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DateRelevanceViews 显示 26-50 / 1248
Does RMAD Enforce Backup Encryption? (4370298)

Does RMAD enforce backup encryption on every backup? ... RMAD does not enforce backup encryption. ... Instead, it allows you to make a decision if encryption is done or not for every backup taken by RMAD.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/16
NA rating | 查看1211次
Knowledge Article
Can RMAD create the certificate used for the Communication key? (4377949)

If you do not want to use a self-signed certificate because its venerable to hackers. ... Security concern, if the certificate is compromised, attackers could find a way to penetrate top security systems (Domain Controllers).

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/13
NA rating | 查看499次
Knowledge Article
Does RMAD require .NET framework? (4377916)

Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.8 or higher is needed on the console system. ... Microsoft .NET 4.8 Requirement: Recovery Manager for Active Directory needs Microsoft .NET 4.8 as a requirement for install.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/10
NA rating | 查看534次
Knowledge Article
How to migrate the report database to another SQL server (4224872)

Highlight the Reports component, click the down arrow and select Entire feature will be unavailable ... Highlight the Reports component, click the down arrow and select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/2
NA rating | 查看852次
Knowledge Article
Configure Hybrid Connector service with RMAD-10.2.2 or later (4377837)

For Recovery Manager for Active Directory 10.2.2 and later versions, you will need to disable the Recovery Manager Portal (if previously enabled) and enable and configure the Hybrid Connector service in the Recovery Manager for Active Directory (RMAD) console.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/3
NA rating | 查看598次
Knowledge Article
Recovery Manager for AD 10.3.1 latest build (Full Hotfix Release). (4376000)

Please review the problem descriptions included to ensure your issue criteria is met prior to installing this Full Maintenance Release. ... This build addresses the issues noted in the attached Release Notes which were found since the release of and can be installed directly on top of that build or older builds including 10.1, 10.1.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, and 10.3 as per the included documentation.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD
上次更新时间: 2024/11/29
NA rating | 查看1158次
Knowledge Article
Unable to execute request 133. A communication error has occurred. The handle is invalid. (4220754)

In the Backup events the following even is shown: Unable to execute request (133). ... A communication error has occurred. ... The handle is invalid. ... This is most likely due to a RPC network error.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/25
NA rating | 查看5218次
Knowledge Article
How to open a case using the Quest Support Portal to request Technical Support (4225829)

How to open a case or submit a service request through the Quest Support Portal when experiencing an issue or have questions about Foglight. ... First, the user must registered with an account associated with a license number or asset number on the Quest Support Portal.

产品: Foglight Cloud, Foglight, Foglight Evolve, Foglight for Databases...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/28
1 rating | 查看9566次
Knowledge Article
Can a new set of backup agent logs be created periodically? (4228888)

Is there a way to create a new set of backup agent logs daily, weekly, monthly? ... Backup agent log files can grow too big, it is necessary to remove them and create a new set of logs. ... <p>Backup agent logs on each Domain Controller (DC) cannot be created periodically as it can be done with the server.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/26
NA rating | 查看1268次
Knowledge Article
How to backup and restore to Domain Controllers from an untrusted domain on the same network? (4247474)

How to backup and restore to Domain Controllers from an untrusted domain on the same network? ... A below mentioned error message might also be displayed when the backup fails. ... Failed to connect to backup agent: Cannot establish the connection to the backup agent using TCP port 3843

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看1532次
Knowledge Article
"The principal must be a member of db_creator or sysadmin server role" (4220551)

When installing or upgrading RMAD, the following error may be shown after specifying the SQL Server: ... The currently logged in account (or the SQL Account you specify) must have either db_creator or SysAdmin rights on the SQL server if a new database is being created.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看2488次
Knowledge Article
SQLSERVER2016 Service Pack3 RMAD (4377627)

<p>Does RAMD support SQLSERVER2016 SP3? </p> <p>Yes, as RMAD support SQL 2016, so it&#39;s not an issue to install SQL 2016 SP3.</p>

产品: Recovery Manager for AD
上次更新时间: 2024/11/19
NA rating | 查看193次
Knowledge Article
How to backup a domain controller in a domain that has no "trust" in place? (4309125)

