Where can commercial licensing key credentials (Authorization Key and Site Message) be retrieved for any Quest Product? ... Visit the Licensing Assistance page and complete the form for licensing assistance.
The result text is changing after a test run; for example, when using a single value query: ... When running the test, the result changes to: Â ... 'There%25are%252%25records%25in%25TEST_TABLE' ... or
Click Next on the first page of the wizard. ... To remove the repository at this time, select Remove Code Tester database repository. ... This window displays the names of any schemas into which Code Tester repository was installed from this workstation.
'ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve service name' appears when connecting to the database with an Oracle 11g Client (or instant client), however it is possible to connect to the database with SQL*Plus.
When exporting some test definitions, the following error is thrown: ... Exception class: EOutOfMemory ... Test results which has accumulated a large volume of data, is being included in the export.
How do I add another registered product to my Supportlink Profile? ... 1) After logging into Supportlink, click Site Profile on the right hand side bottom portion of the window. ... 2) Select the product you want to add in the Selected Product dropdown field.
Trying to create a random values test for an input argument of type 'number'. ... I input the appropriate limits (generate 10 numbers from 0 thru 100000 with precision 0. ... I click OK, which results in the following error:
When testing a procedure with collection as an IN parameter, this IN parameter may or may not have a value. ... On being passed to the procedure, the following error returns when no value is being passed to the parameter.
Code Tester 3.0 is available in 64-bit version and can be used to connect to a database with the Oracle 64-bit Client. ... The 64-bit client software must be installed on the computer on which the Code Tester client executes.
Is there a 64-bit version of Code Tester for Oracle? <p>Yes, Code Tester for Oracle 3.0 is available in both 64-bit and 32-bit. It can be downloaded through this <a href="https://support.quest.com/toad-for-oracle/download-new-releases" target="_blank">link</a>. Please note that Code Tester is part of the Toad for Oracle 12.10 - 2016 Suite.</p><p>For more information about this please refer <a href="https://support.quest.com/code-tester-for-oracle/kb/150734" target="_blank">KB150734</a>.</p> If using an Oracle 64-bit client and Toad for Oracle as well, please ensure the 64-bit version of Toad for Oracle is also installed for proper compatibility.
1. Created an object type that has, as attributes, other object types. ... 2. At least one of these object type attributes is non-instantiable. ... 3. I have created my own constructor that accepts no attributes/arguments.
I get "Invalid license key" error when trying to register Quest Code Tester in registered version. ... License key number may have been entered incorrectly. ... Site message entered incorrectly. ... Make sure that license key numbers were entered in correctly.
Extended stored procedures, exes, or dlls are missing, backups are not compressing, the LiteSpeed checkbox is not illuminated on the GUI screens, generally, LiteSpeed seems not to be installed after upgrading to Service Pack 1.
Even if Oracle Database version is higher than 12.2, it is not possible to use names longer than 30 characters.
wizard, but when trying to select the database from the dropdown, I'm unable to type the actual database name in. ... However, in the main login window, if a database does not appear in the dropdown, I am able to type the database name and can connect.
In version 1.9 a user is able to remove a suite even if they did not create it ... None
Receiving several error such as ORA-04043, ORA-00942, ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace, etc. when trying to create a new Code Tester Repository in the database. ... User / Schema does not enough privileges in the database.
Quest Support Administrators will have to do it for you. ... To arrange this contact them at supportadmin@quest.com
Specifically, there is a need to test the output from a function that returns a VARCHAR(250). ... In order to avoid typing the 250 character string as the expected output, it would be convenient to use a Regular Expression to describe the expected output.
Connect to database, selected a package, clicked on create new test. ... ********************************************************
Is it possible to create a new user and install the Code Tester Repository via command line?
When using a super high-resolution display, it causes display issues. ... 1) Some print is too small to read. ... 2) Some print is cut off or distorted or blurred. ... 3) Dialog windows are cut off or shrunk down.
When multiple outputs are available and one fails, determining which param failed is difficult. ... If possible, the argument should be included in the results... ... ie ... RETURN_TWO - Value modified by the program is NOT NULL
Could not initialize "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Quest Shared\instantclient-basic-windows.x64-\oci.dll" ... Make sure you have the 32 bits Oracle Client installed. ... Ensure your Code Tester "bit" and the Oracle Client Software "bit" are the same i.e. either both 32-bit or both 64-bit.
Code Tester integrates with the Jenkins CI system to enable the automatic running of Code Tester tests as part of a build. ... You can run one or more individual unit tests, test definitions, or test suites from the CI build.
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