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SharePlex 11.2 - Reference Guide

About this guide Conventions used in this guide Revision History SharePlex Commands for Oracle SharePlex Commands for PostgreSQL SharePlex parameters General SharePlex utilities Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SharePlex environment variables


Show_scn utility

Use the show_scn utility to view the correct Oracle SCN values to supply with the following commands during a Resume Replication recovery procedure:

  • activate config config_name scn=scn_value
  • reconcile queue queue_name for datasource-datadest scn scn_value

Supported databases

Oracle source and target

Run show_scn

The show_scn utility is run during the Resume Replication procedure after the source, target or both have failed. To use Resume Replication and the show_scn utility, there must be the following in place at the onset of replication:

  • A disaster recovery (DR) solution that provides a physically identical copy of the production source instance and another physical copy of the production target instance. Methods such as Oracle Data Guard or disk mirroring, tape backups and other methods support this requirement.
  • The SP_OPO_UPDATE_SCN parameter must be set to a value of 1. This parameter directs SharePlex to keep a record of the SCNs of the transactions that it processes. When you set this parameter to 1, it also disables the Post Enhanced Performance feature.

IMPORTANT: For more information about how to use show_scn in context, see "Resume replication after failure and recovery" in the SharePlex Administration Guide.

To run show_scn:

From the command line of the target system, run the show_scn utility from the bin subdirectory of the SharePlex product directory. For datasource, use the ORACLE_SID of the source database.

$ /productdir/bin/show_scn datasource


The utility provides output similar to the following:

$> show_scn o.ora112

On source activate to scn=510012416

For resume replication from ora112

reconcile queue sp01 for o.ora112-o.ora112 scn 4517993781

reconcile queue sp02 for o.ora112-o.ora112 scn 4517994532

reconcile queue sp03 for o.ora112-o.ora112 scn 4517995633

show_last_posted Utility

Use the show_last_posted utility to view the correct PostgreSQL LSN values to supply with the following commands during a Resume Replication recovery procedure:

  • activate config config_name pglsn=lsn_value
  • reconcile queue queue_name for datasource-datadest pglsn lsn_value

Supported databases

PostgreSQL source and target

Run show_last_posted

The show_last_posted utility is run during the Resume Replication procedure after the source, target or both have failed. To use Resume Replication and the show_last_posted utility, there must be the following in place at the onset of replication:

A disaster recovery (DR) solution that provides a physically identical copy of the production source instance and another physical copy of the production target instance. Methods such as PostgreSQL Data Guard or disk mirroring, tape backups and other methods support this requirement.

IMPORTANT: For more information about how to use show_last_posted in context, see "Resume replication after failure and recovery" in the SharePlex Administration Guide.

To run show_last_posted:

Pre-requisite: Users need to stop the Post process before running the Show_last_posted utility.

  • From the command line of the target system, run the show_last_posted utility from the bin subdirectory of the SharePlex product directory. For datasource, use the r.dbname of the source database.

    $ /productdir/bin/show_last_posted datasource

  • You can also run the command from sp_ctrl:

    sp_ctrl > show last_posted


The utility provides output similar to the following:

$> show_last_posted r.dbname1

On source activate to pglsn=<LSN in hexadecimal format>

For resume replication from r.dbname1

reconcile queue sp01 for r.dbname1-r.dbname1 pglsn <LSN1 in hexadecimal format>

reconcile queue sp02 for r.dbname1-r.dbname1 pglsn <LSN2 in hexadecimal format>

reconcile queue sp03 for r.dbname1-r.dbname1 pglsn <LSN3 in hexadecimal format>

Note: On the source database, first run the Activation command, and then run the Reconcile command on the target.



Use the socket_test utility to debug networking and firewall issues for the Compare/Repair feature. If the socket_test utility is successful, there are no network or firewall issues to prevent the source and target from communicating.

This section explains how to use this utility in an environment configured with Network Address Translation (NAT). NAT enables a local-area network (LAN) to use one set of IP addresses for private internal traffic and another set of addresses for public external traffic. NAT acts as a bridge and an interpreter between the two networks, for example a private LAN and the public Internet, or a secure network and an insecure network.

