Toad Data Studio offers a combination of well-known Toad functionalities and new capabilities which make it unique in the Toad portfolio.
The Diagram tool offers a visual representation of database relationships as well as the capability of creating new ones. Its drag and drop functionality enables users to simply drag objects to the Diagram pane in order to display all dependencies of the selected object. Users have the option to select a specific level of depth for the visual representation along with different options for arranging objects presented in the Diagram.
Toad’s visual query builder allows users to understand and combine data and form a more complete result set without writing or editing SQL statements. It offers a graphical interface that allows users to quickly interact with their data and analyze it.
The Query Builder also provides the ability to create calculated columns, Unions, functions, to group and sort data as well as to export result sets simply by using the graphical interface.
The Cross-Connection Query Builder can be used to create a query that combines data from multiple, disparate data sources. It allows for heterogeneous queries to be designed by using simple drag and drop workflows. Toad utilizes an enhanced query engine to implement advanced execution processes that are specially designed to improve the performance of cross-connection queries.
The SQL Editor combines a powerful SQL and procedure editor into a single interface. It enables users to create and execute SQL scripts, save the output, and examine the explain plan. It offers customization options and shortcuts to make the editor look and behave according to user preferences.
Commands which are available in the toolbar and context menu allow it to be used in conjunction with other features in the tool to export and profile the output, as well as to visualize and automate queries.
Users are able to write and execute cross-connection queries between different data sources by opening the Cross-Connection SQL Editor and by using fully-qualified names which include the database connection string displayed in the Toad’s Navigation Manager window for each connection.
The Results tab is brought up upon the execution of queries and is divided into five distinct tabs which offer an array of functionalities that can be used to view, edit and analyze both queries and the data they return.
The Result Sets tab displays a data grid for SQL statements or scripts executed via SQL Editor or Query Builder. It offers search and filtering functionality and also allows you to modify the data by enabling Editing mode and entering the changes directly in the grid.
The Message tab shows the details of the execution status for the query or script along with the timestamp, SQL text or error message.
There is also the Explain plan tab that can be used to display the execution plan, while Pivot & Chart and Profiling tabs utilize the capabilities of Toad Pivot Grid and the data profiling feature.
Toad Data Studio offers the ability to manipulate XML and JSON data and to view it in its native format via a specialized Editor which can be brought up from the Data Grid of a result set or the Object Explorer.
This feature enables users to efficiently manage XML and JSON data, allowing them to edit, insert, remove, filter, export, and import XML and JSON data effortlessly.
Toad’s Pivot Grid, much like Pivot Tables in Excel, allows for a data set to be easily summarized and manipulated in order to compare and contrast data values, and quickly derive useful analytics for a variety of business scenarios.
The Pivot Grid panel is a robust data analytics tool with extensive filtering, value, field and exporting settings. Bar charts, graphs and graphics provide visual representation of the analysis and the ability to refresh the pivot grid allows for the latest output to be returned, reflecting the current data from the source database.
Data Profiling allows users to inspect data to assess its content and data quality. It can be used to find duplicates and nulls, to identify anomalies and patterns, and to view statistics about the data. Graphs and charts help in visualizing data quality. Data Profiling can assist in identifying data quality issues prior to ETL processing by allowing the user to drill down to more-detailed information and generate Data Profiling reports.
Toad Data Studio allows you to perform data comparison and synchronization of databases hosted on the same or different data sources, facilitating the capability to update and synchronize data between test and production environments. It enables a number of scripts to be executed against different servers at the same time and offers intuitive mapping options along with object and script filters for fine-tunning the comparison and synchronization.
This feature enables comparison and synchronization of the source schema with single or multiple target schemas using live connections or pre-saved snapshots.
Customizable comparison options which are available provide flexibility in the comparison process.
A results dashboard offers users the ability to manage results: filter, group, and view differences between object scripts, and to exclude objects from synchronization.
