
DR Series Software - Administrator Guide

Introduction to the DR Series System Documentation Understanding the DR Series System Setting Up the DR Series System Hardware Configuring the DR Series System Settings Managing DR Series Storage Operations Monitoring the DR Series System Using Global View Using the DR Series System Support Options Configuring and Using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and Using Rapid Data Access with Dell NetVault Backup and with Dell vRanger Configuring and Using RDA with OST
Understanding RDA with OST Guidelines Terminology Supported RDA with OST Software and Components Best Practices: RDA with OST and the DR Series System Setting Client-Side Optimization Configuring an LSU Installing the RDA with OST Plug-In Configuring DR Series System Information Using NetBackup Backing Up Data From a DR Series System (NetBackup) Using Backup Exec With a DR Series System (Windows) Understanding the OST CLI Commands Understanding RDA with OST Plug-In Diagnostic Logs Collecting Diagnostics Using a Linux Utility Guidelines for Gathering Media Server Information
Configuring and Using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Troubleshooting and Maintenance Supported Ports in a DR Series System Getting Help
The SSL Certificate page is displayed.
Click Generate CSR in the upper right corner of the page.
Common Name - The domain to be secured by the certificate.
Organization Name - The organization's legal business name.
Organization Unit - A department in the organization.
Locality - The business location.
State Name - The state/province of the business location
Country Code - The country of the business location.
Email - A contact email address.
Encryption - Select one of the following options: 2048-bit encryption or 4096 encryption. The default is 2048.
Click Generate.
Click Save to File to save it to a file.

Restore Manager (RM)

Restore Manager (RM)

The Dell Restore Manager (RM) utility can be used to restore the DR Series system software. RM can be used when a non-recoverable hardware or software failure prevents the DR Series system from functioning correctly.

RM can also be used to reset the system back to its initial factory settings when moving it from a test environment to a production environment. RM supports the following two modes:

Recover Appliance—in Recover Appliance mode, RM reinstalls the operating system and attempts to recover the prior system configuration and the data residing in the containers.
Factory Reset—in a Factory Reset mode, RM reinstalls the operating system and resets the system configuration back to the original factory state. It is important to note that when doing a factory reset, all of the containers and the data in the containers gets deleted.

Downloading the Restore Manager

Downloading the Restore Manager

The Dell Restore Manager (RM) utility runs from a USB boot key that contains the RM image, which must first be downloaded from the Dell Support site.

Using a supported web browser, navigate to support.dell.com.
In the Category drop-down list on the Drivers & Downloads page, select IDM.
If required, expand the IDM category to list the available IDM download files.
Locate, select, and download the Restore Manager (RM) for DR4000 Series file (listed in the following RM filename format, "DR-RM-x.x.x.xxxxx.img").

Creating the Restore Manager USB Key

Creating the Restore Manager USB Key

To create a Restore Manager (RM) USB key, you must first download the RM image (.img) file from the Dell Support site, and then transfer this on to a USB key. The USB key must be a minimum of 4 GB (Gigabytes) in size or larger. Windows USB image tools can be used to transfer the RM image when they meet the following conditions:

Support using the .img file format

To transfer the RM image to the USB key on a Linux or Unix system, perform the following:

Make note of the device name that is reported by the operating system (for example, /dev/sdc4).
dd if=<path to .img file> of=<usb device> bs=4096k

For example:

dd if=/root/DR-RM- of=/dev/sdc4 bs=4096
DR Series Software -
Administrator Guide
Command Line Reference Guide
Interoperability Guide
Release Notes
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