
NetVault Plug-in for Oracle 12.3 - User Guide

Introducing Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug-in  for Oracle Defining a backup strategy Installing and removing the plug-in Configuring the plug-in Backing up data Using the Oracle Flashback Database Restoring data
Restoring and recovering data: an overview Performing User Managed restores Using advanced User Managed restore procedures Performing RMAN restores Using RMAN types of recovery in a non-RAC environment Using advanced procedures with RMAN restores
Maintaining the Recovery Catalog Using the RMAN CLI Using the plug-in with Oracle RAC Using the plug-in in a failover cluster environment Using the plug-in with Oracle Data Guard Using the plug-in with Oracle Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) Troubleshooting

Setting Block Media Recovery options

Use the options on the Block Media Recovery tab to specify that you want to perform Block Media Recovery. When Block Media Recovery is performed, the following should be noted:

Objects selected on the Create Selection Set page are ignored.
Mount Database Before Restore and Shutdown Abort Database First options on the Restore Options tab are honored.
Options selected on the Post Recovery tab are honored.

The Block Media Recovery tab contains the following options:

Perform Block Media Recovery: Select this option to perform Block Media Recovery and recover only the corrupted blocks versus recovering the entire datafile.
Recover All Corrupted Blocks: Select this option to recover all the corrupted blocks that are reported in V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION.
Specify Corrupted Blocks to Recover: When you only want to recover a certain subset of the corrupted blocks, select this option. In the corresponding text box, enter the datafile number and block number of each of the corrupted blocks that you want to recover. Enter one datafile-block entry per line in the following format:
DATAFILE <num> BLOCK <num>
DATAFILE <num> BLOCK <num>
DATAFILE <num> BLOCK <num>
DATAFILE <num> BLOCK <num>
In this example, <num> represents the datafile and block number to recover.

Setting Post Recovery options

When performing recovery using the Whole Database, All Tablespace, or Disaster Recovery options, the database is in a MOUNT state during the restore and recovery process. You must return the database to the OPEN state after completion. The plug-in provides the flexibility of opening the database automatically after the recovery process during the restore.

The Post Recovery tab includes the following options:

Open Database after Recovery: Select this option to open the database automatically and make it available for normal use after the recovery process is completed during the restore. Selecting this option makes the following options available:
Read Write: Opens the database in read/write mode, which lets you generate redo logs. This option is the default if you are opening a primary database.
Read Write and Reset Logs: Opens the database in read/write mode and resets the current log sequence number to 1. It also archives any un-Archived Log files, including the current log, and discards any redo information that was not applied during recovery so that it is never applied. This option must be selected in the following situations:
After a previous OPEN RESETLOGS operation did not complete.
After a FLASHBACK DATABASE operation.
Read Only: Select this option to restrict users to read-only transactions, which prevents them from generating redo logs. This option is the default setting when you open a physical standby database, so that the physical standby database is available for queries even while archive logs are being copied from the primary database site. Oracle has the following restrictions on opening a database with the Read Only option:
You cannot open a database in Read Only mode if it is opened in Read Write mode by a different instance.
You cannot open a database in Read Only mode if it requires recovery.
You cannot take tablespaces offline while the database is open in Read Only mode. However, you can take datafiles offline and online, and you can recover offline datafiles and tablespaces while the database is open in Read Only mode.

Setting Destination Details

If the SYSDBA user name or password or the Oracle SID for the database has changed since the time of backup, set the following options for the restore job on the Destination Details tab:

Target Service: This option is required only if the current SID for the Oracle DBID has been changed since the backup was taken.
Oracle SYSDBA User Name: Specify the new SYSDBA user name if changed.
Oracle SYSDBA Password: Specify the password associated with the name specified in the preceding field.

Setting the Recovery Catalog details

While the Recovery Catalog information is provided for backups on the Configure or Add, or Edit, Oracle Database dialog box, set the Recovery Catalog configuration for a particular restore job by configuring the Recovery Catalog information on the Recovery Catalog tab.

Use Catalog: Select this option to use the RMAN repository in the Recovery Catalog and store information about this restore operation in a Recovery Catalog. Clear Use Catalog when performing a test recovery.
Catalog Instance Name: Enter the Oracle Instance name, which might differ from the Oracle Net Service name, for the Recovery Catalog database. This instance name must be defined in the “tnsnames.ora” file on the Oracle Database Server so that the plug-in can connect to the Recovery Catalog database. If the Recovery Catalog was used during the backup, the Instance Name field defaults to the Oracle Instance name used during the backup job.
Catalog Owner: Specify the user that was specified as the owner of the Recovery Catalog and was granted the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role.
Catalog Password: Provide the password associated with the Catalog Owner name specified in the preceding field.
NetVault Plug-in for Oracle - 12.3
Release Notes
User Guide
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