Managing NetVault dashboard
About NetVault dashboard
You can view the overall statistics of the NetVault system from the Dashboard page.
The dashboard is a set of graphical widgets that displays the data relevant to your NetVault system and the machines you protect. By default, the data in the widgets is refreshed according to a pre-defined refresh interval time however, you can also manually enter the refresh interval.
The dashboards feature enables you to create multiple configurable graphical views of your environment. You can construct and configure a dashboard and load it to access data of the monitored widgets for NetVault WebUI. A default dashboard is created and loaded by NetVault. A dashboard can have maximum of eighteen widgets. You can perform various actions on the dashboard like share, clone, delete etc.
Role-based access for NetVault Dashboard
Viewing NetVault dashboard
To view the NetVault dashboard, in the Navigation pane, click Dashboard.
The dashboard includes the following widgets:
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Job Status: This widget shows the status of NetVault jobs, and is represented by  icon. The individual bars in this widget represent the total number of successful jobs (green), completed jobs with warnings (yellow), and failed jobs (red). To view the job summary, move the pointer over the bar. By default, the chart displays the data for the last 7 days. However, you can set the widget filter to change the period. To view the jobs on the Job Status page, click the corresponding bar. Default refresh interval time for this widget is 900 seconds. |
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Job Duration: This widget shows the job duration (in seconds) of the top 10 (default) time consuming NetVault jobs and is represented by  icon. You can set the widget filter to change the number of jobs. To view the job summary, move the pointer over the bar. To view the job details of any job on the Job History page, click the corresponding bar. Default refresh interval time for this widget is 3600 seconds. |
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Media Space Usage: This widget shows the amount of media space used and available in your NetVault system and is represented by  icon. By default, 40 media are displayed. You can set the widget filter to change the number of media for the widget. To view the media summary, move the pointer over the bar. To explore the media item, click the corresponding bar. Default refresh interval time for this widget is 1800 seconds. |
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Client Status: This widget shows the online or offline status of existing NetVault Clients and is represented by  icon. This widget appears as a pie chart. To view the client details summary, move the pointer over the corresponding slice. To view the client details on Manage Clients page, click the corresponding slice on the pie chart. Default refresh interval time for this widget is 900 seconds. |
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Unusable Media: This widget shows the details of unusable media in your NetVault system and is represented by  icon. Each unusable media is displayed as a bubble in the chart with different colors, where the color indicates information for unusable media, see, Table 70. To view the media summary, move the pointer over the bubble/circle. To explore the media item, click the corresponding bubble chart. Default refresh interval time for this widget is 1800 seconds. |
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Device Status: This widget shows the device status of RAS devices, tap libraries, and tape drives and is represented by  icon. Each device is represented as a separate slice in the pie chart. To view the device summary, move the pointer over the pie chart. To explore the device status, click the corresponding slice on the pie chart. Default refresh interval time for this widget is 1800 seconds. |
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Policy Status: This widget shows the details of backup policies in your NetVault system and is represented by  icon. Each policy is represented as a separate slice in the pie chart. To view the policy summary, move the pointer over the pie chart. To explore the policy status on the Manage Policies page, click the corresponding slice on the pie chart. Default refresh interval time for this widget is 900 seconds. |
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Event Stream: This widget shows the events that occurred in NetVault Server during a time interval and is represented by  icon. By default, the error events for last 10 minutes are displayed.You can set the widget filter to change the time interval or event type (Error Only, Key Events, and All Events). To view the event summary, move the pointer over the bubble. To explore an event, click the corresponding bubble on the chart. Default refresh interval time for this widget is 60 seconds. |
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Log Stream: This widget shows the log stream for all NetVault processes and is represented by  icon. By default, the log stream for last 10 minutes is displayed.You can set the widget filter to change the time interval, level, or class of the logs. To view the log summary, move the pointer over the bubble. To explore a log on the View Logs page, click the corresponding bubble on the chart. Default refresh interval time for this widget is 60 seconds. |
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Running Jobs: This widget shows the status and job history of NetVault running jobs and is represented by  icon. The individual bars in this widget represent the running job which displays the current job's last three instances information like, duration, bytes transfered, and exit status. This information is displayed by hovering the mouse on the pointer over bar. To view the job details of any job on the Job Status page, click the corresponding bar. Default refresh interval time for this widget is 900 seconds. You can also set different filter like Client, Plugin, Policy, Job Type, Record Limit and Duration. |