How to backup a domain controller in a domain that has no "trust" in place? ... 1. Create a new Computer Collection with the domain controller(s) from the untrusted domain, or DMZ domain ... 2. Go to the properties of the Computer Collection and then go to the "Agent Settings" tab

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/12
NA rating | 查看1081次
Knowledge Article
Does console replication affect backups uploaded to Azure Cloud Storage? (4377570)

<p>If there are pending backups to be uploaded to cloud storage on a replication target console when the replication is re-enabled, will the upload process continue in the replication target console, or will it stop?</p> <p>Cloud Storage Service does not rely on replication settings and simply takes backups from the queue and sends them to the cloud.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/15
NA rating | 查看951次
Knowledge Article
Unable to verify that the gMSA account is a member of the local Administrators group (4377603)

Bug 522998: Unable to verify that the gMSA account is a member of the local Administrators group ... Fix planned for future version of RMAD.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/15
NA rating | 查看251次
Knowledge Article
License violation when running a backup with Recovery Manager for AD. (4220610)

The Recovery Manager for Active Directory application counts all enabled user accounts in Active Directory (both user and iNetOrgPerson objects), when determining if the user is in compliance with their activation license.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/13
NA rating | 查看2417次
Knowledge Article
How to upgrade RMAD/RMADFE/RMADDRE from 8.2 (or later) to 10.x (or later) (4217093)

These steps can be used to upgrade RMADDRE for the following versions: ... Note: ... There is no direct upgrade path from 8.6.0 as there are installation and upgrade issues with it. ... If you are upgrading to 10.1 or later, you need to have a minimum of 9.0.1 installed.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/4
3 rating | 查看5303次
Knowledge Article
How to grant SysAdmin rights when Recovery Manager for AD is using a SQL Express instance (4235620)

You need to grant SysAdmin rights to the SQL Express instance used by RMAD.. ... The following steps will grant the account SysAdmin rights to the RMAD SQL Express instance. ... Download the zip file attached to this KB to a temporary directory on the RMAD server

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/5
3 rating | 查看5162次
Knowledge Article
Can Recovery Manager backup a domain controller in another forest? (4290776)

The Recovery Manager for AD console is installed in Forest A but a domain controller in Forest B needs to be backed up. ... Right click on Active Directory and chose "Connect to Forest..." and then connect to the other forest.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/5
NA rating | 查看475次
Knowledge Article
Ports Used by Recovery Manager for AD (4302210)

The following table lists ports used by the Recovery Manager for AD components. ... How to configure RPC to use certain ports and how to help secure those ports by using IPsec (article ID: 908472)

产品: Recovery Manager for AD
上次更新时间: 2024/11/6
2 rating | 查看5422次
Knowledge Article
Cannot access the Admin$ share on the target computer when running backup. (4216816)

When using a least privileged user account to run a backup as described in the user guide, the backup operation fails with the error: ... "Cannot access the Admin$ share on the target computer. ... Make sure the Admin$ share is accessible and try again."

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/4
NA rating | 查看1235次
Knowledge Article
Changing SQL instance is not reflect and RMAD still points to previous SQL instance (4377506)

Changing SQL instance by running the RMAD installer or by selecting Change on RMAD installation in Control Panel is not reflecting the change done to the new SQL instance and RMAD still points to previous SQL instance.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/4
NA rating | 查看390次
Knowledge Article
Does RMAD have an automated option to change backup encryption password ? (4377411)

Does RMAD have an automated option to change backup encryption password ? ... No, currently RMAD doesn't have an automated option change the backup encryption password. ... The password need to be changed manually on each computer collection.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/10/28
NA rating | 查看329次
Knowledge Article
Recovering a domain/forest when all domain controllers have been demoted (4290471)

All DC&#39;s have been demoted from the domain and the domain no longer exists. ... The product team is working on features for version 9.1 which will cover this scenario <strong>*NOTE*</strong></p><p>Forest edition should be able to recover a domain in this situation, <strong>only </strong>if the original server from which the backup came from still exists.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD, Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/1
NA rating | 查看1021次
Knowledge Article
Enhancement Request - restrict local admin access to console and configuration. (4237762)

Enhancement request to have an option to restrict who can have access to the RMAD console and modify configuration. ... Don't want all Local Administrators of RMAD server to be able to modify configuration.

产品: Recovery Manager for AD
上次更新时间: 2024/10/21
NA rating | 查看685次
Knowledge Article
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