
NetVault 13.0 - Administration Guide for Managed Service Providers

Introduction Getting started Configuring clients Managing catalog search Configuring storage devices
About storage devices SAN considerations Quest DR Series systems Quest QoreStor NetVault SmartDisk EMC Data Domain Systems Snapshot Array Manager Virtual Tape Libraries Virtual standalone drives Shared Virtual Tape Libraries Physical tape devices Storage tiers
Backing up data Managing policies Restoring data Managing NetVault dashboard Managing jobs Monitoring logs Managing storage devices
Role-based access to manage storage devices Monitoring device activity Managing disk-based storage devices in list view Managing disk-based storage devices in tree view Managing the Snapshot Array Manager Managing tape libraries in list view Managing tape libraries in tree view Managing tape drives in list view Managing tape drives in tree view Adding shared devices
Managing storage media Managing user and group accounts Managing Tenant Monitoring events and configuring notifications Reporting in NetVault Working with client clusters Configuring default settings for NetVault
About configuring default settings Configuring encryption settings Configuring plug-in options Configuring default settings for post-scripts Configuring default settings for Verify Plug-in Configuring Deployment Manager Settings Configuring Job Manager settings Configuring Logging Daemon settings Configuring Media Manager settings Configuring Network Manager settings Configuring Process Manager settings Configuring RAS device settings Configuring Schedule Manager settings Configuring Web Service settings Configuring Auditor Daemon settings Configuring firewall settings Configuring general settings Configuring security settings Synchronizing NetVault Time Configuring the reporting utility Configuring NetVault WebUI default settings Configuring NetVault to use a specific VSS provider Configuring default settings using Txtconfig
Diagnostic tracing Managing diagnostic data Using the deviceconfig utility NetVault processes Environment variables Network ports used by NetVault Troubleshooting
Common errors Safe Mode in NetVault

Creating Restore Advanced Options Sets

A Restore Advanced Options Set is used to specify restore type, pre- and post-script, and other advanced options. You can create a Restore Advance Options Set from the Create Restore Job page.

Start the restore job wizard, and click Create New next to the Advanced Options list.
Click Save, and in the Create New Set dialog box, type a name for the set.
Click Save to save the Restore Advanced Options Set.

Setting restore type

On the Advanced Options page, click Restore Type, and select one of the following options.
Restore TestBackup1 using the Restore from selected backup option. This job restores the file “first.txt.”
Restore TestBackup1 using the Restore from latest backup option. This job restores the file “last.txt.”
Click Set to save the settings and close the dialog box.

Specifying additional options

On the Advanced Options page, click Additional Options, and configure the following option:
Use Network Compression: To use network compression while transferring data over the network, select this check box. The data is compressed on the server or client to which the source device is attached before being transferred over the network. On the target client, the data is decompressed before being restored to the original or alternate location.
Restores performed using the Plug-in for NDMP, Plug-in for NetWare, and NetVault Bare Metal Recovery products
Click Set to save the settings and close the dialog box.

Configuring pre- and post -scripts for restore jobs

You can use the pre- and post-script options to run user-defined scripts before a job starts or after a job completes. You can use these scripts to perform tasks such as dismounting or shutting down a database before the job starts or mounting or starting the database after the job completes.

Before configuring pre- or post-scripts, review the following information:

The script should be an executable file, for example, “.bat” files on Windows and “.sh” files on Linux.
The script file should reside on the target client. It should be available in the scripts directory under the NetVault installation directory.
The pre- and post-scripts can contain run-time parameters. These parameters are stored in the environment variable NV_USER_ARG. You can also use other NetVault environment variables in the scripts. For a list of available environment variables, see Environment variables in NetVault.
psmail: Use this script to send job completion status to the specified email addresses.
psmail_logs: Use this script to send job completion status and job logs to the specified email addresses.
Linux and UNIX: psmail or psmail_logs
Windows: psmail.bat or psmail_logs.bat
On the Advanced Options page, click Pre & Post Scripts, and configure the following settings.

Pre Script

This option allows you to run a user defined script before a job starts. You can use this script to perform any pre -restore preparation, like dismounting or shutting down a database.

To run a pre -script, do the following:

In the Pre Script box, specify the script filename.
In the User Parameter box, provide the values for the run -time parameters. The value should be valid and conform to its usage in the script. NetVault does not perform any validity checks for the user parameters.

Post Script

This option allows you to run a user-defined script after a job completes. You can use this script to perform any post restore processing, such as mounting or starting a database after a job completes.

To run a post -script, do the following:

In the Post Script box, specify the script filename.
In the User Parameter box, provide the values for the run-time parameters. The value should be valid and conform to its usage in the script. NetVault does not perform any validity checks for the user parameters.
Click Set to save the settings and close the dialog box.

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