Alle Versuche, einen Recovery Point zu mounten, schlagen fehl mit der Meldung;
"TevoMountReplay failed with error -2147023570 (0x8007052e - The user name or password is incorrect)"
Replay.Common.Contracts.TevoLib.TevoLibraryErrorException: TevoMountReplay failed with error -2147023570 (0x8007052e - The user name or password is incorrect) at Replay.Common.NativeWrapper.TevoLib.TevoLibraryErrorException.Throw(String functionName, Int32 errorCode) at Replay.Common.NativeWrapper.TevoLib.TevoLibWrapper.MountReplay(UInt32 ipAddress, UInt16 port, String imageFile, UInt32 epoch, UInt32 startEpoch, UInt16 flags, String linkName, String securityProvider, String domain, String username, String password, VolumeName& virtualVolumeGuidName, String& virtualVolumeDriveLetter) at Replay.Common.Implementation.VirtualDiskDriver.VirtualDiskDriverService.MountInternal(IPAddress replayServerAddress, UInt16 replayServerPortNumber, String volumeImageId, UInt32 epochNumber, UInt32 startEpochNumber, MountFlags mountFlags, String driveLetter, String securityProvider, NetworkCredential credential, Boolean useTimeout) at Replay.Common.Implementation.VirtualDiskDriver.VirtualDiskDriverService.Mount(IPAddress replayServerAddress, UInt16 replayServerPortNumber, String volumeImageId, UInt32 epochNumber, UInt32 startEpochNumber, MountFlags mountFlags, String driveLetter, String securityProvider, NetworkCredential credential) at Replay.Core.Implementation.Mounts.
Auf dem Rapid Recovery Core Server:
1. Öffnen Sie die Local Security Policy (secpol.msc)
Navigieren Sie zu: Local Policies > Security Options
2. Finden Sie die Policy: 'Network security: Restrict NTLM: Incoming traffic'
3. Setzen Sie die Security Setting auf: Allow All
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