The synchronization wizard offers customized scripts, output, and time of execution to manage and finalize synchronization. This feature is currently supported for Oracle, SQL Server, SAP ASE, SQP IQ, SAP SQL Anywhere, and PostgreSQL.
The Import Wizard can be used to import data from a single or multiple files of the same type in a folder, from multiple files in different folders, from a SQL query, or from a SharePoint list. The data can be imported into a new or existing table, and there is also an option to create a new snapshot when importing data to Local Storage, which is Toad’s very own internal database that allows you to store data locally.
The Export wizard provides a single interface to select file formats when exporting tables and views, as well as their dependent objects or databases. This wizard is useful if you need to export the data you are working on to a database neutral format such as SQL statements, an Excel file, or a CSV file.
The Automation Script Designer enables users to create an automation workflow by combining tasks from multiple features available in the tool and to schedule them as tasks in the job management window, which uses the local Windows scheduler. A basic automation script consists of settings, a database\file\system activity and generally an email notification, used to confirm success and distribute reports.
Each script is built using the toolbox activities and script settings. The script activity contains values for error processing, logging level and changing connections from test to production. These activities can also be saved as templates and reused in other automation scripts.
Database developers can now manage version control, covering various object types such as procedures, functions, tables, and views. This feature offers compatibility with diverse data sources which include Oracle, SQL Server, SAP ASE, SAP IQ, and SAP SQL Anywhere as well as compatibility with various Git hosting providers and services such as GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket.
It provides flexible connection options, allowing users to create HTTPS, SSH or local file connections and offers robust local repository support, ensuring an efficient and collaborative development experience.
The Action center tab is the central point of the feature where all the current differences between the Database and repository are presented. It can be used to commit changes, view differences, filter objects, and change the current active branch.
Other capabilities include creating or removing project folders on the repository (during the linking process), creating a new branch, and viewing object or project history.
This feature enables comparison and synchronization of the source schema with single or multiple target schemas.
A new and improved user interface has been introduced with robust filter capabilities and enhanced results summary, designed to provide more intuitive and efficient experience.
Customizable comparison options which are available provide flexibility in the comparison process.
A results dashboard offers users the ability to manage results: filter, group, and view differences between object scripts, and to exclude objects from synchronization.
Supported PostgreSQL versions are 15 and higher.
With the Transpose option, pivot data can be rearranged and prepared for export with just a single click. Seamlessly switching rows and columns within the same pivot grid, users can make data analysis process more efficient:
With the enhanced sorting capabilities in the Pivot grid, data analysts can now precisely organize their data before exporting. The new sorter allows sorting data based on fields present in the Data area, expanding analysis possibilities.
There are two ways to sort data in the Pivot grid:
This enhanced sorting empowers you with complete control over your data layout, enhancing your analyses and reports.
Toad Data Studio introduces a new calculation approach for Total and Grand Total in the Pivot Grid. This additional option allows users to prioritize the summation of calculated fields over the traditional calculation of sums. To ensure a smooth transition, the default calculation for Total and Grand Total columns/rows remains unchanged, preserving backward compatibility:
When exporting the Pivot Grid, chosen settings for Total and Grand Total columns will be reflected, with the exception of ''Excel Pivot'' due to an existing issue in Excel.
Toad Data Studio introducing modern authentication support, enhancing the security of connections to email servers. This update provides users with the flexibility to select between Basic and OAuth authentication methods. The default authenticator remains as Basic, preserving familiarity for users. Opting for OAuth authentication grants access to additional options such as Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret, ensuring a heightened level of security and customization in their email server connections:
In Toad Data Studio, connection changes have been enhanced, resolving issues with additional temporary tabs, and minimizing delays during connection adjustments. The improved functionality ensures a smoother process by deferring the checking of objects in the changed connection until after running a query, resulting in more efficient workflows.
