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The Coexistence Manager for Notes Professional Service Engagements is tailored to help you reach your specific goals and get your solution up and running quickly and properly. Whether your team lacks the technical expertise or may not have time to deploy and configure your solution, our subject matter experts help you through this process using our time-tested implementation methodology. Our team ...
Coexistence Manager for Notes (CMN) provides rich directory, email and calendar coexistence features between Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange, or a hosted Exchange environment such as Office 365. CMN can be deployed either for a finite transition period, as when migrating from Notes to Exchange, or for indefinite or permanent coexistence.
Coexistence Manager for Notes (CMN) provides rich directory, email and calendar coexistence features between Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange, or a hosted Exchange environment such as Office 365. CMN can be deployed either for a finite transition period, as when migrating from Notes to Exchange, or for indefinite or permanent coexistence.
The Coexistence Manager for Notes Professional Service Engagements is tailored to help you reach your specific goals and get your solution up and running quickly and properly. Whether your team lacks the technical expertise or may not have time to deploy and configure your solution, our subject matter experts help you through this process using our time-tested implementation methodology. Our team ...
A user needs to prevent the conversion of Notes doclinks pointing to a specific server (e.g., notes://dominoserver/...) into HTTP links. Currently, all Notes doclinks are being converted globally, but the user wishes to maintain the Notes format for links to this particular server while converting other doclinks as usual.
When using a contact connector in CMN DirSync to query LDAP in a Domino environment, excluding any OU from the source causes the connector to fail to find any objects. The environment contains both domino Person objects at the root and in a subcontainer (O=subcontainer). If the LDAP root is selected as the source, and an OU is excluded, the connector fails to find any objects, even in the root. Ho...