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SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE 3.9 - Installation Guide

SQL Repository Tutorial

The SQL Repository stores the SQL statements that are used in the analysis of database performance. These may be SQL statements that you have identified as critical to the performance of your database application.

Add SQL to the SQL Repository

  1. Click image\B_SQLRepository.gif to open the SQL Repository window. If no SQL exists in the SQL Repository, then the Add SQL wizard displays automatically. Otherwise, you can open the Add SQL wizard by clicking image\B_AddSQL.gif.

  2. In the Add SQL wizard enter the SQL text in the SQL Information page.

The SQL syntax is checked and the query plan retrieved before adding a new node to the SQL tree view with the SQL name. Each SQL statement added to the SQL Repository contains a query plan, SQL classification type (Simple, Complex or Problematic) and the current connection information (login name, server name, database and user). The query plan stored with the SQL statement is important as it indicates the current performance of the SQL.


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