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The Delivery Times reports provide the data to support Service Level Agreement (SLA) compliance by documenting average message delivery times between and within Exchange servers.
The information can be used to assess the performance of the Exchange organization to meet client and business expectations and contractual demands.
To calculate accurate delivery times, Exchange server clocks must be synchronized. In Exchange, server clock synchronization is part of the security level, so the server clocks are usually synchronized.
Delivery Times By Server
This report presents a summary of the average delivery times for messages between servers during a specific period of time, and includes the number, volume, and percentage of that were messages delivered under the Organization Delivery Time threshold.
Message Delivery Audit
This report shows a the number and volume of messages that were over the audit threshold value for the delivery time of messages. You can use this report to identify messages that take an unusual amount of time to be delivered to the recipient.
When a message takes longer to deliver than the audit threshold that you defined, MessageStats records the message details including the originator, recipients, subject, delivery time, and message-id.
The Message Sizes reports provide summary information on the distribution of message sizes created and received by users in your Exchange organization. The information in these reports is useful in assessing the appropriateness of user email habits. This information can provide opportunities to educate users about sending smaller links or compressing files.
This report presents the message sizes sent and received from the perspective of each server in the Exchange organization. You can easily determine which servers are handling the largest messages.
Sent Distribution of Message Sizes
This report provides a breakdown of the distribution of message sizes sent by Exchange mailboxes, and summarizes this information at the Exchange organization level. This report answers the question, “On average, what size messages do my users send?”
Received Distribution of Message Sizes
This report provides a breakdown of the distribution of message sizes received by Exchange mailboxes, and summarizes this information at the Exchange organization level. This report answers the question “On average, what size messages do my users receive?”
The Server Uptime report displays the relationship between the amount of time over which gatherings have occurred and the portion of that time when the server and its services were inaccessible. The report data provides information about how often interruptions are occurring on an Exchange server, as interruptions indicate server downtime.
For MessageStats Reports to render this report, MessageStats must have administrative access to the Exchange server, and it must be able to query the Performance Monitor counters on that server.
Server Uptime
This report measures the time an Exchange server and associated service was available and running on the network. The report data provides information about how often interruptions are occurring on an Exchange server, as interruptions indicate server downtime.
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