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Toad Data Point 6.4 - User Guide

Introduction Connect Understand Query Report Automate How to configure Toad to use Auth for sending SMTP Emails

Editor Shortcut Keys

You can assign individual shortcut keys in Keyboard options. See Keyboard Options for more information. You can also customize Toad to use the shortcut keys of existing applications such as Toad for Oracle, SQL Navigator, or Query Analyzer in the Configuration Wizard (Tools | Configuration Wizard).

Caution! If you have some global access keys assigned, make sure that Toad shortcut keys do not coincide with them. When using such duplicating shortcut keys in Toad, the third party application commands, assigned globally, will be performed instead of ones assigned by Toad.

Tip: You can also use Auto-replace to specify words which can be used as shortcuts for entering phrases or statements. See Use Auto-Replace in the Editor for more information.

The following table describes the default shortcut keys in Toad.

Frequently Used Functions



Displays the code completion list


Execute current statement


Execute all statements, in order, one at a time


Comments the selected line


Uncomments the selected line


Collapses all code regions


Expands all code regions


Stops script execution




Sets a numbered bookmark at the selected line


Goes to the numbered bookmark




Converts the selected text to lowercase


Converts the selected text to uppercase




Copies the selected text to the clipboard


Cuts the selected text for pasting in the clipboard


Pastes text from the clipboard

Code Completion



Displays code completion list


Selects an item and close the code completion list


Selects an item without closing the code completion list

CTRL+<right arrow>

Expands a node in the code completion list

CTRL+<left arrow>

Collapses a node in the code completion list




Comments the selected line


Uncomments the selected line




Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line


Moves the cursor to the beginning of the file


Moves the cursor to the end of the line


Moves the cursor to the end of the file




Step from cursor


Step into


Step out


Step over


Run to breakpoint


Run to cursor


Set breakpoint


Add watch at cursor




Deletes the selected text (if text is selected); otherwise, deletes the previous character


Deletes text to the beginning of the previous word


Deletes the entire script

Find and Replace



Finds text


Finds the next occurrence of text


Finds the previous occurrence of text


Goes to line number


Performs an incremental search


Performs a reverse incremental search




Indents the selected line


Outdents the selected line




Starts/Stops recording a macro


Plays the recorded macro




Invokes objects search


Describes the object next to the cursor


Toggles between the Editor and Data Grid


Show/hide Results pane


Sends SQL to Query Builder


Recalls the previous SQL statement


Scrolls up the window.


Scrolls down the window

<auto-replace token>+SPACE

Automatically replaces a misspelled word, inserts symbols, and expands text.

Note: You can set autoreplace in Tools | Options | Editor | Autoreplace.


Displays the Code Snippets folder browser

<code snippet shortcut name>+CTRL+SPACE

Inserts the code snippet template


Sets the column value for the current cell to Null in the data grid


Related Topics

About Editing SQL

Insert Code Snippets

About Debugging SQL

View Result Sets

The Result Sets tab displays a data grid for executed SQL statements and scripts that return data.

If you occasionally closed the Results pane, you can restore it by selecting Editor | Windows | Script Results.

Visual Inspection Grid

You can easily review all (or the selected Result sets) in one Result Sets tab. Left-click and hold Shift or Ctrl to select more than one Result sets of your script. Select All results to review all in one tab.

To enable view of all Result Sets in one Tab

  • Check Options | Database | Script results | Enable all results view

Troubleshoot Data

  • If you cannot edit data, click the red icon in the lower left corner of the grid, and then click OK on the window that displays. You do not need to edit fields in this window. See Edit Data in Read-Only Grids for more information.
  • By default, auto commit is enabled and any row changes you make are automatically submitted to the database. You can disable this option in Tools | Options | Environment | Grid.

Tips for Working with Data


Do this...

Pin a result set so it is not overwritten by a subsequent query in the Editor or Query Builder.

Click the push pin beside the result set:

Set the value of a cell to null.


Toggle between the Editor and Data Grid.

Press F6.

Add column or group summary values

Right-click the data and select Show | Summary Footer Panel. Then, right-click the Summary Footer Panel below the column you want to add a summary total to and select an option.

If you have grouped columns using the Grouping panel (Show | Group Panel), you can also add a summary total to grouped records.

Apply a summary function to the data (Sum, Min, Max, Count, Avg).

Right-click below the column you want to apply the summary function (but above the Navigation toolbar) and select an option.

Show or hide columns of data. See Show or Hide Data for more information.

Right-click a column heading in the data grid and select Column Chooser.

Display data in a report, pivot grid, or chart.

