
DR Series Software - Administrator Guide

Introduction to the DR Series System Documentation Understanding the DR Series System Setting Up the DR Series System Hardware Configuring the DR Series System Settings Managing DR Series Storage Operations Monitoring the DR Series System Using Global View Using the DR Series System Support Options Configuring and Using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and Using Rapid Data Access with Dell NetVault Backup and with Dell vRanger Configuring and Using RDA with OST
Understanding RDA with OST Guidelines Terminology Supported RDA with OST Software and Components Best Practices: RDA with OST and the DR Series System Setting Client-Side Optimization Configuring an LSU Installing the RDA with OST Plug-In Configuring DR Series System Information Using NetBackup Backing Up Data From a DR Series System (NetBackup) Using Backup Exec With a DR Series System (Windows) Understanding the OST CLI Commands Understanding RDA with OST Plug-In Diagnostic Logs Collecting Diagnostics Using a Linux Utility Guidelines for Gathering Media Server Information
Configuring and Using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Troubleshooting and Maintenance Supported Ports in a DR Series System Getting Help



To display the Containers page, click Storage→ Containers. This page displays the total number of containers (Number of Containers) and the container path (Container Path: /containers). On this page, you can perform the following tasks:

Create — Create new containers
Edit — Edit existing containers
Delete — Delete existing containers
Display Statistics — Display container, connection, and replication statistics

The Containers page also displays a Containers summary table that displays the following types of container-related information:

Containers — lists containers by name
Files — lists the number of files in each container
Marker Type — lists the marker type that supports your DMA
Access Protocol — lists the connection type/access protocol per container:
Replication — lists the current replication state per container:
NOTE: For newly created OST or RDS containers, the Replication status displays N/A. When replication data has been deleted from an existing OST or RDS container, the Replication status also displays N/A. For existing containers that are in the process of deleting a large amount of data, the Replication status displays Marked for Deletion to indicate that the data deletion process has not yet completed.
NOTE: Use Select to identify the container on which you want to perform an action. For example, click Select, and click Display Statistics to display the Container Statistics page for the container you selected.

Replication Page

Replication Page

To display the Replication page, click Storage → Replication. The Replication page displays the number of source replications, the names of the local and remote containers, the peer state, and the bandwidth selected per container. The Replication page lets you perform the following tasks:

Create a new replication relationship (source and target pair or cascaded replication) and select the type of encryption to use.

The Replication page contains a Replication summary table that lists the following replication-related information:

Source Container Name—SRC container name (IP address or hostname)
Replica Container Name—Target in the replication process (IP address or hostname)
Cascaded Replica Container Name—Remote container name (IP address or hostname) (optional)
Bandwidth—Settings include Kibibytes per second (KiB/s), Mebibytes per second (MiB/s), Gibibytes per second (GiB/s), or default (an unlimited bandwidth setting)



To display the Encryption page, click Storage→ Encryption. This page displays current encryption settings for the stored data on the DR Series system.

On this page, you can perform the following tasks:

Set or Change Passphrase — Set a new passphrase or change the current passphrase
Manage Encryption Settings — Manage encryption settings, such as enabling or turning off encryption and setting the encryption mode.
DR Series Software -
Administrator Guide
Command Line Reference Guide
Interoperability Guide
Release Notes
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