
Essentials for Office 365 2.15 - User Guide

Product Activation Tool Overview
General Tool Configuration Profile Manager Proxy Mode Azure Turbo and CSOM Creating User Mapping Creating User and Template Reports Support and Troubleshooting Modes of Migration
Home Tab Migration Analysis Tab Migrator Tab
Interface Connect to Resources Copy Sites Live Compare Hyper Mode Classic Mode Copy Alerts Orphaned Users Copy In-Place Tagging of SharePoint Items Incremental/Delta Copy Forms Migration Workflow Migration Save Site to XML
File Manager Tab Drives Tab
Interface Overview Migration Job Structure Connecting to Resources Copy Google Drive Copy File Share Copy My Sites to OneDrive for Business Copy Tenant Copy Box Copy Dropbox Nintex Deployment
Post Migration Compare Security Manager Tab Term Store Manager Tab Administrator Tab Backup Tab
Interface Overview Backup Job Structure Advanced Search Retention Policies Storage for Backup Import/Export Backup Archives Connecting to SharePoint and OneDrive for Business Connecting to Cloud Storage Hyper vs Classic Backup Setup Hyper SharePoint Online Backup Hyper OneDrive Backup Hyper Office 365 Groups Backup Smart Backup Classic SharePoint Online Backup Classic OneDrive Backup Classic Office365 Groups Backup Classic Mailbox Backup Change Properties for Backup Admin Management Scheduling Backup Jobs Backup Project Conversion
Help Tab View Tab Scripts Troubleshooting Appendix About

Proxy Configuration

Sometimes a connection toan Office 365 location can be initiated only with the help of proxy settings. 


To enable proxy mode please do the following:


1.Navigate to the Help tab, and select Proxy Mode.

2.In the Proxy configuration screen select the Enable Proxy option. This will allow you to enter your proxy configuration settings, or import the settings from Internet Explorer by clicking the Import Settings button. Click Save.
proxy mode 1
The following is an overview of the proxy settings:
Enable Proxy - turns the entire proxy tool on/off.
Pac URL – URL value for scripted PAC proxy
Host - server name / server IP to direct proxy
Port - port for direct proxy
User - user account
Password - password for user account
Advanced Settings: Bypass - white list of sites where proxy should be ignored, URLs must be separated by semicolons.
Import Settings - imports values from Internet Explorer, recommended way to set up proxy
Save - saves settings and closes dialog. if checkbox active and fields are empty - error massage "Set proxy settings "
Cancel - closes dialog without changes.

Note: The Proxy option is active after the restart of the tool or when script is running.

Proxy Configuration During Product Activation

When you first install Essentials, you are required to activate the application. If your environment requires the use of proxy settings you can set them up before completing license activation. Do so by selecting Configure Proxy on the Registration window.

configure proxy 4

Azure Turbo and CSOM

By default, Essentials uses CSOM API to work with SharePoint Online when performing a migration. The Migration API uses Azure Storage as the “middle man” to stage content and process queues before it makes it to Office 365. As a result this is where Essentials will need to upload your content.  In order to upload your content to Azure Storage, and use Azure Turbo Mode you will need to provide Essentials with your Azure Storage account name and the key associated to it.




·Only Standard Storage Accounts are supported for this operation.

·Minimum recommendations would be a quad core CPU, 8GB of available memory (Memory Management), 20GB of local hard drive space and as fast an upload speed as possible.  Limiting any of these components can decrease the performance drastically.


To Switch to Azure Migration API, select the option Azure Turbo, located in the Advanced Options section of the migration wizards.

azure turbo and csom 1
You must then specify the storage location:

·Microsoft Provided Storage - will store the Azure packages in a temporary container that Microsoft provides.  An access Key to work with this container is valid for 3 day. This means that if in 4 days you would like to get logs of operation after an azure job is done, you will not be able to access them, as the key will have expired. To avoid this situation, use the Synchronous mode of Azure Migration, or use the Azure Logs Refresh Policy for Hyper Mode jobs.