Right-click the data and select Send To |<option>.

Compare differences between two data sets. See Compare Differences in Data for more information.

Right-click the data and select Compare To.

Display the data in a grid or card view; grid view is useful for viewing summary information at a glance; card view is useful for viewing information in greater detail.

Right-click a record and select Show |Grid View or Card View.

View multi-line text in the data grid as one-line text separated by spaces.

Right-click the data and select Show | Multi-line Text as One-line. When the option is cleared, only the first line of the multi-line text is shown. To see the full text hover a mouse over a data grid or expand it.


Related Topics

View Execution Log Messages 

Generate Explain Plans 

Filter Data 

Compare Differences in Data

You can compare result sets from the current editor or a different editor in the Database Explorer's Data tab or the editor's Result Sets without having to save one of the sets to a file.


  • If you want to synchronize data, use Data Compare instead of the Data Diff Viewer.  
  • You cannot modify files in the Diff Viewer at this time.

To compare differences in data

  1. Right-click data in the Editor's result set or Database Explorer's Data tab and select Compare To | Set_number.

    You can also save a result set and later use it as a historical comparison.

  2. Review the differences.


    • To switch the contents of the left pane to the right pane, and the contents of the right pane to the left, click .
    • You can also open files to compare by clicking beside the drop-down list at the top of each pane.
    •  You can show or hide tables that contain equal records, different records, etc., at any time using the toolbar.


Related Topics

Export Data with One Click Export

Use One Click Export to quickly export data to an Excel report. You can also export data and include a linked query in the file. A linked query lets you create a "live" Excel report that can be refreshed dynamically. Because a linked query contains the underlying SQL for a report, each time you refresh the report the query executes and retrieves the latest data. The dynamic nature of linked query reports makes them ideal for distribution to users who need to see changes to data on demand without waiting for new static reports to be distributed.

Click here to view a video of this feature.


  • Before you can export to Excel, the Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs) for your version of Excel must be installed. Typically, the PIAs are installed automatically when you install Microsoft Office.

  • Use the Export wizard if you need to specify column delimiters and advanced field options when exporting data. See Export Data with the Export Wizard for more information.

To export data in one click

  1. Select the range of data to export or click any row in a data grid to export all data.

  2. Right-click the selected range or data grid and select Quick Export.
  3. Select an export option. Review the following for additional information:




    Excel File

    Export data to an Excel file. The file is automatically saved under a default name in the default export folder.

    CSV File

    Export data to a CSV file (comma separated value file). The file is automatically saved under a default name in the default export folder.

    HTML File

    Export data to an HTML file. The file is automatically saved under a default name in the default export folder.

    Excel Instance

    Export data to an Excel instance. Data is copied to a clipboard, Excel is launched, and a worksheet is populated with data. You can save the worksheet under a name and folder you specify or save it in the default export folder.

    Excel Instance at active cell

    Export data to an active cell in Excel. First open Excel and select a cell. Then select the Excel Instance at active cell option.  

    Excel Pivot Table

    Export data to an Excel pivot grid report. See the Excel documentation for information on creating a Pivot Table report with external data.

    Excel Pivot Table at active cell

    Export data to an active cell for an Excel Pivot Table report. First open Excel and select a cell. Then select the Excel Pivot Table at active cell option.  

    Excel Linked Query

    Export the underlying query for data to Excel.

    Excel Linked Query at active cell

    Export the underlying query for data to an active cell in Excel. First open Excel and select a cell. Then select the Excel Linked Query at active cell option.  

    Excel Linked Query with pivot table

    Export the underlying query for data to an Excel Pivot Table report. See the Excel documentation for information on creating a pivot grid report with external data.

    Excel Linked Query at active cell with pivot table

    Export the underlying query for data to an active cell for an Excel Pivot Table report. First open Excel and select a cell. Then select the Excel Linked Query at active cell with pivot table option.  

    Excel Column Chart Export data to an Excel chart instance. Data is copied to the clipboard, Excel is launched, and a chart is created with the data. You can then modify the chart's design and save the Excel file.

    Tip: To refresh data in a linked query report, click in Excel's External Data toolbar. This executes the underlying query for the report. See Share Excel Linked Queries for more information about creating and using linked queries.

Note: If the window containing data does not have the focus when you select a One Click Export option, the following message displays: "Export did not find any results sets to process."


  • To specify a default export folder, go to Tools | Options | Environment | Export.
  • To always open a Save File dialog when exporting using One Click Export, go to Tools | Options | Environment | Export and select the option. This allows you to always customize the file name.


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Related Documents
Toad Data Point - 6.4
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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