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The account used as the service account should be used to install and configure for Collaboration Services. Ensure that the account has the following rights:
Collaboration Services instances communicate with each other using SMTP. It is recommended to establish SMTP connectors between the HQ and branch forests to optimize mail flow between synchronization partners. Please see the Microsoft Exchange Server documentation for details.
If you use DNS to route mail, DNS servers in all forests must have Mail Exchanger (MX) records to correctly route mail between collaboration partners. For more information, please refer to the appropriate DNS documentation.
The Collaboration Services service requires a service mailbox, which will be used to exchange synchronization data with other synchronization partners. A service mailbox should be created in each forest participating in the collaboration.
In most cases, the Exchange Server's built-in Recipient Update Service should be used to stamp mail attributes such as the Legacy Exchange DN. After installation, this should be enabled in the RUS Options section of the Collaboration Services properties dialog box. If not selected, published objects will not appear in the Global Address List.
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