo 3 All Displays a machine's name and operating system.
version 3 All Displays the version of SharePlex installed on a machine.

Route commands

The route commands enable you to delete a queue or process left over from a deprecated replication route.

Command Auth. level Supported targets Description
delete capture queue 2 All Deletes a capture queue.
delete export process 2 All Deletes an export process.
delete export queue 2 All Deletes an export queue.
delete post queue 2 All Deletes a post queue.

Run commands

The run commands control the operation of SharePlex with options for starting and stopping processes, starting and shutting down replication, re-synchronizing data, and enabling/disabling confirmation messages.

List of run commands
Command Auth. level Supported targets Description
abort service 2 or 1


Stops one or all replication processes immediately, without finishing processing. (Level 1 required for Capture.)
clear status 3 All Removes warning messages from the Status Database.
shutdown 1 All Shuts down sp_cop and all replication processes.
start 2 or 1 All Starts a replication process. (Level 1 required for Capture.)
startup 1 All Use the startup command to start all processes at once.
stop 2 or 1 All Stops a replication process gracefully after it is finished reading from or writing to its queues. (Level 1 required for Capture.)

Synchronization commands

The synchronization commands control aspects of data synchronization.

List of synchronization commands
Command Auth. level Supported targets Description
cancel 2 Oracle Cancels a running compare, repair, copy or append command job.
compare / compare using 2


Compares the contents of source and target tables to verify synchronization.
copy / append 2 Oracle Uses the Oracle Export/Import utility to allow users to set-up replication and/or (re)synchronize tables already in replication.
disable jobs / enable jobs 2 Oracle Control whether the synchronization commands are allowed to run on a secondary system in a high-availability or peer-to-peer configuration.
flush 2 All Puts a marker in the data stream to establish a point of synchronization between the source and target data, then stops the Post process at that point.
reconcile 1 All Synchronizes the results of a backup or copy applied to the target system with user transactions from the source system.
repair / repair using 2 Oracle Repairs out-of-sync rows in target tables to bring source and targets back into synchronization.

Target configuration command

The target configuration commands configure the Post process to support heterogeneous replication.

Target command
Command Auth. level Supported targets Description
target 2 All

The properties stored in the target configuration control how Post processes, formats, and outputs replicated data.




Shows how source data types are mapped to the target database.

Miscellaneous commands

These miscellaneous commands provide additional controls for using SharePlex.

List of miscellaneous commands
Command Auth. level Supported targets Description
copy cache 2 Oracle Copies the object cache from the source to the target.
edit 3


Displays the previously issued command in the text editor so that you can edit it and execute the edited version.
expand 3 All Will expand a wildcard specification and display the expanded specification to the screen.
help 3 All Displays descriptions and syntax for SharePlex commands from the sp_ctrl command-line interface.
redo N/A All Executes the previous command again.
usage 3 All Displays the syntax for a SharePlex command.
view log options 3 All Displays the default values for the show log command.
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