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Toad Data Point 6.1 - Release Notes

Publish to Toad Intelligence Central

Publish to Toad Intelligence Central

Use the Publish to Intelligence Central dialog to publish data, Automation scripts, and Toad files to a Toad Intelligence Central server. Share data with others by publishing views, snapshots, and datasets. You can also share Automation scripts and Toad files for others to copy and/or modify.

To publish generic files, such as Excel files, see Publish Generic Files to TIC.

To publish misc resources, such as database connections or URLs, see Publish Other Toad Resources.

For additional information, see the following:

For a video demonstration of this feature, please see Publishing to Intelligence Central.

Note: This feature is available in the Toad Data Point Professional edition only and requires access to a Toad Intelligence Central server.

To Publish to Intelligence Central

  1. To publish data to Intelligence Central, use one of the following methods:
    • In the Object Explorer, right-click a table or view and select Publish.
    • In the Editor, right-click a SQL statement and select Publish.
    • In the Query Builder, right-click a SQL statement and select Publish.
    • From a data grid, right-click in the data grid and select Send To | Publish Data.
    • Select the Publish to Intelligence Central button in the main toolbar. The Pick a Source Dialog
  2. To publish a Toad document, open the document in Toad and click Publish File in the Wizard bar.
  3. In the Publish to Intelligence Central dialog, specify publishing options. Review the following for additional information:

    Publishing Page/Options Option Description
    Destination Options  

    Publish to Server

    Select a Toad Intelligence Central server connection as the publishing destination.

    Click to review the connection properties for the selected TIC connection.

    Note: If publishing a view, snapshot, or dataset, the destination server must be licensed for Data Connectivity.

    Destination Folder

    Select the folder where you want to store the published object, or create a new folder.

    • To create a new folder, click the drop-down arrow and then click New Folder or New Secured Folder. The availability of these actions depends on the parent folder selected and the server configuration. Folders in Intelligence Central

    You must have publish privileges to a secured folder to publish to it.

    You must have manage privileges to a secured folder to create a subfolder.

    (Optional) Select a destination database. This feature is provided for third-party applications that access the underlying Intelligence Central databases directly. Destination Database in Toad Intelligence Central

    • To select or create a database, click . Select an existing database or create a new one.
    Object Options  

    Publish Type

    Select the type of object you want to publish. If you are publishing a script or Toad document, the type is automatically selected.

    Note: Data originating from an Excel file, Local Storage, or an Access database can only be published as a dataset. Publishing from Excel or Local Storage


    Create a name to display in the Object Explorer. For rules regarding duplicate names, see Rules for Duplicate Object Names.

    Notes: Only alpha and numeric characters and the underscore (_) are permitted in object names. A name cannot begin with an underscore.

    Publish Detail—(Dimensional View as Dataset only) Click the link to select which Dimensional Views to publish and to specify dataset names.

    Overwrite Existing Object—Select to overwrite an existing object with the same name. Select this option when re-publishing after editing a script or Toad document.

    Append Data to Existing Object—Select to append data to an existing dataset.


    (Optional) Enter an object description. The description displays in the Information tab of the Database Explorer.


    (Optional) Add tags to use for filtering in the Object Explorer. Tags also display in the Information tab of the Database Explorer.

    1. Click Add Tag to add a tag. Then enter a new tag or click the drop-down arrow to select from existing tags.
    2. Press the Tab key to add additional tags.

    Click the link to modify sharing (visibility) options. Review the following based on the folder to which you are publishing:

    To a new or existing non-secured folder—Specify object sharing options. See Specify Sharing and Manage Privileges for Objects for a description of sharing options and manage privileges.

    To an existing secured folder—If you do not have Manage privileges, sharing options are disabled. The object inherits the folder's sharing and manage privileges.

    To a new secured folder—The options you specify are applied to the folder and the object. Select the users to share, manage, and publish. See Secured Folders for more information.

    To save your changes, click Apply or .

    To revert to the default settings, click Reset.

    Indexing Options

    (Dataset and Snapshot only)

    Click the link to create an index.

    Note: If you take no action, no columns are indexed.

    Create/Drop Index for a TIC Object

    To save your changes, click Apply or .

    To revert to the default settings, click Reset.


    (View, Snapshot, Script, and Toad file only)

    For a Snapshot or View

    Click the link to view or change authentication keys, or to enter a connection password.