In the Query Builder, users can now choose between ANSI and Teradata native syntax to build queries. This flexibility allows users to select the syntax that aligns with their preferences, and cost savings by reducing query execution times (using the native Teradata syntax).
Both syntaxes seamlessly integrate into the Visualization process, ensuring that downstream steps like pivot, transform, cleanse, and publish work effortlessly with either ANSI or native Teradata SQL syntaxes:
If a Teradata connection is used in the Cross-Connection Query Builder, this feature is not supported.
In this release of Toad Data Studio, Union and Union All operators now can be renamed directly in the Query Builder tab, by using the Rename option from the right-click context menu. This enhancement aims to improve query clarity, particularly in large and complex queries, providing users with a more organized and user-friendly query-building experience:
Toad Data Studio users can now utilize the Proxy option when connecting to Snowflake. The enhanced Advanced tab in the Connection window allows users to seamlessly configure and manage proxy details. Whether choosing HTTPS or a standard proxy, users have the flexibility to customize their Snowflake connections, ensuring a secure and seamless experience:
For optimal feature performance, it is advised to upgrade to Snowflake ODBC version 25.2.12or later.
Toad Data Studio now supports SAP HANA Cloud native connections. This enhancement expands users connectivity options, providing a seamless and efficient experience when working with SAP HANA Cloud databases.
Toad Data Studio introduces enhanced export options for PDF and CSV files based on valuable user feedback. This improvement brings a new level of flexibility and a seamless experience when exporting data.
In Toad Data Studio's Pivot Export, when opting for PDF, users will now encounter an enriched "Export As" window. This window provides a manually editable "File Name and Path" field and an Eclipse button for convenient file location selection. File names can be customized with different suffixes.
CSV Export now brings additional options to ensure a consistent and intuitive export from the Pivot grid:
Toad Data Studio brings enhanced flexibility and new mapping features for Source Control. Users can now map each linked database repository separately, rather than storing all local repository data in one location and moving them all at once.
Changes have been made in the following sections:
Source Control Wizard:
The option to choose the location for the local repository has been added to the Source Control Wizard:
Source Control Wizard displays the default Working Repository path, which can be modified in the General Options menu.
Action Center:
The Action Center toolbar now includes an option to change the location of the local repository:
When clicked, it displays a form with information about the currently open project in the Action Center and the location of the local repository:
Clicking the folder icon allows users to browse for a new location for the local repository or paste a path directly into the path field.
Got a great idea for a new Toad Data Studio feature or enhancement? Share it with the Development Team and the Community by posting it on Idea Pond. Visit Toad Data Studio - Idea Pond where you can submit your ideas. You can also read and vote on the enhancement ideas submitted by other Toad users. |
Remember, you can find blogs, videos, and forums at the Toad Data Studio Community.
Toad offers a number of features to assist you in locating objects. The following table provides guidelines based on typical use cases:
If you know the.... |
Use this... |
Column name, but do not know the table name |
Use Object Search |
String of DDL for an object | |
Dependency for an object |
Uses and Used By tabs in the Database Explorer, and then drill-down to the object from there |
Criteria for excluding objects |
Filter feature in the Object Explorer |
You can view database objects for the current connection with the Object Explorer. This feature is useful for dragging and dropping database objects into an open Editor, Query Builder, or other document window. Right-click the objects in the Object Explorer to access additional features such as multiple tasks and actions.
To open the Object Explorer
Review the following for additional information:
Schema (first field) |
Select the schema you want to view. You can filter the list of schemas that display. See Filter Databases and Objects for more information. |
Object Filter (second field) |
You can quickly set a filter in this field. To do so, enter a name or partial name of an object and press ENTER. Any advanced object filters you set display in this field. You can also perform advanced filtering based on case sensitivity, statistics, or other options. See Filter Databases and Objects for more information. Tip: You can enable an option to filter using regular expressions in Tools | Options | Explorer | General. |
Note: For tables and views, the columns, data types, and comments display at the bottom of this window. |
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