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4376916 - Account Expiry emails sent to Managers need to be specified with the Expiry time

In the emails sent to the managers on user account expiry, currently it is not possible to add the ExpiresOn attribute which can display the date...

Revised: September 19, 2024
4317337 - Is it possible to manage a non-trusted domain with Active Administrator?

Is it possible to manage a non-trusted domain with (AA) Active Administrator?

Revised: September 18, 2024
4377019 - Enhancement ID 489431: allow for configurability of how the alerts cause agent restarts, and to expand the intervals by default to minimize agent restarts due to connection issues.

Created enhancement to allow for configurability of how the alerts cause agent restarts, and to expand the intervals by default to minimize agent...

Revised: September 18, 2024
4236668 - Active Template shows as broken and repaired

Active Delegation Templates continues to show as broken/repaired.

Revised: September 17, 2024
4368870 - Active Administrator Notification Service failed to send email notification. Object reference not set to an instance of an object

After upgrading to 8.6.2 an issue may be encountered where email alerts are no longer sent when the alert is raised.

Revised: September 17, 2024
4315541 - Does GPO Settings Search option looks for a specific entry or value across all Group Policy?

Does GPO Settings Search option looks for a specific entry or value across all Group Policy?

Revised: September 17, 2024
4267078 - How to audit a specific Active Directory Attribute.

How to audit a specific Active Directory Attribute.

Revised: September 17, 2024
4375313 - Access denied when restoring an AD object.

When trying to restore you get the following error: An error occurred while attempting to load the archive. One...

Revised: September 17, 2024
4375565 - Not receiving email notification alert when someone logons to a Domain Controller.

When someone logons to a Domain Controller the alert is seen in Active Administrator console under Audit Reports, but no email notification is...

Revised: September 17, 2024
4288458 - How to change lists of email addresses in Active Administrator?

How to change/update current email settings and send notification emails from Active Administrator to a new user?

Revised: September 12, 2024
4220416 - How to create a custom alert?

How do you create a custom alert?

Revised: September 3, 2024

Product Life Cycle


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