    By default, Toad creates an Authentication key for the object and uses your user name and password to the remote data source (which is gathered from the connection used to publish the object).

    (View only) For a view, you can change the personal Authentication key to a shared Authentication key. Click the link to open the Authentication Settings page. Then do the following:

    1. Enter the user name and password (of an existing account) to be used as the shared credentials.
    2. Select Share authentication. This permits all TIC users to access this data source, even those without a personal login to the remote source.
    3. ( only) If you are creating an authentication key for a data source using a security token, you must enter the token. Create Salesforce Connections

    Note: For cross-connection queries, you can specify a personal Authentication key or a shared Authentication key for each data source separately.

    User Authentication in Intelligence Central

    For an Automation Script or a Toad File

    Click the link to view the connection information for all connections in the script or file, or to enter a connection password.

    • If you did not save the connection password in the Connection Properties dialog, enter the password now.
    • If you did save the connection password, Toad automatically enters it.

    To save your changes, click Apply or .

    To revert to the default settings, click Reset.


    (View and Script only)

    Click Default values to specify a default value for any variable in the SQL or Automation script.

    Note: If you take no action, Toad uses existing (cached) values you specified in the Bind Variables dialog or in the script. If no values exist, you must specify before publishing.

    Variables in Views/Scripts and Publishing to Intelligence Central

    Refresh Data

    (Snapshot only)

    Click the link to schedule the initial snapshot creation and the refresh frequency.

    Note: If you take no action, the snapshot is populated immediately.

    • Create Initial Snapshot—Specify when to initially populate the snapshot with data.
    • Schedule Recurring Refresh—Specify a frequency at which Toad will automatically refresh the snapshot.

    Snapshots in TIC

    To save your changes, click Apply or .

    To revert to the default settings, click Reset.


    (Script only)

    Click the link to schedule script execution or to run the script immediately.

    Test run the script after it is published—Select to run the script once to test the database connections and the links to input files.

    Note: It is recommended that you test run your script when publishing to uncover any issues such as missing input files or connections that are not properly set up on the TIC server.

    Publish Automation Scripts to Intelligence Central

    To save your changes, click Apply or .

    To revert to the default settings, click Reset.

    Run Details

    (Script only)

    Click the link to specify a user account to run the script.

    • Specify user to execute automation script—Select to specify a Windows user account.
    • Use default user to execute automation script—Select to use the default account—the account under which the Toad Intelligence Central App Server is currently running.

    Publish Automation Scripts to Intelligence Central

    Preview SQL Click the link to preview the SQL statement.
    Send email notification to shared users

    Select to send a notification email to each user you specified on the Sharing settings page. After you publish the object, the email is generated and opens for you to review, edit, and send.

    View Your Intelligence Central Notifications about all types of notifications.

    Important: To undo changes, click Reset. Then click to return to the Summary page.

  4. Click Publish to publish the object.

    The dialog closes and the publishing process runs in the background.

  5. After the object publishes successfully, a confirmation window displays and includes a link to the newly-published object. Click the link to open the object in the Database Explorer (Viewer).

    Note: In the event of an error during publishing, use the error message and the troubleshooting section to troubleshoot, or follow the instructions displayed in the error message.

Rules for Duplicate Object Names

Views, snapshots, and datasets: No two data objects can have the same name within the same folder, regardless of object type: view, snapshot, or dataset.

Toad documents: The name must be unique within a folder per Toad document type. For example, no two ER Diagrams in the same folder can have the same name, but an ER Diagram and a Query Builder file in the same folder can have the same name.

Automation scripts: A script name must be unique among scripts. No two scripts can have the same name within an Intelligence Central instance.

Compatibility with Intelligence Central Versions

  • Publishing Automation scripts is supported in Toad Intelligence Central 2.2 or later.
  • Publishing Toad documents and generic files is supported in Toad Intelligence Central 2.3 or later.


  • To publish without executing a query, right-click inside the Editor window or Query Builder Query pane containing the query and select Publish.
  • You can automate the task of publishing data to Intelligence Central as a dataset by using the Execute Script activity in Automation. Use Database Automation Activities
  • You can automate the task of refreshing snapshots in Intelligence Central by using the Refresh Snapshot activity in Automation. Use Database Automation Activities


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