All content is encrypted by AES CBC 256 standard.

·User Provided Storage: This option allows you to provide your own Azure Storage instead of using one provided by Microsoft for the purpose of utilizing Azure Turbo Mode. It requires that you provide both your Azure Blob Storage Account Name as well as its corresponding Access Key by clicking the "Select" button to the right. If you cannot supply this information, please search our online Knowledge Base, User Manual or contact Quest Support for additional information before proceeding.


NOTE: User Provided storage will give you access to Azure logs for a longer period of time tha Microsoft provided storage. It will also allow you to perform the migration faster with less throttling.

·Send Notification - enter specific user email addresses to denote who will receive notifications. Set up User Notifications here in order to use this feature. 

Differences in migration with CSOM and Azure

·CSOM doesn’t support migration of Shared with me data.  It can only be migrated using Azure Turbo mode.

·CSOM doesn’t support version label migration; metadata and authorship will be preserved correctly, but version labeling is reset post migration.  

Your Azure Storage Account

If you are creating a new Azure Storage account, consider picking the geographical location closest to where your tenant physically resides.  The closer the Azure Storage data center is located to your Office 365 tenant's data center, the faster the transfer will be between the two.

To locate your Azure Storage Name and Access Key:

1.Login to your Azure Management Portal at https://manage.windowsazure.com

2.From the left navigator bar, select the option labeled Storage.

3.Select the Storage Account name from the available list that you wish to use for Azure Turbo and then choose “Manage Access Keys” from the bottom menu.  If there are no storage accounts available or you would like to create one, click the New button displayed below the left navigator bar.  For more information about how to create or manage Azure Storage Accounts, please see the following link: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-create-storage-account/

4.From the Manage Access Keys window, you will want to copy the “Storage Account Name” and at least the “Primary Access Key” value to a text file for safe keeping.  These two values will need to be provided to Essentials in order to successfully use the Azure Turbo Mode option.

5.After these values have been saved to a file, you may log out of your Azure Management Portal.

Steps to perform Azure Turbo Mode Migration

Follow these steps in order to perform Azure Turbo Mode Migration.

1.From within Essentials, initiate a migration as you typically would and continue through the Migration wizard until you reach the final page with the Advanced Options section. (For more information about various Migration wizard options see one of the Site Migration Wizard section, and any of its dependent sections)


NOTE: Please note that the user account provided requires Site Collection Administrator access to each destination SharePoint Online Site Collection.

2.Under the Advanced Options section of most migration wizards there is a option labeled "Enable Azure Turbo Mode". Select this option.
Azure Turbo Mode 1

3.Next to the User Provided Storage Option, click the Select button. This will a window that will allow you to connect to your Azure account.
azure turbo mode 2

4.In the Azure window, enter your Storage Account name. For information on how to get the account key name see this section. Click Connect.
azure turbo mode 3

5.In the next Connect to Azure window enter the Account Key for the Storage Account you entered in the previous step. For information on how to get the account key see this section. Click Connect.
azure turbo mode 4

6.If both values are correct, you will return to the original dialog where the OK button will now be enabled, Click Ok.  If either of the values entered was incorrect, you will receive an authentication failure message and you will have an opportunity to try again.
azure turbo mode 5

7.Once the Enable Azure Turbo Mode option is enabled and the correct values have been provided (if the option is enabled and no values are supplied, then Azure Turbo Mode will not be used for this migration), you may continue with the migration wizard.

8.For future migrations, you may decide to save the Azure Storage User Account key into Essentials by clicking the lock icon next to the Storage Account Name. While this step is optional, it may save some time in configuring future migrations.
azure turbo mode 6
In order to do this you must know your Password - to manage the password go to the Help tab, select Profile Manager, and then go to the Advanced tab and  Password Management section.


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