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Specify the path to the Foglight license file in the License File box, or browse to a license file by clicking the Browse button. |
IMPORTANT: See the Administration and Configuration Guide for information about license requirements, managing licenses, and the different categories of cartridges (based on their license requirements). |
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Click Next. |
The Foglight Server Startup step enables to add Foglight to the system service.
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To start the Foglight Management Server as a system service, select Yes, add foglight to the system service. |
The Foglight Server Startup step enables you to start the Management Server.
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If you selected Run Now, the installer starts Foglight and the Foglight Server Startup page launches in a web browser (if a web browser is available). If a web browser is not available, the Foglight Server Startup page does not launch. |
Click Done to complete the installation process.
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