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DateRelevanceViews 显示 1-25 / 2007
Not able to Create a new Region in the regions section (4372874)

When attempting to create a new region within the MessageStats console | Region | New Region, no region is created after entering the name for the region.<br> This is caused when the executable has become corrupted.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2024/10/9
NA rating | 查看425次
Knowledge Article
How to merge license files together, or request a new or updated license (4237462)

How to merge license files together, or request a new or updated license, for a Quest product you are currently licensed for. ... If you have license files which need to be merged together or you require a new updated license for a product that you are currently licensed for, please fill out the form on the following page to submit a request to the Licensing Team:

产品: Active Roles, Migrator for Notes to Exchange, Secure Copy, Active...
上次更新时间: 2024/8/20
1 rating | 查看18481次
Knowledge Article
Is Microsoft Office 365 supported by MessageStats? (4230335)

Can I connect to Office 365 with MessageStats and gather information for reporting? ... Starting with version 7.8, Exchange Online reporting is fully supported once again. ... However, it's worth noting that in the past, the support for Exchange Online was not available in version 7.4.1 and earlier.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2024/4/19
NA rating | 查看805次
Knowledge Article
How to resolve issues or add users to your Company's Quest Support Portal account (4249772)

Support Portal account has incorrect information or there are issues logging into the Support Portal. ... There is a need to add a new user to your company&#39;s Quest support portal account. ... <p>Contact the Support Admins for all Support Portal issues:</p>

产品: Backup for SharePoint, ControlPoint, StoragePoint, Secure Copy, Active...
上次更新时间: 2024/2/18
5 rating | 查看17292次
Knowledge Article
How can I determine when my Support Contract expires? (4243498)

How can I determine when my Support Contract expires? ... Please contact the Quest Sales Department for this information: ... Email: Sales@quest.com ... Phone: 1-800-306-9329

产品: Collaboration Services, MessageStats, Unified Communications Diagnostics
上次更新时间: 2024/1/24
NA rating | 查看555次
Knowledge Article
Quest Messagestats and how it can be used before and during a migration (4211799)

When Quest's migration tools are deployed by Quest Professional Services, Quest Partners or other consultants, Quest strongly encourages the use of Quest Messagestats in support of the migration effort.

产品: Collaboration Services, MessageStats, Migration Manager for AD...
上次更新时间: 2024/1/23
NA rating | 查看671次
Knowledge Article
Error Code 8000FFFF Catastrophic failure with the MAPI subsystem on this computer (4332525)

MessageStats is unable to gather mailbox statistics. ... The Gathering log file or the console may indicate an issue with the version of MAPI subsystem, ... The error is as follows: (where xxx indicates a line number)

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看556次
Knowledge Article
Does the 'Top Users of Distribution Groups By Messages' count SMTP sent messages? (4327636)

Does the &#39;Top Users of Distribution Groups By Messages&#39; count SMTP sent messages? <div>This report is focused on real user mailbox messages as mentioned in the report description, so this kind of SMTP messages will not be counted in this report.</div><div></div><div>Messagestats can’t provide this kind of information in the current implementation.</div>

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看658次
Knowledge Article
What versions of Sendmail and Postfix are supported by the Report Pack for Sendmail and Postfix? (4319989)

What versions of Sendmail and Postfix are supported by the MessageStats Report Pack for Sendmail and Postfix Version 1.0.0? ... Version 1.0.0 of the MessageStats Report Pack for Sendmail and Postfix has been tested with the following versions:

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看198次
Knowledge Article
Error: "Unable to load the license DLL: Class not registered" while opening web reports (4264707)

Error: Unable to load the license DLL: Class not registered while opening web reports. ... This indicates that clients trying to access the site do not have Read &amp;amp; Execute access to the directory where the license dll resides.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看140次
Knowledge Article
How to verify if the MessageStats service account is being used by the valid DCOM components? (4306759)

How to verify if the MessageStats service account is being used by the valid DCOM components? ... This is permissions related. ... 1. Click on Start - Run - DCOMCNFG ... 3. Open a new node called Computers - My Computer

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看329次
Knowledge Article
Error in Application Event Log: "Error 0x80004005. Delivery failed. Error="Unspecified error" X (4212793)

When using a subscription to send a report to a URL you receive the following error in the Windows application event log: ... The following errors occurred: Error 0x80004005. ... " X reports were not delivered./nError 0x80004005.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看241次
Knowledge Article
ERROR: "Unable to connect to an Exchange Server" (4326579)

