New enhancement in Quest Coexistence Manager for Notes version 3.9.1 New release of <strong>Coexistence Manager for Notes e</strong>nhancement: ... <ul><li>Now supports Domino/Notes 12.0.2</li><li>Now supports Windows Server 2022</li><li>Now supports EXO v3.0 </li><li>PowerShell deprecation for Exchange Online Commandlets</li></ul>
This is caused by certain meeting components not being compliant with the required format to be understood by Outlook.
Currently, all Notes doclinks are being converted globally, but the user wishes to maintain the Notes format for links to this particular server while converting other doclinks as usual. ... The current CMN configuration does not provide the functionality to selectively exclude specific doclinks from being converted.
When using a contact connector in CMN DirSync to query LDAP in a Domino environment, excluding any OU from the source causes the connector to fail to find any objects. ... The environment contains both domino Person objects at the root and in a subcontainer (O=subcontainer).
We need to renew certificate on Co-existence manager hosts that covers mail transport and autodiscover.
Customer have renewed the TLS certificate in CMN used for TLS. ... The new certificate package included different root CA certificates, but current Exchange -> Notes delivery fails with new certificate.<br>Please provide a process for updating notes hosts such that domino will trust the new root CA's<br> The update steps for notes hosts so that domino will trust the new root CA's can be found in the HCL documentation.
We checked this vulnerability with CMN ver.3.9.1. and found that it is affected by vulnerability CVE-2023-3446. ... That vulnerability occurs when using the following functions: ... - DH_check() ... - DH_check_ex()
Does Coexistence Manager for Notes (CMN) support coexistence with Exchange installed in a Resource Forest? Yes, CMN supports coexisting with Exchange in a Resource Forest configuration.
Email alias has been removed from Notes, however, Coexistence Manager for Notes (CMN) is not removing it from Active Directory. ... file:</p><p><em><AppendAttributes>proxyAddresses</AppendAttributes></em></p><p>This means, that by default, CMN will not remove any existing proxyAddresses from Active Directory and will only add new proxyAddresses.
When performing a migration with Migrator for Notes to Exchange [MfNE], you may find that duplicate objects exist in either the Notes directory or the Exchange Global Address List. ... These duplicate entries often confuse the end users who do not know which object to send mail to internally.
What are the Hardware Requirements for CMN? ... Hardware Specifications ... Minimum Required ... Directory Connector ... 500MB disk space ... 1+GB disk space ... 2GHz processor ... 2- or 4-core processor
Office 365: Direct free-busy lookups from Office 365 to Notes are not possible with a single-namespace configuration, in either a hybrid or non-hybrid implementation, due to access/permission restrictions to the remote Microsoft servers.
Mail bounces when routed through the CMN mail connector. ... The following error appears in the log: ... "Your message: <subject> was not delivered to: <recipient> because: Error transferring to <ServerName> ; HTMLAPI Problem converting to HTML"
Is Exchange 2019 is supported as a target on CMN (Coexistence Manager for Notes)? ... Exchange 2019 is supported as a target from CMN As of May 6th the release notes currently do not reflect this update.
We recently added an Exchange user and the Notes users were unable to email him. ... The directory connector service on the server was not running, and attempts to manually start it failed. ... We rebooted the server, and the service still did not start automatically, though we were then able to start it manually.
When trying to save the settings in the Coexistence Manager for Notes console, the following error is displayed : ... User Access Control in the Windows 2008 and above prevents the file Write Access.
After setting up QCalcon on a Bridgehead Server F/B requests are not routed from Users working on other Notes-Server to the QCalcon Server. ... Running get-Exchangefreebusy -SMTPAddress -Hostname does provide a correct result, but in Notes no results are presented.
Free/Busy requests do not work from Exchange to Domino and the following error is seen in the Outlook 2010 logs , when debug logging is enabled or in the Exchange Server Event Viewer: ... Click Advanced
Message containing hyperlink break into two lines after passing through Coexistence Manager for Notes (CMN) Mail Connector when sending message from Notes users to Outlook users: ...\prod\username.nsf/0/36D57233BF0B0F5548257CD300304869?openDocument
Mails stuck on the Postfix Server and could not finally deliverd. ... I enabled verbose logging on COEX Server with mail connector. ... I could see, that SMTP-Connection is successfull, but the final data Transfer failed.
When performing a Free Busy look up from Exchange to Domino the log shows the following error: ... This could be caused by an error processing your message or receive timeout being exceeded by the remote host, or an underlying network resource.Local socket timeout was '00:10:00'.--->System.Net.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host at System.Net.Sockets.Socekt.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Into32 size, SocketFlags so
<p>Is it possible to configure email connector to restrict processing(active mail processing) ... of emails based on domain names?</p><p>For example our email connector is processing all emails from Domino server to Office365.
This is a product defect. ... Currently Mail-in Database, when set to 'Allow foreign directory sync' is set to No CMN doesn't adhere to the setting. ... This is a defect and will be fixed in a future release of CMN.
The Directory connector does not find all the resources even when all have email addresses populated. ... The email addresses are longer than 64 characters reduce the size of the SMTP address in Notes and the Directory Connector will create contacts for the objects on the next run, (Providing replication has taken place if required).
When a Lotus Notes user, who has not been migrated to Exchange, sends a meeting invite to a Notes user, who has already been migrated to Exchange, recipient receives a bounced NDR in Outlook Client stating error in resolving recipient address, even when recipient's correct Forwarding Address has already been populated in Domino Directory.
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