
DR Series Software - Administrator Guide

Introduction to the DR Series System Documentation Understanding the DR Series System Setting Up the DR Series System Hardware Configuring the DR Series System Settings Managing DR Series Storage Operations Monitoring the DR Series System Using Global View Using the DR Series System Support Options Configuring and Using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and Using Rapid Data Access with Dell NetVault Backup and with Dell vRanger Configuring and Using RDA with OST
Understanding RDA with OST Guidelines Terminology Supported RDA with OST Software and Components Best Practices: RDA with OST and the DR Series System Setting Client-Side Optimization Configuring an LSU Installing the RDA with OST Plug-In Configuring DR Series System Information Using NetBackup Backing Up Data From a DR Series System (NetBackup) Using Backup Exec With a DR Series System (Windows) Understanding the OST CLI Commands Understanding RDA with OST Plug-In Diagnostic Logs Collecting Diagnostics Using a Linux Utility Guidelines for Gathering Media Server Information
Configuring and Using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Troubleshooting and Maintenance Supported Ports in a DR Series System Getting Help
The Container Statistics page is displayed.
In the Container Name: drop-down list, select the container for which you want to view statistics.
NOTE: When you select a container, all statistics displayed on the Container Statistics page represent specific information about the backup data, throughput, replication, marker type, and connection type for the selected container. The displayed statistics will vary depending upon the connection type used by the specified container.
In the Backup Data and Throughput panes, click Zoom to select the duration period you want to display from the following options:
Library — displays information in a table about the vendor and model information for medium changer and tape drives. The Info Column in the first row of the table indicates the total number of tapes and tape size of the VTL container.
Access Control List — For NDMP connection types, displays the IP address or the FQDN of the DMA that has access to this VTL container, or, for iSCSI connection types, displays the “Inititators Allowed” for the container.
Capacity — displays a Capacity pane with Status, Capacity, Capacity Used, and Total Images
Client Statistics — displays a Client Statistics pane with Images Ingested, Images Complete, Images Incomplete, Images Restored, Bytes Restored, Image Restore Errors, Image Ingest Errors, Bytes Ingested, Bytes Transferred, and Network Savings.

Monitoring Replication Statistics

Monitoring Replication Statistics

Click Dashboard → Replication Statistics to display and monitor replication statistics for one (or more) containers, and one (or more) peer DR Series systems selected in the Replication Filter pane. Depending on the configured settings, you can monitor and display replication statistics for:

The Replication Filter pane contains 10 Headers check boxes that you can select to display replication statistics for the container(s) or other peer DR Series system(s) you select in Container Filter.

After selecting the container(s), peer system(s), and the replication statistic categories, click Apply Filter to display the replication statistics results based on the search criteria you selected.

Using the Replication Statistics page, you can selectively filter and display specific types of related replication statistics for all, one or more than one container, or one or more other peer DR Series systems.

Displaying the Replication Statistics Page

Displaying the Replication Statistics Page

To display system replication container statistics for a selected container or another DR Series system, complete the following:

Click Dashboard→ Replication Statistics.
The Replication Statistics page is displayed.
Click All to choose all of the replication containers.
Click Name, press Ctrl, and select the containers in the list box to select one or more containers in the list that you want to display.
Click Peer System, press Ctrl, and select the peer systems in the list box to select one or more peer DR Series systems in the list that you want to display.
NOTE: Only one of the Container Filter options can be active at any one time (they are mutually exclusive).
Select the Header check box(es) for the replication statistics categories for which you want to filter and display in the Replication Statistics summary table:
Progress % (percentage)
NOTE: The following five types of replication statistics are enabled by default: Peer Status, Replication Status, Network Throughput, Network Savings, and Progress %. If you choose more than five types of statistics (when you select additional check boxes), a horizontal scroll bar appears at the bottom of the Replication Statistics table. Use this scroll bar to display the columns of additional statistics that may not display within the main window.
Click Apply Filter to display the replication statistics types you selected to filter for your container or other peer DR Series system choices.
The Replication Statistics summary table displays the replication statistics types you selected in the Replication Filter pane.

To reset the default settings in the Replication Filter pane, click Reset.

To update the Replication Filter table after making a change, click Apply Filter to display an updated set of replication statistics.

NOTE: You can set up nightly replication statistics notification mails using the alerts --email --daily_report yes command. For more information, see the Dell DR Series Systems Command Line Interface Guide at dell.com/support/manuals.

Displaying Replication Statistics Using the CLI

Displaying Replication Statistics Using the CLI

In addition to using the DR Series system GUI to display replication statistics, you can also display statistics for a specific replication container by using the DR Series system CLI stats --replication --name <container name> command to view the following replication container statistics categories:

Container Name (name of the replication container)

Data replication history is also displayed on a file-by-file basis, with a replication timestamp, and other file related information.

For more information about DR Series system CLI commands, see the Dell DR Series System Command Line Reference Guide.

DR Series Software -
Administrator Guide
Command Line Reference Guide
Interoperability Guide
Release Notes
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