When trying to enumerate your Exchange Organization you may receive an error message "Unable to connect to an Exchange Server" ... The "Run-As" account within the task properties dialog is actually what is used for connecting to an Exchange server.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看357次
Knowledge Article
Setting up new tasks for gathering processes and don't see an option for Distribution List Member (4333622)

I am setting up new tasks for our gathering processes and don't see an option for Distribution List Membership, Organization Info and Connector Info. ... Where are these options located? ... The Distribution List Membership needs to be enabled under the Organization Properties.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看86次
Knowledge Article
Can a second gathering be performed within a 24 hour period? (4338955)

Can a second gathering be performed within a 24 hour period? ... Unfortunately, MessageStats only gathers data once in a 24 hour period so there is no way to run another Task to gather changed info when a default gathering has already taken place in a 24 hour period.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看170次
Knowledge Article
Does Data Aging clear the T_LogJournal Table in the MessageStats Database? (4338578)

No, the T_LogJournal is a configuration table and the information is a record of Reporting Aggregation. ... This info is not taking up a lot of space in the database so it doesn't need to be purged.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看151次
Knowledge Article
How to determine the values to be provided in MessageStats Financial Reports? (4282566)

How to determine the values to be provided in MessageStats Financial Reports? ... backups<br>- % of Disaster Recovery hardware &amp; FTE $s pro-rated for mailbox backups<br><br>Following factors can also be considered:<br><br>o Power costs<br>o Sq ft costs<br><br>Cost per Internet MB Sent: Add the following and divide by the number of MBs (Megabytes) of Internet Mail<br><br>- Cost of Internet pipe(s) pro-rated to Exchange traffic/usage<br>- Gateway server hardware costs<br>- % of FTEs $s to set up, maintain and backup gateway servers<br>- % of Backup hardware $s (servers, tapes,

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看130次
Knowledge Article
How does Messagestats retrieve the mailbox delegate information used in the Mailbox Delegates rep (4298925)

\How does Messagestats retrieve the mailbox delegate information used in the Mailbox Delegates report? ... To retrieve the mailbox delegate information used in the Mailbox Delegates report, Messagestats does the following:

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看173次
Knowledge Article
Information Regarding Upgrade to MessageStats 6.x Version (4348493)

This article provides brief information regarding upgrading to 6.x versions. ... You can upgrade to Messagestats (QMS) 6.0 from versions 5.0.1 and later versions. ... Before you can launch and use QMS, you must obtain a new license key.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看119次
Knowledge Article
Does MessageStats 7.4 support Exchange 2013 Cumulative Update 10? (4253426)

Does MessageStats 7.4 support Exchange 2013 Cumulative Update 10? Yes. MessageStats 7.4 supports Exchange 2013 Cumulative Update 10.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看194次
Knowledge Article
How to Exclude Hidden Mailboxes from Duplicate Display Name Report (4350634)

Duplicate Display Name Report is showing all mailboxes hidden and non hidden. ... If do not want to see the hidden mailboxes then "Allow Hidden Mailboxes in Mailbox Reports" must be deselected under the Delivery Time Threshold Tab by right clicking the Tasks Node and selecting Properties.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看197次
Knowledge Article
How can Messagestats Web reports be moved to another location? (4275472)

How can Messagestats Web reports be moved to another location? ... If not, then stop the services individually. ... 4. In the Virtual Directory tab, click the Browse button and browse to the location of the new Reports folder.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看142次
Knowledge Article
Instructions for upgrading and moving the MessageStats product from a Complete install to a Distr (4333753)

Instructions for upgrading and moving the MessageStats product from a Complete install to a Distributed install. ... Now there should be two instances the database: the original upgrade on a Windows 2000/2003 Server and the newly installed on a Windows 2003 Server.<br><br>4.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看241次
Knowledge Article
How can I filter the Inactive Distribution Lists Report for DLs that have not been used prior to (4338784)

How can I filter the Inactive Distribution Lists Report for DLs that have not been used prior to a specific date? ... Run the Inactive DL report and use the quick filter (drop down filters at bottom of report) Last Mail Received for less then specified date to return all inactive DLs prior to this date.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看160次
Knowledge Article
Issue with gathering tracking logs when compression is enabled. (4340704)

The zipped up tracking logs from MessageStats (QMS) Compression are not getting parsed. ... Although they look like they copy with no issue and say successful for parsing, but the Server Activity Report for these servers show no data found and Exchange at a Glance is only showing data for 1 Exchange Server which doesn't use QMS Compression.

产品: MessageStats
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看251次
Knowledge Article
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