To determine whether your system is using NAT, execute nslookup from the source machine, and then again from the target machines. Use the same host name for all tests. If the results reflect different values, then it is likely that the systems are working in a NAT configured environment.

The socket_test utility is in the util sub-directory of the SharePlex product directory. There are two components: a server component and a client component.

Supported databases

All databases supported on UNIX and Linux

Run socket_test

Perform the follwing steps to run socket_test:

  1. On the source machine, use the following syntax to execute socket_test with the server option to run the server component.

    $ proddir/util/socket_test server

    The utility displays platform information, the host name, the host IP address and the port number as shown in the following example. The server remains in a waiting state until the socket_test client component (step 2) connects to it.

  2. On the target machine, use the following syntax to execute socket_test with the client option to run the client component. Provide the NAT IP address of the source machine and the port number issued by the socket_test server test in the previous step.

$proddir/util/socket_test client IP_address

If the test is successful, two things happen:

  • The utility displays the message " SUCCESSFULLY read/write messages from server":
  • Additionally, the socket_test server output on the source machine from step 1 is appended with text similar to the following :
Connected to client
WB(512):ReadWriteCnt = 0, readCnt=0, readBytes=0, writeCnt=0, writeBytes=0
WE:ReadWriteCnt = 1, readCnt=0, totalRBytes=0, writeCnt=1, totalWBytes=512
SE:ReadWriteCnt = 1, readCnt=0, totalRBytes=0, writeCnt=1, totalWBytes=512
Server completed successfully, Thu Mar  9 20:00:07 2006
Program exiting..., Thu Mar  9 20:00:07 2006

If the test is not successful, the utility displays error messages as in the following example, and the socket_test server remains in a waiting state.

socket_test - version: 1.2
SunOS irvlabu01 5.9 Generic_112233-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-880
Program executing as client..., Thu Mar  9 20:02:26 2006
SP_SYS_HOST_NAME was not set.
client host name: irvlabu01
client IP:

Client is try to connect to.....
Server Host:
Server Port: 57370
Error calling connect in connect_to_server
Error 146: Connection refused
Error 146 calling connect_to_server
CE:ReadWriteCnt = 0, readCnt=0, totalRBytes=0, writeCnt=0, totalWBytes=0
Error in client, Thu Mar  9 20:02:26 2006

If the socket test fails, execute the Ctrl-C command on the source machine to exit out of the socket_test server.



Use the sp-bininfo utility to verify that a new release of SharePlex includes past one-off builds of SharePlex that you received from Support between GA releases.

The output shows the following for each one-off that is installed for your current version of SharePlex:

  • SharePlex module, such as Capture (sp_ocap) or Post (sp_opst or sp_xpst)
  • SharePlex version and build number
  • Database and platform
  • Change Request (CR) number(s). This is a unique internal change tracking number that is assigned to your case at the time your one-off request enters the development process.
  • The SharePlex libraries that were updated in the one-off

Figure 2: Sample sp-bininfo output

(6) sp_ocap:
       build 171 of SharePlex_Oracle (ONEOFF-CR123456-CR654321-CR789102-oracle110) 8.6.3 for rh-40-amd64 by jdoe
       SharePlex shared lib(s):

Supported databases

Not applicable

Supported platforms

Linux and Unix

Run sp-bininfo

Perform the follwing steps to run sp-bininfo:

  1. Run the sp-bininfo utility from the util subdirectory of the product directory of your current SharePlex installation.

    $ cd path_to_SharePlex_proddir/util

    $ ./sp-bininfo

  2. Compare the CRs of each one-off shown in the sp-bininfo output with the CRs in the Resolved Issues section of the Release Notes that are included with the new SharePlexversion.
  3. If any CRs of your one-offs are not shown in the Resolved Issues, the new version does not include that functionality, and you should not proceed with the upgrade. Contact SharePlex support to obtain the missing fixes.
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