Get a Published Toad Document
With Toad you can edit a Toad document stored in Toad Intelligence Central (TIC) and then re-publish the Toad document back to the same TIC instance. To edit a Toad document stored in TIC, you must have Manage privileges to the object. See Specify Sharing and Manage Privileges for Objects.
You can also copy a Toad document from Intelligence Central and save it locally as a new file, or you can re-publish it as a different TIC object.
Note: This feature is available in the Toad Data Studio Professional edition only and requires access to a Toad Intelligence Central server.
To edit a published Toad document (except Import/Export templates)
In the Object Explorer, select the Toad document and click
, or right-click the document and select Operations | Get File.
- If the Toad document contains connections that are not currently defined in your Connection/Navigation Manager or that require you to enter your credentials, the Connections dialog opens.
- In the Connections dialog, enter your credentials or define a new connection. You can also select a different connection. Click Connect. If the document contains multiple connections that require defining, a separate Connections dialog opens for each connection.
The document opens for editing in a Toad window. Edit the document.
Note: With this action you actually get a temporary copy of the file locally. While you edit it, other users can modify and re-publish over the original file on TIC. You can lock the original file (Operations | Lock Object) to prevent re-publishing.
- When you are finished editing, click Publish File in the Wizard bar. Toad saves your changes and opens the Publishing dialog.
- You can modify the publishing options that are enabled. See Publish to Toad Intelligence Central for option descriptions.
- If you want to publish the document as a new object in TIC, enter a new name.
- If you do not have manage rights to the document, you cannot overwrite the object. You can save it as a new object by entering a new name.
- Click Publish in the dialog to re-publish the Toad document.
To copy a published Toad document (except Import/Export templates)
- In the Object Explorer, select the Toad document and click
, or right-click the document and select Operations | Get File. The document opens in a Toad window.
- Click File | Save File As and select a location in which to save the copy.
Edit/Copy Import and Export Template Files
The procedure to edit (or copy) an Import/Export template differs slightly from other Toad documents. Import/Export templates open in the wizard instead of a Toad window. After editing a template, you must save it as a file and then re-publish. To save a template, use the Save template option within the wizard.
To edit a published Import or Export template
- In the Object Explorer, select the Import/Export template and click
, or right-click the template and select Operations | Get File.
- If the Connections dialog opens, enter credentials or add the connection. You can also select a different connection.
- If the template contains multiple connections that require defining, a separate Connections dialog opens for each connection.
- If the template is an Import template that imports data from a file and the file does not exist, Toad prompts you to select a file.
- If the template uses a Query file and the file is missing, Toad informs you. When you edit the template, select a new Query file.
- The template opens for editing in its corresponding wizard. Make the desired edits to the template.
Save the edited template as a file by selecting the Save template option on the Save Settings as Template page. Then browse to a location. Click Finish to save the edited template and close the wizard.
Note: If you do not select a new location, Toad saves the template to the Temp directory in your Application Data directory.
- To re-publish your edited template, select Tools | Import Export Data | Publish Template.
Then browse to and select the edited template file you saved in the previous step. The Publishing to Intelligence Central dialog opens.
- In the Publishing dialog, overwrite the original object by selecting its server, folder, and name. Also, select Overwrite Existing Object.
- Or you can publish the template as a new object by giving it a new name.
- You can modify the remaining publishing options that are enabled. See Publish to Toad Intelligence Central for option descriptions.
- Click Publish to re-publish the template file.
To copy a published Import/Export template
- In the Object Explorer, select the Import/Export template and click
, or right-click the template and select Operations | Get File.
- If the Connections dialog opens, enter credentials or add/change the connection.
- If the template is an Import template that uses a file for importing data and the file does not exist, Toad prompts you to select a file.
- The template opens in its corresponding wizard. In the Save Settings as Template page, select a file name and location in which to save the copy. Click Finish.
- While editing, you can click File | Save File As at any time to save a copy of the edited Toad document locally.
- You must be granted Manage privileges to a Toad document to edit it.
- You can only see Toad documents that have been shared with you through the object's Sharing (Visibility) option.
- The data is fetched when you open a Toad document (except Toad Editor Files, which save the data from previous executions).
Related Topics
Publish to Toad Intelligence Central
Publish Toad Documents to Intelligence Central