
NetVault 13.0 - Administration Guide for Managed Service Providers

Introduction Getting started Configuring clients Managing catalog search Configuring storage devices
About storage devices SAN considerations Quest DR Series systems Quest QoreStor NetVault SmartDisk EMC Data Domain Systems Snapshot Array Manager Virtual Tape Libraries Virtual standalone drives Shared Virtual Tape Libraries Physical tape devices Storage tiers
Backing up data Managing policies Restoring data Managing NetVault dashboard Managing jobs Monitoring logs Managing storage devices
Role-based access to manage storage devices Monitoring device activity Managing disk-based storage devices in list view Managing disk-based storage devices in tree view Managing the Snapshot Array Manager Managing tape libraries in list view Managing tape libraries in tree view Managing tape drives in list view Managing tape drives in tree view Adding shared devices
Managing storage media Managing user and group accounts Managing Tenant Monitoring events and configuring notifications Reporting in NetVault Working with client clusters Configuring default settings for NetVault
About configuring default settings Configuring encryption settings Configuring plug-in options Configuring default settings for post-scripts Configuring default settings for Verify Plug-in Configuring Deployment Manager Settings Configuring Job Manager settings Configuring Logging Daemon settings Configuring Media Manager settings Configuring Network Manager settings Configuring Process Manager settings Configuring RAS device settings Configuring Schedule Manager settings Configuring Web Service settings Configuring Auditor Daemon settings Configuring firewall settings Configuring general settings Configuring security settings Synchronizing NetVault Time Configuring the reporting utility Configuring NetVault WebUI default settings Configuring NetVault to use a specific VSS provider Configuring default settings using Txtconfig
Diagnostic tracing Managing diagnostic data Using the deviceconfig utility NetVault processes Environment variables Network ports used by NetVault Troubleshooting
Common errors Safe Mode in NetVault

Using the configuration wizard

The NetVault WebUI provides a configuration wizard that guides you through the various aspects of setting up your backup system. You can use the wizard to install client and plug-in packages, add clients, configure devices, and create backup jobs. The configuration wizard can be accessed from the Guided Configuration link in the Navigation pane.

In the Navigation pane, click Guided Configuration.

Install Software and Deploy Clients

Installs and upgrades client and plug‑in packages on remote machines, and adds new machines as clients to the NetVault Server. For more information, see Performing push installations.

Add Storage Devices

Adds a storage device to the NetVault Server. The available device types include the following:

Single virtual disk device: Adds a virtual standalone drive. For more information, see Virtual standalone drives.
Virtual tape library/media changer: Adds a Virtual Tape Library (VTL). For more information, see Virtual Tape Libraries.
Shared virtual tape library: Adds a Shared Virtual Tape Library (SVTL). For more information, see Shared Virtual Tape Libraries.
Single physical tape device: Adds a standalone tape drive. For more information, see Physical tape devices.
Tape library/media changer: Adds a tape library. For more information, see Physical tape devices.
NetVault SmartDisk: Adds a Quest NetVault SmartDisk. For more information, see NetVault SmartDisk.
Quest RDA Device: Adds a Quest DR Series system or QoreStor. For more information, see Quest DR Series systems or Quest QoreStor.
Data Domain Boost Device: Adds an EMC Data Domain System. For more information, see EMC Data Domain Systems.
Snapshot Array Manager: Adds Snapshot Array Manager. For more information, see Snapshot Array Manager.

Create Backup Jobs

Select this option to create and schedule backup jobs. For more information, see Creating backup jobs.

Monitoring the NetVault Server

You can monitor the overall status of your NetVault Server from the Server Monitor page. You can use this page to view the status of clients, devices, regular jobs, and policy jobs. The Activity Chart shows the data transfer rate for jobs and the number of active jobs. You can also view the events that occurred during the selected time window.

NOTE: The Server Monitor page is automatically loaded when you log on to the WebUI.
On the Server Monitor page (see Figure 2, NetVault WebUI home page for MSP admin), you can view the following information.

Client Status

This area shows the number of online clients and total client count. Move the pointer over the count to view the total number of clients and number of offline clients.

You can click this area to open the Manage Clients page.

Storage Devices

This area shows the number of online devices and total device count only for MSP administrator. Move the pointer over the count to view total count, the number of offline devices and number and type of online devices.

You can click this area to open the Manage Devices page.

Total Data Stored

This area shows the total amount of data backed up from various clients. The total storage consumed is displayed to the MSP administrator. However tenant administrator and tenant users can view the consolidated storage consumed by them.

MSP administrator can click this area to open the Explore Storage page.

Activity Chart

This chart displays the data transfer rate for active jobs and the number of active jobs. You can also view the events that occurred during the selected time window.

You can use the following settings to modify the Activity Chart:

Time window: This setting allows you to change the time window for the Activity Chart. The available options are 10 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours.
Event type: This setting allows you to change the event type displayed on the page. The available options are Errors Only, Key Events, and All Events.

Job Activity Charts

This area shows the summary of current jobs, policy jobs, and regular jobs in the form of bar charts.

Current Activity: The individual bars represent the number of jobs that are in active, waiting, pending, and scheduled states.
Policies: The individual bars represent the number of policy jobs that have completed successfully, completed with warnings, and failed.
Regular Jobs: The individual bars represent the number of regular jobs that have completed successfully, completed with warnings, and failed.

You can click a bar to open the Job Status page and view the job details for that category. For example, you can click the Active bar in the Current Activity area to view the jobs that are in progress. Similarly, you can click the Errors bar in the Regular Jobs area to view the regular jobs that have failed.

Sorting records in NetVault WebUI

NetVault web application supports multiple-column sorting for the tables. However, the first sorted column takes the highest precedence over the sorting of other columns. For example, if the table is sorted by the ‘Start Time’ as the primary sort, selecting sort options on the ‘ID/ Instance/ Phase’ column does not affect the list order.

To sort by a column, click the column header; to change the sort direction, click the column header again. Repeat this step for other columns by which you want to sort the table.

The arrowhead next to the column name indicates the sorting order (up for ascending order and down for descending order). A blue arrowhead is used to indicate the sort order for the primary column.

To remove a sort, click the column header for the corresponding column until the arrowhead is no longer displayed.

To choose the following actions in a column, click the column menu:

Customizing tables in NetVault WebUI

The following table provides a brief description of the icons at the lower- right corner of the table. You can use these icons to customize the records in the table.

This icon is shown above the table as well as at the lower- right corner of the table. Use this icon to filter the records in the table. Click this icon to display the following two options:

Edit Filters: Click this option to set the filters for the records displayed in the table.
‘Filters’ drawer is displayed on the right- side of the page. Set the filter options and click Apply. For more information on filter options for the respective table, refer to Filter options.
Reset Filters: Click this option to remove the user-defined filter option settings for the records in the table. This option is not shown if filters are not applied in the table.

By default, the filter is not applied and all the records are displayed in the table. When you set the filters, the applied filter options are displayed above the table and the color of filter icon and table border is changed. For example, the filters are shown as View By: Current Activity, Run Status: Waiting, Scheduled, and so on.

Move the pointer over this icon to view the page size setting, column sorting order, and filters applied in the table.

To export the table data to a CSV format file, click this icon.

Click this icon for Table Settings:

Set Pagesize: Click this to set the number of records per page to display in the table. Table Options dialog box is displayed. Specify the required number in the field “Specific number per page”. Click OK. By default, table options are set to Automatically, based on what will fit.
Restore Defaults: Click this to remove the user-defined settings for the table. A confirmation dialog appears. Click OK.

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