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This document details the system requirements, required permissions, and other requirements for installing and using Collaboration Services. It also explains how to install, prepare, and upgrade the product.
This document also provides checklists for pre-installation and installation steps, and troubleshooting tips. For details, see Installation checklists .
This document is intended for network administrators, consultants, analysts, and any other IT professionals using this product.
To learn how to configure and use Collaboration Services, refer to the Quest Collaboration Services User Guide.
Security requirements may lead companies to isolate corporate directory data in separate forests. Quest Collaboration Services allows companies to establish secure collaboration between users in these forests.
It can also be used on a continuous basis to reduce the costs and complexities associated with managing a decentralized, multi-forest network.
Collaboration Services provides a consolidated view of all collaboration processes, gives easy access to object management functionality, and assists corporate IT administrators in synchronizing data between separated forests.
It can be deployed in a single company (for example, between divisions and subsidiaries) as well as between separate companies (partners, consultants, and vendors). Collaboration Services allows for granular and selective data synchronization, including global address list (GAL), free/busy and calendar information in Exchange 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.
While Collaboration Services provides a rich platform to coordinated corporate Active Directory and Exchange data between sites, it is not intended to be a real-time system for coordinating this data.
Collaboration Services uses the email system to send and receive packets through encrypted SMTP email. The transfer of Collaboration Services packets are subject to email systems traffic loading and the load on the Collaboration Services system itself.
Collaboration Services has numerous setting that can be applied to enhance and reduce the impact on the email system which is the primary transport for Collaboration Services data. Settings such as message limits, scheduling update hours to night time to reduce traffic on email system, and change scanning times for Active Directory and Exchange are configurable to the Administrator.
In addition, Collaboration Services use of packets requires a hand-shaking protocol to ensure that data sent between sites is received and displayed correctly. Packets that are missed are requested again and this can add to the load experienced by Collaboration Services.
Because of this, Collaboration Services is not a real-time system that updates Active Directory or Exchange data changes as soon as they are made.
Collaboration Services enables users in separate forests to see each other in their Global Address Lists (GALs). Consequently, users do not have to manage complex personal address lists or remember addresses for employees in other forests. Administrators for each organization do not have to manually add contacts for other employees into the address books and keep their personal information up-to-date.
In addition, Collaboration Services synchronizes calendar and free/busy information so that users in separate forests can see their colleagues’ or partners’ free/busy information and schedule meetings with them.
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