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Each discovery that has finished at least once has a list of tasks associated with it. Viewing this list is useful if there were errors in your discovery. You can pinpoint exactly which targets are causing errors. The completed tasks are grouped by status, so you can easily see the outcome for each task. For each task, you can also see:
If a discovery is currently running, you can view all tasks for that discovery. You can use this view to troubleshoot issues with your discovery, and to cancel a running task. For each task, you can see:
The status of the tasks in your discovery give you information about the how your discovery is being processed. You can view the status of a task in both the processing and finished task views of a discovery. By default, tasks are grouped by status. The following table outlines the statuses you may see:
When a discovery is run, each task has to be assigned to a node. If the node is already running its maximum number of concurrent tasks, the task is Pending. It is in the queue, and will be assigned to a node when one becomes available.
When a node becomes available, the task is sent to it for processing. While this is happening, the task status is Dispatching.
The task is running on the assigned node
The server has received your request to cancel the task, and is communicating this to the node.
The task has been canceled.
The task has successfully completed.
The task has completed, but was unable to collect all of the data you requested. For more information, see Viewing errors and statistics for tasks .
A task is rejected if the same target is already being accessed by a node within the cluster. This can happen when the same discovery is run more than once within a short time.
Two views in the Configuration Manager show currently processing tasks or discoveries: the cluster’s queue, and the active tasks view. If there is nothing currently being processed, these views will be empty.
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